The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 210: Enlightenment scripture

“How could it be so fast? Is it suddenly open?”

For half a month, there is no verse on the ninth layer of stone tablets. Lingdao has long been the first recognized waste of Tianjian Jedi. But now, from the tenth floor to the sixth floor, Lingdao is just like the normal walk, and does not spend any time to enlighten the scriptures on the stone tablet.

The verses on the ninth, eighth, and seventh stone tablets are not at all difficult for him. He sharpened the knives without erroneously cutting the woodwork. He spent half a month practicing the ancient heavens and the holy lotus. With his understanding, he has already cultivated the ancient heaven and earth to the certain realm.

The young geniuses who had previously satirized Ling Dao, all of them closed their mouths at this time. In particular, the two martial artists who provoked Lingdao, even want to find a place to sneak into it. They just ridiculed the ridge, and Lingdao passed through the seventh layer of stone tablets, and entered the seventh floor to begin to understand the scriptures on the sixth layer of stone tablets.

"I know that your understanding will not be so bad, now I am relieved!"

The proud dragon has already learned the scriptures on the third layer of stone tablets on the fourth floor, but he still pays attention to the situation of Lingdao. Now that Lingdao has progressed steadily, he is finally relieved. Qingxu, Qianhui and Flash are all participating in the third layer of stone monuments, and he has to work hard.

"As a sword repair, understanding these verses, how could you be so bad?"

Qianhui has never said anything from beginning to end. Even if he pays attention to Lingdao, he is silently paying attention. She and Lingdao had a fight, naturally knowing that Lingdao is a very powerful sword repair, if Lingdao and her realm, she really did not grasp over Lingdao.

"Lingdao, you won me once in the third floor, now I am revenge!"

Jing Wen stood on the fifth floor to understand the scriptures on the fourth layer of stone tablets and found that Ling Dao had walked to the seventh floor to understand the scriptures on the sixth layer of stone tablets. Naturally, he could not help but open the way. The verses on the outermost three layers of stone tablets are the easiest to understand. The more they get inside, the harder it is.

The verses on the stone tablets are the same, but the requirements for each warrior are not the same. The higher the realm, the higher the demand. On the contrary, the lower the realm, the lower the demand. The reason why the Nine Great Protectors are in the middle of the road is not only because of the high savvy, but also because of the low level of Lingdao.

"Do you want revenge? It seems that only next time, this time you have no chance!"

Lingdao smiled, and then continued to step forward, the sixth layer of stone is as illusory to him. He simply passed through the sixth layer of stone tablets, came to the sixth floor, and began to understand the scriptures on the fifth stone. As the so-called thick and thin hair, Lingdao is now.

If Lingdao is enlightened, the three-layer stone monument outside is very fast, and other warriors can accept it. However, the verses on the sixth layer of stone tablets in Lingdao’s enlightenment only took a while, and they could not understand it. Is the verse on the sixth layer of stone tablets not difficult for Ling Dao? Then why should he always sit on the tenth floor to understand the scriptures on the ninth layer of stone tablets?

"Oh, I don't believe you can catch up with me, the scriptures on the fourth layer of stone tablets, I can understand it right away!"

Jing Wen was so upset that he snorted, and then he closed his eyes and stopped looking at Lingdao. She must devote herself wholeheartedly to understand the scriptures on the fourth stone in the shortest possible time. If she is now overtaken by Lingdao, she really can't accept it. After all, she still leads Lingdao so much.

"Unfortunately, I can't do it now, or else I really want to take that kid down, he must have a secret!"

There is a heavenly person who looks at Lingdao with a good intention, and is in a nine-story stone tablet. If there is a military who forcibly works on other warriors, it will inevitably be killed by the stone monument. When the Nine Law Enforcement Law introduced the inheritance of the Emperor, it was specifically explained.

"He finally didn't move. If he walked to the next level as easily as before, then we really couldn't be killed!"

"In any case, he is just like us now, anyway, it is half a month, who is better than who, who is weaker than who!"

The warriors who stand on the sixth floor to understand the scriptures on the fifth layer of stone tablets are naturally few. They all noticed the Lingdao that had just entered, after all, Lingdao was moving too fast. Fortunately, think about it, Lingdao is no better than them, they are halfway to the sixth floor.

"It seems that we have not chosen the wrong one. This kid is still very strong, but I don't know what he was thinking at the beginning!"

The Nine Law Enforcement Laws are finally relieved. If Ling Dao has been sitting on the tenth floor, they are really in the heart of the dead. Their nine-person understanding can be said to be the worst among all the warriors present. If you give young geniuses from the heavens hundreds of years, I am afraid that they have already realized all the verses on the nine-story stone.

