The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 212: Stone tablet crush

"The scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets are too esoteric, even if I don't understand them, how can others understand."

The magical Tiandao’s brow is deeply locked. The verses on the top eight stone tablets are not difficult for him. However, the verses on the first stone are more difficult to understand than all the verses on the first eight layers of stone. It’s still big, even if it’s him, it’s not a good idea for half a month.

"As long as I give me another half a month, I can understand all the scriptures on the first stone."

Su swayed the folding fan in his hand and swayed faster and faster. He not only came to the second floor silently, but also realized that all the verses on the first layer of stone were half-baked, that is, he only It takes a month to understand all the scriptures on the first stone.

Of course, Su’s estimated time may not be accurate. After all, the latter half of the scriptures will only be more difficult, but in any case, his progress is much better than that of Mo Tiandao. As long as there is enough time, he must The magic heaven master realizes all the scriptures on the first stone.

Even if the Lord of the Magic is not a sword repairer, it is enough to explain the speed of the scriptures beyond the magic heaven. It is enough to show that the Su-shake is uncommon. Unfortunately, the Su-shake is too low-key and extremely mysterious, even if it is a magic heaven. I can't see his feet.

"It's too hard, give me another month, I can't understand."

In the second layer of Su Shi, it is Qianhui. As a genius of kendo, her speed of understanding the scriptures is also very fast. However, the speed of her understanding of the scriptures is still not as good as that of Su. It only takes half a month, and it is possible for Su to shake through the scriptures on the first stone.

Qingxu, Chaotian and Flash are all on the second floor, and they have already learned the scriptures on the first stone. The progress of Qingxu is better than that of Chaotian and Flash. He is Like the demon emperor, the body is the advantage of Qinglian, and finally shows it.

In fact, the Lord of the Magic is because the realm is too high, and it is a martial art. It has entered a misunderstanding. Otherwise, he will not have no clue. The situation is similar to that of the Magic Heaven Master. It is Lingdao because Lingdao has already drilled. Into a dead end.

The magic heaven master is the first to understand the scriptures on the first stone, and the Lingdao is the second one, but the progress of the two of them is very poor. Virtual, even flash and scorpio, are better than the two of them.

The Lingdao of the previous life is the real sword repair. The Lingdao of this life is considered to be Wu Xiu. The reason why he walked into the dead end is because the conflict between the two exercises in the body is getting bigger and bigger. The verses of the eight-story stone tablet in the front, the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, have been upgraded. If it was not forcibly suppressed, I would have to cough up blood.

It’s quite ridiculous that Xian Jin has begun to run on his own and affects his will and disturbs his enlightenment. Otherwise, with his understanding, he may have already understood the scriptures on the first layer of stone, even if he does not understand, his The progress must also be more than that of Su.

There are no hopes for those behind the warriors. They can only hope that Lingdao will inherit the inheritance of the Emperor. Then they will **** the inheritance from Lingdao. Their plans are destined to be empty. Because Lingdao is disturbed, it is no longer normal. Enlighten the scriptures on the first stone.

It is not only one of the most advanced exercises in the Three Realms, but also one of the most fascinating exercises. Only one person can cultivate the wild and the celestial spirit between the heavens and the earth, and it is impossible to cultivate other exercises. Even if you want to change other exercises, you can't do it. It's quite ridiculous that Xian Jin is so overbearing.

"You said, who can first understand the scriptures on the first stone."

The Dabao Law looked at the other eight guardians and asked softly. Anyway, they simply could not understand all the scriptures. Therefore, there is no need to delay the time. They are only old age, high realm, and their own understanding is not good. A warrior is better than them. Even if they have a holy lotus leaf, they cannot understand all the scriptures.

“Lingdao’s understanding of the scriptures is the fastest. I think the first one to understand the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets should be him.”

The second guardian Shen Sheng said that the other guards also nodded. They placed great hopes on Lingdao. After all, they were their trump cards. However, even if Lingdao is not the first scripture on the first stone, The impact on them is not great.

As long as someone can understand the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets, it doesn't matter who knows them. The reason why they choose Lingdao is such a trump card is that they are worried that other people cannot understand all the scriptures. The sword has existed for so many years, and no one can understand all the scriptures.

The Sword of the Sword is about to be broken. Not only is the lotus mark more simple than the past, but the difficulty of enlightenment is also reduced. Unfortunately, the Nine Laws have no feelings, because their difficulty has not changed, the first layer of screening In fact, they have already been eliminated.

