The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 206: Heavenly Demon

The Magic Heaven Master and the Flash Ear are not actually the lower bounds of the indigenous people. One is the Taoist master of the ancient times, and the other is the heavenly strongman more than 10,000 years ago. They just lost all their cultivation and cultivated from scratch. The breath is naturally the same as that of the lower warriors.

The warriors dispatched by various forces in the heavens are very young. Naturally, it is impossible to know the flash, and the heavens are so big. After all, the people who know the flash are a minority. What's more, more than 10,000 years have happened. Those who know the flash of the ear are either dead or extremely high.

"Little guy, you are very good, but unfortunately, it is still not my opponent."

In the eyes of the Lord of the Magic, a slight appreciation of the color, followed by a sudden rise of the right hand, shot to the seven emotions, just a palm, it is an unparalleled power, even if it is seven emotions, Broken under his palm, and finally turned into nothingness.

His right palm didn't touch the flash ear at all, and the flashing ear flew out, fierce punching, rushing into the body of the flashing ear, making the flash ear dirty, the magic heaven master did not kill the flash The intention of the ear is just to hurt the ear.

"I want to kill him, it has nothing to do with you. If you want to help him revenge, you can find me later."

There is no opponent in the martial arts. It is very lonely and very lonely. Whether it is the proud dragon or the flashing ear, the magic heaven master is appreciative. Although the current proud dragon is not good, the magic heaven master can see the proud dragon. Potential, if the proud dragon can tap its own potential, in the future is qualified to be his opponent.

The practice of flashing ears is too much to forget the great magic. He uses his emotions to deepen. Once he forgets his feelings, his exercises will have a qualitative leap. At that time, his strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, even if he is a magician. All must be dealt with conscientiously. The deeper the feelings are, the more they will be forgotten.

"He is my ten swordsmanship, you can't kill him."

It is not easy for the Nine Great Laws to find a warrior with a high degree of understanding and low realm. Naturally, it cannot be killed by the magic heaven. The young geniuses in the heavens are many, but their realm is higher than the Lingdao. The most important Yes, Lingdao cultivated the ancient heaven and earth.

Whether it is the young geniuses from the heavens, or the flashing ears, the magic heavens, the proud dragons, etc., they have not let the ancient heavens and the holy lotuses replace the original exercises. Only the Lingdao is different, he already has half body, completely The cultivation of the ancient heavens and the holy lotus.

Even if they are the guardian of the Tianjian League, the combat power is not as good as the magic heaven. Fortunately, they have nine people. As long as they join hands, they should be able to block the magic heaven. After all, here is the heavenly sword, they can show the fighting power. To be far beyond their own strength.

"You are sure to stop me."

Flash ear and proud dragon, the magic heaven master does not kill, does not mean that he will not kill, on the contrary, he can become a Taoist, killing people like numbness, the warrior who died under his hand, there are not millions, there are hundreds of thousands, nine Da Dafa is not qualified to be his opponent now and in the future. If the Nine Laws of Protection are to be done with him, he naturally does not mind killing.

"All of us come to the first floor, all for the inheritance of the demon emperor. What is the use of killing you now?"

Da Dafa is strong and calm, saying that in the face of the magic heaven master, it is impossible to say that it is not nervous. If the magic heaven master is crazy, even if it is a big law, it is not sure to keep his life, don’t look at the magic heaven. Only the early days of the heavens, but his combat power, even if compared with any of the nine guardian laws, is only strong and weak.

"Block me, die, you will join hands, not my opponent."

The Lord of the Magic Road roared, and the infinite temper was rolling. The void around it seemed to solidify. If there was no ridiculousness, he was very interested in the inheritance of the Emperor. After all, he was also a demon, but the Emperor was a sword. He is not, quite ridiculous, Xian Jin is obviously more suitable for him.

"If you add this seat."

A celestial person from the heavens and the martial arts came out of the crowd. Even though he had already seen the power of the celestial ancestors, he was not afraid. The young geniuses of the heavens were all changed, because the heavenly man’s martial arts were actually From heaven.

One of the top ten soldiers of Taikoo is about to be born, and all the forces are very tacit. They are all sent to the lower bounds of the heavenly warriors. Since the young geniuses of the heavens have been derailed for a period of time, many people have already made breakthroughs in the early days of the heavens. .

In a short period of time, it is too difficult or even impossible to rise from the heavens to the peaks of the heavens and the humans. The facts are placed in front of everyone. The one who came out from heaven is the day. The peak of the human world.


Others don't know the heavenly person who is in the peak of the martial arts. Lingdao knows it. It was the sacred scorpion that he had seen in the forbidden place in Tianlong. After the re-cultivation, the sorcerer was not as violent as before, and his temper has already converged.

