The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 204: I am the man who wants to be the great man.

The death of Ganyu and Lin Ritian exceeded the expectations of all the warriors present. Most of their warriors believed that the young genius from heaven was even more powerful. Even if a small number of warriors felt that Lin Ritian and Qianyu would lose, they did not expect Lin Ritian and Qianyu will be killed.

Being defeated and killed is definitely two concepts, especially the young geniuses from the big forces in the heavens, all with cards, even if the young geniuses from heaven are fighting, they are not killing each other, at most It’s just a win.

Lingdao and Aolong teamed up to kill Lin Ritian and Qianyu with their heart and mind. As long as there were some mistakes in the middle, they could not succeed, and maybe even catch up with their own lives. It is naturally extremely powerful for the top leaders of the major forces to give those young geniuses a chance to compete for one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo. There is no problem at all killing Lingdao and Aolong.

"Don't you say that we really underestimated the lower bounds of the indigenous people? The two lower-level aborigines in the middle of the middle of the sky and in the middle of the heavens, can kill the two heavenly geniuses in the early days of the heavens."

"Even if it was me, I was not sure about killing them in the two warriors who were in front of the heavens. As a result, the two of them were killed by the lower arms."

A group of young geniuses from heaven are feeling the deep pressure. Ganyu and Lin Ritian are not really enchanting, but they are also the geniuses of the big forces. Most of them are Qianyu and Lin Ritian. At the level, Lingdao and Aolong can kill Yuyu and Lin Ritian, and they naturally have to be on guard.

If they were prepared, it would be difficult for Lingdao and Aolong to kill them. Lin Ritian and Ganyu were too unreasonable. First, they underestimated the proud dragon. Moreover, they did not expect that Lingdao was injured. Installed, Lingdao and Luo Yongmeng battle, everyone sees it, Ganyu and Lin Ritian naturally think that Lingdao has really been hit hard, and the innate immortality is not so good.

After seeing the strength of Lingdao and Aolong, even if the young genius of the heavens in the field can no longer look down on the lower martial arts, they have to admit that Lingdao and Aolong are enough to compete with them. Lingdao and Aolong have no innocence with them. They naturally don't have to fight with Lingdao and Aolong.

However, the sly color of the young man wearing a black shirt is obviously to start with Ling Dao and Ao Long. He is just a person, even though Ling Dao and Ao Long have shown that they can kill the young world. The strength of genius can not shake his determination to deal with Lingdao.

"Who is this person?"

What really cares for the young geniuses in the sky is that the young man in the black shirt is still the lower bounds. The world of the sword **** is only one world. Compared with the heavens, the origin is incomplete, the rules are not complete, and the heavenly warriors The breath that is emitted is not the same as that of the lower warriors.

"The devil is the master."

In fact, those young geniuses in the heavens have guessed wrong. The magic heaven master is not a lower-level indigenous. In the ancient times, the magic heaven master was in heaven, and it was already in all directions. However, he used the method of Nirvana to seal himself and live to the present. The Lord of the Dala Dynasty, the **** sacrifice of the Lord, awakened the Lord of the Magic.

The method of Nirvana is dangerous. The magic heaven master can wake up. It is also a component of luck. If luck is not good, then there is no possibility of waking up. Even so, there are still many strong people who sealed themselves in the ancient times. In order to wait for the real big time to come.

Whether it is a young genius in the face of heaven, or an older generation of military lords in the central territory, Lingdao is sure to cope, even if it is not, there should be no big problem in self-protection, but the magic heaven is different, even if he has previous life memories. His martial arts experience is in front of the Taoist, and is also a pediatrics.

Lingdao is not even in the past, but even Tianzun, there is a long way to go from the Taoist. The main killing of the gods, that is, the matter of moving fingers, the gap is too big, even if the magic heaven master loses the previous cultivation, Re-cultivation is also a lot less detour than other warriors.

"Little guy, you really missed my expectations, faster than I grew up."

The magical heaven-speaker said that it is Lingdao. He does not know him. He uses his eyesight, the achievements of Aolong and Lingdao, and it is nothing. He cares about Lingdao and is also ready to work on Lingdao. For the sake of it is quite ridiculous.

It’s the ridiculousness of the immortality. It’s the practice of the ancient times. The most important thing is that the magic heaven master once knew a strong person who cultivated the wild and singularly, and even even played with the person. Because of this, the first time I saw Lingdao. He knew that Lingdao’s cultivation was quite ridiculous.

Whether it is from ancient times to the present, or from a million-dollar world, it is quite ridiculous that the power of the genius is enough to be at the forefront. Even if it is quite ridiculous, the singularity is flawed, and the cultivation of the last peerless powerhouse has all had big problems. Change the status of the wild and immortal.

"You actually practiced in the early days of the heavens."