In comparison, those who are from the central territory of the heavens and the martial arts are far worse in terms of understanding. Up to now, the one who is at the forefront of them has only learned the scriptures on the sixth layer of stone tablets on the seventh floor.

"It turns out!"

Lingdao nodded, and then passed through the fifth layer of stone in the unbelievable eyes of other warriors. The verses on the outer four layers of stone tablets are indeed much simpler than the verses on the fifth layer of stone tablets. It is only the time when the scent is spent, it is the verse on the fifth layer of stone tablets. .

As soon as he came, his understanding was high. Secondly, his mastery of the ancient heavenly lotus monk was far superior to that of other warriors. I am afraid that only nine guards are better than him. If he tried to understand the scriptures on the stone tablet from the beginning, I am afraid I can keep pace with the magic heaven master.

"How could this be?"

The warriors standing in the sixth floor are dumbfounded. They came much earlier than Lingdao, but now, they can only watch Lingdao enter the next layer. The scriptures on the fifth layer of stone tablets are simply obscure to them. But looking at the way Lingdao is obviously very easy, is there a big gap between them?

Jing Wen’s full-fledged understanding of the scriptures did not notice that Ling Dao had come to him. As long as she gives her another time, she will be able to understand the scriptures on the fourth layer of stone tablets. After walking to the next level, she sarcasm Ling Road, and now it is still important.

"It's getting harder and harder, even if it's half an hour, I'm afraid I can't understand these verses!"

If you let other warriors know the inner thoughts of Ling Dao, I am afraid that his heart will be killed. In the eighth, seventh and sixth floors, there are so many warriors, and Lingdao goes from the tenth floor to the fifth floor, less than an hour.

“Don't you say that the verses on the outermost layer of stone tablets have explanations for each layer of stone tablets? We have all missed it, only he has not missed it?”

A young genius from the heavens went out with doubts in his heart and re-emerged into the ninth layer of stone tablets. It is a pity that no matter how he understands, even if he turns those verses back, it has no effect. He did not think about cultivating the ancient heaven and earth, but he had his own methods of practice, and he could not cultivate the ancient lotus scriptures.

After a full half of the hour, Ling Dao opened his eyes, and the scriptures on the fourth layer of stone tablets finally realized. He did not stop. Just after looking at Jingwen, he walked through the fourth layer of stone tablets and came to the fourth floor to begin to understand the scriptures on the third layer of stone tablets.

"I rub, how are you so fast?"

The proud dragon, Qianhui and Qingxu all participated in the fourth layer of the scriptures on the third layer of stone tablets. When Lingdao walked in, it naturally attracted their attention. Aolong carefully looked at Lingdao, as if it was the first time to understand Lingdao. After all, Lingdao’s speed of understanding the scriptures far exceeded his imagination.

Although Aolong is very confident in Lingdao, if he does not see it with his own eyes, he does not believe that Lingdao can reach the fourth floor from the tenth floor in such a short period of time. The time that Aolong spent was more than half a month. After all, he came early for the first time.

"Haha, I finally realized!"

Qingxu laughed and then walked to the third stone. His body passed through the third layer of stone and entered the third floor. The next step was to enlighten the second stone. Today, the magic heaven master, the big guardian law and the second guardian law are still on the third floor.

Even the big law and the second law are self-confident. They have learned hundreds of years of scriptures, and if they can understand them, I am afraid they have already realized it. They can only stay in the third floor, in front of the second stone. If they want to go further, they have no chance.

“Soon? Is there anyone still in front of me?”

The result is that Lingdao is not satisfied, because the more the scriptures on the stone are, the more difficult it is. The Lord of the Magic Heaven first went to the third floor to enlighten the second layer of stone tablets. If he was the first to understand the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets, then Lingdao and others would have no hope.

Even if it was the arrogance of the arrogance, it is now introverted. After all, he was the fourth to reach the third floor. The Dafa, the Second Law, and the Magic Heaven are both earlier than he came in. The biggest threat to Qingxu is naturally the Taoist Taoist. After all, the Dafa and the Second Law are not the first time to come in.

"Lingdao, Lingdao, I said that you can revenge today, you still don't believe, last time you can win me, this time I can naturally win you!"

Jing Wen slowly opened her eyes, and the scriptures on the fourth layer of stone tablets finally realized. She did not hesitate and walked straight ahead. After a while, she passed through the fourth layer of stone tablets and came to the fourth floor. She turned and looked back, hoping to see the look of Lingdao downcast.

"Well? People? Where have you gone?"

No matter the fifth or sixth floor, there is no Lingdao. Jingwen looked around and found nothing. When she first came in, she did not notice the Lingdao in front. After all, Lingdao was facing her, and what she could see was only the back of Lingdao.

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