"There is finally a look, as long as I give me another ten days, I will be able to understand all the scriptures on the first stone."

After half a month, the brow of the magic heaven master finally stretched out. He has already walked out of the misunderstanding. As long as he is given ten days, he is sure to understand all the classics on the first stone. Wen, unfortunately, he wants ten days, can only say that he is delusional.

"The inheritance of the demon emperor is mine. Just give me three more days, and I will understand all the scriptures."

The green-eyed look is excited, and there is a hint of madness in his eyes. He is also a emptiness of Qinglian and a sword repair. The advantage of comprehending the scriptures is great. The magic heaven master still needs ten days. He only needs For three days, in his view, the ancient heavens and the holy lotuses are already his, and others can only watch him get the inheritance of the demon emperor.

"It's really hard, but give me five days, I will understand."

Qian Hui said quietly, there is no change in his face, it is a genius of kendo. If she gives her time, she can even understand all the verses on the first stone in front of the magic heaven. The cruel thing is that there is no five. Give her time, because as long as someone understands the scriptures on the first stone, all the stone will disappear.

"I shouldn't change the ancient heavens and the holy lotus. I have been abolishing nine times and rebuilding nine times. It is really worth it to give up the magic of the past."

Flash is not fast enough to understand the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets. If he is given him for half a month, I am afraid that he will not fully understand it. His heart is too chaotic, and he cannot concentrate on understanding all the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets. Wen, his heart is too painful, he can't forget his nephew for more than 10,000 years. If he can succeed in forgetting, he will no longer suffer.

"It is estimated that I am not suitable for the inheritance of the Emperor. They should understand the time of all the scriptures on the first stone, which should be shorter than me."

Chaotian is very awake, even if he has already gained something, he understands that he will not be the first to understand all the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets. Fortunately, he already has the Devils, and he is so fascinating to the ancient world. The sword repair method is not too strong, can get the best, if it is not available, it does not matter.

"Flowers in the mirror, water in the moon, in fact, I have understood all the scriptures on the first layer of stone, but unfortunately I can not express it in the world of will."

The most tragic thing is actually Ling Dao. Even though it is quite ridiculous, Xian Jin interferes with his enlightenment. He still understands the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets. However, it is quite ridiculous that Xian Jin is too overbearing and does not allow him to be in the will world. Explicit.

The scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets are the flowers in the mirror, and the moon in the water, clearly visible in the water, but can't be touched. If he can integrate the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets, Then his ancient heaven and earth will grow by leaps and bounds, and even have the ability to fight against the singularity of the singularity.

Ling Dao’s time of cultivation is quite ridiculous, and it’s indeed longer than the time of practicing the ancient heaven and earth. However, it’s quite ridiculous that Xian Jin can only rely on his own cultivation, but the ancient heaven and the holy lotus can refine the lotus mark of others. In fact, refining To transform the lotus mark of others is to shorten the time of his cultivation.

"One day, only one day, I can understand all the scriptures."

Su Shi has been standing still for a long time, just shaking the folding fan constantly. According to the current situation, he should be the first verse to see the first stone on the stone, even though his heart is very excited. But his expression is still calm as water.

"Do you feel the vibration?"

One day later, Da Dafa looked at the other eight guards. His eyes were full of excitement. He could feel that the nine-story stone was shaking, and even the ninth layer of stone had a slight crack. The reason for this change is definitely because someone has understood the scriptures on the first stone tablet.

"Someone knows it, absolutely."

The second law of protection was nodded with excitement. Other law-abiding methods could not help but hold the fist. As long as someone realized the scriptures on the first layer of stone tablets, it means that the demon emperors will be born in the world. They have already been arranged, no matter who understands them. For all scriptures, the ultimate beneficiary will only be them.

"Haha, I understand."

Although Lingdao realized all the scriptures at the earliest, it could not be revealed. Therefore, the first to understand the scriptures can only be Su Shi, even if the heart is shaken by Su, it is quite exciting at this time. The inheritance of the demon emperor is extraordinary, and the ancient heaven and the holy lotus is one of the most advanced swords.


The nine-story stone tablet, one piece after another, splits open, and the Su-shake has already understood all the scriptures. All the stone tablets are necessary for non-existence. After the breath, all the stone tablets are completely dusted. The situation inside the layer of stone is also present in front of everyone.

It was a Qinglian, a Qinglian that was shrouded in chaotic smog.

PS: Three more finishes, fight for four more tomorrow,

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