At the beginning, the magical Taoist had just awakened, and it was better than Lingdao. Shot, Lingdao can also imagine the power of the magic heaven.

"Yes, you don't have a chance of winning. In fact, I have no hatred with you. The mistake is that you have practiced the wrong way. Your death is doomed, but it is your pleasure to die in my hands. But to be a man of the Great."

Magic Heaven was the Taoist in the Taikoo period. It was only a step away from the Great Emperor. Now he wakes up from Nirvana, repairs it as a loss, and cultivates from the beginning. Naturally, he goes to the emperor to go to the emperor. He was born in the ancient times. There is a posture of emperor, he is a enchanting.

"Oh... haha..."

Just after the Lord of the Magic had just finished speaking, the proud dragon was laughing. The voice of the magic heaven was thick, the domineering side leaked, and his face was filled with invincible self-confidence. Others were shocked by the momentum of the magic heaven. They really don't know why the proud dragon will laugh.

"I didn't expect you to have this hobby. If the emperor you met is a man, you are sure that you really did his man."

As a result of the explanation, the heavy atmosphere in the original scene has changed in an instant. Some warriors endure smiles, some warriors face strange, some warriors turn their eyes straight, and the magic heaven masters are even angry with their noses. Well, in a word, it was actually interpreted by the proud dragon into this way.

"Look at you as a junior, I will not kill you, death is punishable, and living crimes cannot escape."

The magic heaven master took a look at the proud dragon, and then he raised his right hand sharply and waved his hand to the proud dragon. His realm is lower than that of the proud dragon, but his martial arts experience is enough to smash the dragon eight streets, no matter The understanding of the source, or the understanding of martial arts, or the understanding of the practice, the proud dragon is not at all comparable to him.

It seems simple and simple, simple, atmospheric, and steady, but it contains all kinds of changes. It is impossible for the proud dragon to avoid the palm of the magic heaven, even if the dragon is changing direction in the blink of an eye. It has no effect.

"Be careful."

Lingdao hurriedly reminded the proud dragon, anyway, the magic heaven master only wants to punish the proud dragon, not to kill the proud dragon, he naturally does not mean to play, alone and the magic heaven master, it has great benefits to the proud dragon, can and There are not many opportunities for the strong people like Magic Heaven.


Even if Lingdao does not remind, Aolong can also feel the power of the magic heaven master, that palm is extremely solid, whether it is infuriating or the source, there is no trace of any leakage, all attacks of the magic heaven master are It is embedded in the palm of your hand.

The proud dragon is a sword repair, and the dragon sword is his flying sword. Now the dragon sword is divided into eight in an instant, and constitutes a huge sword array, a gossip sword array, and each sword is a dragon sword. In a fixed position, the eight swords are the same, the eight swords are the same, the eight swords are the same as the stabs, the eight swords are the same, and the eight swords are the same.


The magic heaven master did not think about how to break the gossip swords. For him, such thinking, there is no need at all, he just casually shot on a dragon sword, replaced by other warriors, rashly attacked One of them is a dragon sword, and it is likely to be defeated.

But the magic heaven master is not afraid, even if he attacks the dragon sword, it can burst out the strongest power of the gossip sword, and the gossip sword can not hurt him. When his hand touches one of the dragon swords, the whole The Eight Diagrams swordsmanship seems to have come alive.

The eight-handed dragon sword blooms sharply, as if it is to smash the opponent into countless pieces. However, the magic heaven master just took an understatement and took one of the dragon swords. The other seven swords were stagnant at the same time. Among them, immediately followed by a soft bang, the eight-handed dragon sword was simultaneously dropped out.


At the same time that the Eight Diagrams Swordsman was forcibly broken, the Aurora was a big mouth of hemoptysis. The strength of the Magic Heaven Master was too strong. Even now, the Aaron did not understand how he failed. After the Eight Diagrams Swords were broken, It is a palm of the hand, bombarded on the chest of the proud dragon.

The proud dragon retreats again and again, and the two palms are shot again and again. Thousands of swords are attacked on the palm of the hand, but they are annihilated in an instant, and the infuriating infuriating, turned into a mountain, but unfortunately smashed by the palm of the hand, In the end, the Aurora was still hit by the palm of the hand, and the whole person flew out like a cannonball.

"It's too strong."

The strength of the proud dragon, the military in the presence are all seen, but the power of the magic heaven master is far beyond their imagination. In front of the magic heaven, the proud dragon is like a child who just learned to walk, they both Strength is not at all a level.

"White tiger kills the sword."

First, it is strong, even if there is no chance of winning, Ling Dao must also be shot. If there is no courage to pull the sword, then he will repair what sword, repair what Wu, repair what.

(PS: Last night was equal to overnight. Today's state is too bad. There is still a chapter waiting for it. The visual inspection is around 1 o'clock...)

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