The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 211: Another Su shake

"What do you look at behind, I am in front of you."

Jingwen looked for a long time, did not find the trace of Lingdao, can not blame Jingwen careless, but she really did not think, Lingdao would actually take her step, into the fourth floor, she said Lingdao, In front of Lingdao, it took only one hour, and she realized that Jingwen was on the fourth stone.

She certainly couldn’t think of it. In the last hour of the verses on the fourth layer of stone tablets, Ling Dao not only realized the scriptures on the fifth layer of stone tablets, but also realized the scriptures on the fourth layer of stone tablets. Now it is already a long time to understand the scriptures on the third layer of stone tablets.

Suddenly, Ling Wen’s voice was shocked. When Jing Wen turned around and saw Ling Dao, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes. She thought of a lot of situations, but she didn’t think of it. In the immediate situation, Lingdao first came to the fourth floor.

"How come you are here, don't you understand the scriptures on the fourth stone."

Now Jingwen is a little regretful. She knew that she has been staring at Lingdao. Anyway, one hour later, it is not too important. Even if it is the magic heaven, the second layer of stone is enlightened on the third floor. The scriptures on the text can't be understood in a short time.

"If you can't go to the next level, I am afraid that you can't report this time."

In the first area of ​​the third floor of the arena, Lingdao played Ben Leibu to defeat Jingwen. Lingdao only refines the lotus mark of Jingwen. He and Jingwen are not a big enemy of life and death. Jingwen wants revenge. I just want to beat Lingdao once.

"Hey, you must be a good thing. Anyway, I will definitely win you this time."

No matter what, Jingwen can only accept the facts. She spent half a month leading Lingdao, but Lingdao, only spent an hour, she overtook her, if she did not grasp the third layer. The scriptures on the stone tablets are probably far from being swayed by the highway.

Just as Ling Dao and Jing Wen spoke, Qian Hui also realized the scriptures on the third layer of stone tablets and went to the third floor. Like the magic heaven masters, Qing Xu and others, they began to understand the second layer of stone tablets. In the third verse, there are already five warriors in the third tier, namely, Magic Heaven, Qianhui, Qingxu, Dahu Law and Second Protection Law.

Among the five warriors, the Dafa and the Second Law are definitely not capable of entering the next level. If they can understand the scriptures on the second stone, they may have already realized it. It is impossible to wait until now, Magic Heaven, Qianhui and Qingxu have hopes and hopes are great.

Not long after Qianhui entered the third layer, the flash ear also realized the scriptures on the third layer of stone tablets, and entered the third layer. Not only that, but the realm of the flash is also improved from the early days of the heavens. In the middle of the heavens, the last time he fought with the Lord of the Magic, he benefited a lot.

Then, Chaotian Temple also passed through the third layer of stone tablets and came to the third floor. The understanding of the celestial scorpion is actually very high. Unfortunately, he is already the peak of heaven and earth. The difficulty of his understanding of the scriptures must be exceeded. Magic Heaven and Flash and others.

Nowadays, there are five warriors in the third layer who hope to understand the scriptures on the second layer of stone tablets. They all have their own advantages. The magic heavens have a high vision and a wide range of knowledge. The martial arts are more than all the warriors present. The emptiness of Qinglian, like the demon emperor, is Qinglian.

Qianhui itself is a genius sword repair, and the demon emperor is also a sword repair. The scriptures on the stone are naturally related to the kendo. The flash is self-destructive nine times, rebuilt nine times, and the experience is extremely rich. The Chaotian scorpion itself is the heavenly powerhouse, but now The realm has fallen.

One day later, Lingdao opened his eyes and walked through the third layer of stone tablets. Although he was the eighth to go to the third floor, he hoped that the demon emperor would inherit, no smaller than the previous seven, or even bigger. In the first place, he realized that the time spent in the seven layers of stone tablets in the front was the shortest. Secondly, his realm was the lowest, only in the middle of the horizon.

"The trump card we chose has finally played a role. I am afraid that even if he does not know it himself, Shenglianye will help the military to understand the scriptures on the nine-story stone tablet."

The second law was given to Lingdao's Shenglianye. It was not only that Lingdao passed the previous four levels. The reason why the previous two guards could not understand why Lingdao stayed on the tenth floor for half a month was because Ling There is no such thing as a treasure like the holy lotus leaf.

"We have waited for so many years, and finally hope to get the inheritance, and then smash the slaves of the lord."

Even if it is a big law, there is a flush of color on the face. It is purely excitement. Don’t look at the prestige of others in front of other warriors. As long as the slaves are printed on the day, they are a dog in front of the Tianjian League. And still a dog that must be obedient, or else there is only one dead end.

"Asshole, how can he get so fast, I only realized a little while, when can I surpass him."

