The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 207: Nine-layer stone monument

In a short period of time, the Lord of the Magic and the Heavenly Heavens could not tell the difference. The Magic Heaven Master did not want to waste time on the Chaotian Temple. Therefore, he did not go to the Chaotian Temple, but attacked Lingdao, even It’s just a knife, it’s enough to kill the Heavenly Man’s martial artists, not to mention Lingdao’s mid-term warrior.

"Tianjian style."

The strength of the magic heaven master, Ling Dao is clear, even if it is just a knife, it is not something he can resist. Therefore, Ling Dao took out the Xiaoyao sword without hesitation. He grabbed the man Wang Jian in his right hand and held the left hand in his left hand. The sword, the whole body of the heart showed the sword style.

It is still a sword-like style, but it is not the same as the previous Tianjian style. His right half of the body is running wildly, and the display of the sword-like style, the majestic atmosphere, the hegemony, the violent power, make this The sword is like a squatting out.

His left half of the body is running the ancient heavenly holy lotus, showing the sword-like style, light and smart, and sharp, even for him, it is very simple to use one heart and two, and can run two exercises at the same time. Not so easy.

Both hands use two kinds of swords, and Lingdao can do it long ago. However, it is very difficult to have two exercises, one body and two exercises. In particular, it is extremely powerful, whether it is wild, or the ancient heaven and earth. The emperor, who wants to practice these two exercises at the same time, in the end, Lingdao can only be exploded.

Even now, Ling Dao has felt uncomfortable. After all, his ancient heaven and earth sacred lotus has been progressing. At the beginning, his ancient heaven and earth sacred lotus is far less than the ridiculous sacred, but now, the ancient world The lotus has become much stronger than before.

What's more, Lingdao has already condensed the purple lotus mark. His ancient heaven and earth sacred lotuses have improved faster than before. One mountain can't accommodate two tigers. Lingdao's body can't accommodate two emperors, and they are all extremely powerful. .

The man Wang Jian first squatted on the hand knife of the magic heaven master, the fire tree silver flower, the percussion sound is like thunder, the magic heaven master disdainfully laughed, and with the strength of Lingdao, using the best sword, it is impossible to hurt him. Even if Lingdao tried his best, there was no change.

Then, Lingdao’s left-handed sword, which was held by the left hand, was stabbed in the past. The sharpest place in the sword is the sword tip. The magic heaven master is so confident, so the meaning is the opportunity of Lingdao. When the thorns of the Lord of Heaven are in the palm of the hand, the face of the sorcerer has changed.


Even if the magic heaven master loses his previous cultivation, the flesh is also terrible. Even so, the Xiaoyao sword is like a tofu, piercing the palm of the magic heaven, blood, black blood, sliding down the Xiaoyao sword. Until now, the Lord of the Sky has bleed for the first time.

"I was actually hurt, it was a good sword, but unfortunately I am not a sword."

The sword that can stab the main body of the demon heaven is not a universal product. If the magic heaven master is a sword repair, it must be robbed of Lingdao’s Xiaoyao sword. Unfortunately, he is not a sword repair. Naturally, there is not much interest in the sword. He wants to cultivate. It’s quite ridiculous, not the ancient heaven and earth.

"You can't kill me. When my life is threatened, the Taoist imprint will recover. At that time, it will only be you, you believe."

Just as the Magic Heaven Master was still ready to continue to shoot, Lingdao slowly spoke. If Lingdao said this at the beginning, the Magic Heaven Master would not necessarily be scrupulous, but now, there is a dynasty that is evenly matched with the Magic Heaven Taoist. Scorpio, there are nine big guards, as well as the proud dragon and flash, plus Lingdao himself, is also a very strong combat.

It’s not easy for the Lord of the Magic to kill the ridge. It’s definitely a lot of work. Plus, there is a certain factor in the Lord’s imprint. The magic heavenly host is silent. The power of the original master was The Lord of the Magic has already seen it.

Although the Taoist is only a cross-border shot, the Magic Heaven Master can still see the power of the Taoist. Even if he is in his heyday, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the Taoist. Perhaps, now, it is really not against Lingdao. A good time, after all, the magic heavens are in the early days of the world.

If the Lord of the Magic is already the peak of the heavens and the humans, then even if the Nine Great Laws plus the Chaotian and the Flash and the proud dragons are unable to stop him, anyway, he has waited for such a long time, do not care much more. wait for some time.

"Forgive me for a while."

After a moment of indulging, the Lord of the Magic suddenly said, and then it was turned to enlighten the scriptures on the stone tablet. In any case, the demon emperor who created the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, is also a peerless power in the wild, even if the devil Heavenly Master does not intend to cultivate the ancient heavens and the holy lotus, if you can get the complete Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian, it is also very good to learn from it.

"Thank you guys."