The magic sky used to be the lord. The stronger the strength, the stronger the strength, the stronger the strength. He has seen the great emperor and naturally understands how strong the emperor is, even if he goes all out, even super level, it is also rooted. Not the opponent of the Great Emperor, the more you stand tall, the more you have to remain awe.

Chaotian is different. In order to cultivate the ecstasy, he dares to kill himself into the Tianluo domain. He is a daring person. His character is arrogant. It seems that he is only in his twenties, and the three blood lines in his eyebrows are even more embarrassing. Incomparably, even if he talks to the Taoist Taoist, he is self-proclaimed and arrogant.

"This seat, calling myself in front of me, is ridiculous."

The magic heaven master did not go to see the nine guardians, but the palm of his hand as a knife, smashing toward the sky, with his flesh, even if it was just a hand knife, it was sharper than the real best sword, and the arrogance of the sky caused him. The dissatisfaction, he did not think about it, it is shot.

Where the hand knife passed, the void was opened, and a wide crack, from the place where the magic heaven master was, spread all the way to the side of the heavenly scorpion, and the heavenly scorpion was already the peak of the heavens and the earth, and the magic heaven master would naturally not be merciful. If the lord of the heavens can't even pick up a magical Taoist lord, then the dying of the heavens will die, and the lord of heaven will not care.

"This seat is so self-proclaimed, how are you waiting?"

Chaotian’s right fist clenched, and the power of the blood flow gathered on his fist. He saw the big crack in the void and came to him. He jerked his right arm and banged it, bloody, full of life. The smell of the atmosphere filled the entire battlefield.

"The Devil."

It is worthy of being the master of the ancient times. The Chaotian singer only made a punch. The lord of the heavens saw the practice of practicing the sacred sacred sacredness, and the sacred magical demon, which was also the ecstasy of the world. Created by the Emperor of Heaven.

Like the demon emperor, the devil is also a demon. So far, not many people know what the body of the demon **** is. Most of the warriors only know that the body of the demon **** is very ordinary, there is no strong body, not powerful. The will, there is no extraordinary talent.

However, the Heavenly Emperor was shocked and brilliant, created the Devil of the Devil, constantly absorbed the blood of other beasts, and refining it for his own use. His blood was getting stronger and stronger, and later, even the wilderness Compared with the hegemonic race of the period, it is not weak at all.

It is because of the cultivation of the devils, the scorpio only kills the Tian Yao domain, only for the refining of the blood of more fierce beasts, he killed the real dragon, he hunted the phoenix, he played the Peng Peng, in his heart, fundamentally There is nothing to be afraid of, he is extremely sensitive to the atmosphere of the demon, even if the magical Taoist ancestors began to cultivate from scratch, he knows that the celestial ancestors are demon.

When the scorpion slammed into the crack of the void, it was to let it collapse. His body continued to advance. After the moment, he was already at the side of the sorcerer. He did not hesitate and directly slammed the past. The power broke out in an instant.

"It's good."

The right hand palm of the magic heaven master is constantly getting bigger, just like a scorpio, and the cover is pressed down. The martial art experience of the celestial scorpion is still a lot worse than the magic heaven master. If he and the magic heaven master The realm is not the opponent of the magic heaven.

Fortunately, Chaotian Temple is already the peak of the heavens and the human world. It is three times higher than the Magic Heaven Taoist. It is precisely because of the superiority in the realm that the Chaotian scorpion can be evenly matched with the Magic Heaven Taoist. As a result, the Magic Heaven Master does not Will accept, will not accept it.

In the eyes of the magician Taoist, he could not cope with a junior in the district. He simply insulted his prestige. In the view of Chaotian, he understood that there were three small realms higher than the magic heaven, and even the magic heavens were It’s hard to beat, it’s unacceptable.


The space in which they are located is constantly shattering, their power is spreading, and the circle of emptiness is swaying in the distance, whether it is the lord of heaven or the sky, it is at the forefront of the field. The strong, the two of them played against each other, the power of the explosion, the nature is extremely amazing.

"They are too strong. If you encounter either of them in the arena, I am afraid I am not qualified to stand here."

"How can there be such a perverted martial arts in the lower bounds? Even if we join hands, I am afraid I will not be able to win him."

The performance of the magic heaven master, once and for all refreshed the young geniuses of the heavens to the world of the sword god, fortunately, there is a slap in the face, can fight the magic heaven and the main fight, the magic heaven is the lower bounds of the indigenous, the representative of the heavens It is a martial arts martial art. If the celestial warriors can't beat the lower bounds, they can't say it.

"It’s useless, I want to kill him, even if you are, you can’t stop it.”

The Lord of the Magic Heaven sees that he can't kill the scorpio, but he simply ignores the sacred scorpion and walks toward Lingdao. Lingdao is only in the middle of the heavens. It is lower than the realm of the lord, and wants to kill Ling. Tao, nature is not a difficult thing, the magic heaven master set his hand as a knife, and bowed toward Lingdao.

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