Jingwen looked at the back of Lingdao and couldn't help but bite her teeth. Although Lingdao didn't talk to her, she didn't say anything irony, but she still felt the burning pain on her face. If she didn't win the ridge, she would never be reconciled. It seems that it must be taken seriously.

As the days passed, the latter warriors marched one after another, and the number of warriors in the fifth and fourth floors increased. The number of warriors in the sixth, seventh and eighth floors was less and less. The ninth and tenth floors have long been empty.

"It seems that the demon emperor inherits, not me."

The Magic Heaven Master slammed up from the ground, and then strode to the second stone, and entered the second floor without any hindrance. He was the first to walk into the second floor, as long as he could understand. On the first layer of the stone, he can get the inheritance of the demon.

He first walked into the second floor. The first one to understand the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets is naturally the most promising to understand the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets. He had advantages and now is the other. When people step into the second floor, even the Nine Law Enforcement Laws believe that he is most hopeful to get the inheritance of the Emperor.

"I understand it too."

On the day after the Lord of the Magic Road entered the second floor, Ling Dao also passed through the second layer of stone tablets. The first scripture on the second stone of the magic heaven master, many warriors are acceptable. After all, the power of the sorcerer’s previous performance was too terrible.

Already some warriors have guessed that the magic heaven master is probably an old monster, otherwise he can't have such a sinister eyesight. Heaven is not an old monster like the magic heaven. They first thought that the magic heaven master is the lower bound indigenous, now It seems that they guessed wrong.

"How could he quickly understand the scriptures on the second stone?"

"A lower-level indigenous people can surpass us so much in understanding. Is it really so bad?"

Even if it is the Lord of the Magic, it is a bit of a surprise to the arrival of Lingdao. Although Lingdao has cultivated a ridiculously savage, but his foundation is too shallow, it is a lot worse than the flash and the sky, not to mention, Ling Sitting in the tenth floor in the first half of the road, there was no understanding of the scriptures on the back of the stone.

If it is purely enlightened on the speed of the scriptures on the stone tablet, or the fastest track, even if the magic heaven master is also poor, the arrival of Lingdao is also bringing great pressure to the magic heaven master, but soon The Heavenly Master is relieved. Whether it is Lingdao’s inheritance of the Emperor or the inheritance of the Emperor, there is no difference.

Anyway, the Taoist Taoist has decided to deal with Lingdao. If it was not blocked by the scorpio, and the jealousy of the Taoist imprint, he probably has already killed Lingdao. It is impossible to protect Lingdao from the sky, and then wait for him. The realm of the realm is raised to the peak of the heavens and the human world. Even if it is helped by the celestial scorpion, it will not help. Lingdao will die in his hands sooner or later. Whether it is a wild sacred sacred spirit or a eternal sacred lotus, it will be obtained by him anyway.

"Who is he, another underworld."

The third warrior who understands the scriptures on the second layer of stone tablets is not Qingxu, nor Qianhui. It is also not the Dafa and the Second Law and the Flash. Previously, others did not notice him. After all, he entered the third layer. The time is not too early.

"Su gently shakes."

Lingdao brows a pick, did not expect to encounter a Su-shake for the first time in the Tianjian Jedi, he saw the Su-Shake in the Daluo Dynasty in Dongjianyu, and also saw Su-shake in Qingfeng City, but in front of him The Su swaying is already a martial art of the heavens and the humans. It is obviously not the two Su swaying.

"Little brother, I didn't expect us to meet again."

Su lightly smiled at Lingdao and nodded, then began to understand the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets. Others closed their eyes and enlightened, but he was a light-swinging fan, in the second Walking around in the layer, if you look closely, you will find that there is a text in his eyes.

"Damn, both me and the demon emperor are Qinglian. Why do they understand the speed of the scriptures, faster than me."

Qingxu double fists clenched, even the nails were deeply caught in the palm of the hand, blood flowing, the demon emperor passed down, the ancient world of the Holy Lotus, he was originally determined to win, but now, there are already three warriors walking in his In front, if the magic heaven master, Ling Dao, and Su swayed, and someone realized the scriptures on the first stone, he would have no chance.

"It is best that Lingdao can get the inheritance of the demon emperor, because he has the lowest realm. After he gets the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, we can kill him."

The power of the magic heaven is strong, and if he gets the inheritance of the demon emperor, the other warriors do not have much hope of stealing the inheritance from his hand. Su Xiaochao itself is the martial art of the heavenly people. Presumably, the strength will not be bad, and he can be silent. If you don’t move to the second floor, there are definitely some means.

In comparison, Lingdao is a big gap. After all, he is only a medium-term warrior in the middle of the world. When Lingdao is passed down, they will take the shot with Lingdao. Even if the dragon and the flash are helping the Lingdao, I am afraid Use, let alone, if the flash ear, proud dragon and Chaotian 阙 also played a battle for the heart, Lingdao also has the possibility of keeping the demon emperor inheritance,

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