If there is no help to the people of Tianzhu and others, and only hope that the unreliable Taoist imprint, Ling Dao is not sure, Chaotian, Flash and Aolong, is really helping Lingdao, they are not the same as the Nine Laws, nine Dabao has its own purpose, they just think that the ace of Lingdao is still of great use.

"Your father has the right to give me guidance, you are welcome."

At the beginning of the forbidden land in Tianlong, Lingdao absorbed the blood of a pool, and it was furious when it was in the sky. If Lingdao is not the son of Ling Xiaoyao, I am afraid that Lingdao was killed by him at the time. Now he happens to be in the Jedi, see him. It’s dangerous to Lingdao, and naturally won’t stand by.

Although the cultivation of the Chaotian 绝 is a magical power, but his grievances are clear, Ling Xiaoyao has his grace, that Lingdao is dangerous, he must be able to help, can not help but also help, if Ling Xiaoyao and he have a hatred Then he will certainly take revenge by any means.

"Hey, my nephew..."

She did not hear what Ling Dao said, but she has been immersed in her own world. He has been repaired nine times and rebuilt nine times. He still can't forget the feelings of his nephew. He usually hangs up. , debauchery, in fact, just to deliberately anesthetize yourself.

The magic heaven master evokes his memories, which makes him unable to extricate himself. The reason why he came to the heavens and swords is that he wants to renovate the ancient heaven and the holy lotus. He has been unable to forget for more than 10,000 years. The visual inspection is unforgettable in his life. It is better to change other exercises.

Lingdao walked to the side of the flashing ear and gently patted the shoulders of the flash ear. He really didn't know how to comfort the flash ear. After all, he never had such unforgettable love, the road of flashing, he could only walk by himself. Others can't help him.

"Lingdao, I told you that as long as you can understand the verses on the stone tablet, you can get the real demon emperor. You may not have heard of the demon emperor, but it doesn't matter, you only need to know that the demon emperor is from ancient times to the present. One of the most powerful emperors.

Chaos Qinglian, born in chaos, died of chaos, from ancient times to the present, it is also a plant, he was born in the wilderness period, rising in the wilderness period, dominated the wilderness period, whether it is the dragon, the phoenix, or the A family, are afraid to shoot the Emperor.

When the Emperor was alive, it was the era of the Emperor, even if there were other great emperors at the time, it was also in front of him. Unfortunately, the Emperor did not encounter the Three Emperors, nor did he encounter the Five Emperors, or else they could Compare it to see if it is weak and weak. ”

In the future, I will say later, anyway, the Taoist Taoist does not intend to continue to shoot now, so naturally do not need to put him in the heart, proud dragon with Lingdao, went to the huge stone monument, introduced the situation of the demon emperor, he said So much is naturally to prove the power of the ancient heaven and earth.

The proud dragon does not know what is ridiculous, even if he knows that Lingdao has cultivated a wild and singularity, he does not know that it is one of the most advanced exercises in the Three Realms. He only knows that Lingdao is a sword repair, and Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian It is also the sword-cultivation method of the emperor. If Lingdao can cultivate the ancient lotus scriptures of the ancient world, the achievements in the future will certainly be limitless.

"Since people have come almost, then this article will introduce you to the first layer."

For example, today, the first floor of the Sword Jedi has gathered hundreds of warriors with purple lotus marks. The sword will be broken. The complete Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian will definitely be born. Otherwise, the inheritance of the Emperor will be ruined. Here is.

As the head of the Nine Law Enforcement Laws, the Dashou Law has a deeper understanding of the Heavenly Sword Jedi, and it is naturally more than other law-protection methods. In the past, it was difficult to get to the heavens. For many years, no one succeeded, or else, I am afraid that the sword will have disappeared. After all, the existence of the Tianjian Jedi is to select the inheritance of the Emperor.

"The Sword of the Sword is divided into nine layers. You can come to the first floor. They are all dragons and phoenixes. There is not much nonsense. You must have seen the stone tablets in front of you. In fact, the stone tablets are also divided into nine layers. You can understand the scriptures on the stone tablet, you can enter the next layer.

Now we are all on the tenth floor. Of course, there are already warriors entering the eighth, seventh and even sixth. If anyone can enter the first floor, then all the stone will be turned into dust. And when you enter the first layer of the warrior, you can get the real demon emperor..."

If you look down from the sky, you can see that the stone monuments on the one side form a big circle, and you don’t know what materials these stone tablets are made of. Even if the heavens are strong, you can’t destroy the stone tablets. Even a trace of damage can't be done.

The reason why the Nine Great Protectors chose Lingdao is because Lingdao is extremely savvy. If Lingdao can enter the first floor, then the nine-story stone will disappear, and then they will be able to win the true inheritance of the Emperor. After all, They have already set up traps, and no matter who enters the first floor, they will be harmed by them.

"You don't have to work hard, you will only be me if you get the true inheritance of the demon emperor."

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