The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 218: Pothole's lotus pond holy water

The Nine Great Protection Laws have sifted through Lingdao, Qianhui, Qingxu, Flash, Chaotian and Magic Heaven, but they are all working on their own methods. They are afraid of their own mistakes and other methods. Communication and communication.

It is a pity that the results obtained are no different from those of their own observations. Lingdao, Qianhui, Qingxu, Flash, Chaotian and Magic Tiandao are six. No one uses the ancient heaven and earth, but it is said that The warrior who was passed down by the Emperor of the Emperor was deliberately concealing the cultivation of the ancient heaven and earth.

The lotus imprints of all their warriors have been deprived, and the demon emperor must have found the descendants. The problem is that now, apart from the avenues of inheritance, no one else knows who is the inheritor, and has to say that one Points, help Lingdao busy, or else must be exposed now.


A martial art screaming from the Heavenly Kingdom, and then sitting on the ground, his body has a sword wound, every sword injury will reduce his strength, but all sword wounds are insufficient. Deadly.

In the first layer, one after another fell down, they were not in danger of life, but each one was severely wounded, even if it was the lord of heaven and the heavens, there were terrible wounds on the body, and they were physically tyrannical. Naturally, they are especially taken care of by them.

The Nine Great Protectors have already known everything about the killings. Naturally, they understand that resistance does not have much effect. They just symbolically made their hands, but they were hit hard, lying on the ground, and wasting their time and fighting against the sky. It is better to find a way to recruit the demon emperor.

"Five, who in the end got the inheritance of the Emperor, can you tell me that even if I want to lose, I want to lose."

Lingdao first opened his mouth and raised the doubts of other warriors. It was clearly his own inheritance, but he even shamelessly asked such a question. Anyway, it was his other body, whether it was nine or not. The big law, or the magic heaven master and others, can't see from his body, the shadow of the ancient heaven and earth.

"Before, I felt that I was a kendo genius, but in the hundreds of years in the magical territory, I only became a martial arts master. The demon emperor did not choose me. It seems that I am not suitable to be a top sword repair. I decided that from now on. In the future, give up the sword and do a real martial arts."

He is not only telling others, but also telling himself that he seems to respond to him. It is quite ridiculous that Xian Jin has actually run at an extremely fast speed. His body seems to have turned into a wild place, a beast, a emptiness, His realm, at this moment, broke through easily.

The last time I drank a lot of lotus pond water, he could break through the realm, but for the sake of a more stable realm, he suppressed the realm and allowed the realm to remain in the middle of the sky. This one-point integration was made by the demon emperor himself. Not only did he not weaken him, but his strength was further enhanced.


Lingdao is a breakthrough in front of all the warriors. Others naturally feel that it is not possible to change from sword repair to martial arts in Tongtianjing. After all, it has been passed from the physical body to the heavens. It’s a realm, but fortunately, he doesn’t have such concerns. What he has done before is not in vain.

"The practice of your cultivation should have been done in martial arts. If your brain is broken, you can do sword repair."

The Devil of Heaven has been hit hard, but he is still standing strong in the field. Lingdao’s actions, he appreciates it very much. He has to give up the previous Kendo Road and change the path of Wu Xiu. Great courage.

"Unfortunately, I did not get the inheritance of the Emperor, your practice, I will still grab."

No matter which of the warriors are present, they have to admire the eyesight of the magic heaven master. Since the magic heaven masters say that the Lingdao cultivation is the martial arts practice, it is certainly not wrong. After all, the magic heaven master and Lingdao have hatred. He can't help the ridge.

"You don't have to look at me. I don't even have a sword repair. Do you think I can get the inheritance of the demon emperor."

Chaotian is not only a high talent, but also a arrogant generation. However, arrogance and stupidity are two different things. He did not get the inheritance of the demon emperor. Naturally, he would not be stupid and other warriors, and the demon emperor chose to pass on the person. selected.

Flash ear did not explain anything, because the eyes of other warriors have been concentrated on Qingxu and Qianhui. Both of them are sword repairers, and they are all geniuses. They are most likely to be passed down by the demon emperor, especially Qingxu. Not only sword repair, body or Qinglian.

"Whether you believe it or not, I have not been inherited by the Emperor."

Qianhui itself is not a man of many words. Just after saying such a sentence, it is no longer explained. Instead of wasting his tongue, it is better to take time to heal the wounds. Now the military has been hit hard. If anyone recovers first, it must be Take the initiative.

"If all you say is true, then you can only inherit him."

The Dabao Law points to the Qingxu. After all, they originally felt that Qingxu was the most likely to be passed down. The flash, the heavens and the magic heavens were not sword repairs. It is too difficult to get the approval of the Emperor. Although Lingdao and Qianhui are sword repairs, their advantages are obviously not big.

In particular, Ling Dao was determined to abandon the sword from Wu, and he was the first to ask. Most of the warriors first ruled him out. After all, he was originally a sword and Wu Shuangxiu, and there was no Qianhui and Qingxu. Purely, after he gave up the road of kendo, he went further and broke through to the end of Tongtian.

From the middle of Tongtian to the end of Tongtian, it was only a small realm improvement, but he has accumulated a lot of strength and made great progress. Now he is a pure martial art. Even the wild singer is working, he feels Belong to Shu Tai.

It’s quite ridiculous that Xian Jin was originally suitable for martial arts. Such a powerful sculpt practice, constantly tempering the flesh, and he still has to hold a sword and do it with others. If he is ridiculous, he will be extremely dissatisfied with him. .

"I don't know which of you got the inheritance of the demon emperor. I thought that I would have been the inheritor of the demon emperor, but I didn't think that there is a mountain high in the mountains. You can actually get the demon without a word." I am really admired by the emperor."

The last sentence of Qingxu is already biting his teeth. He has not been inherited by the Emperor. He has been very reluctant. Now he does not know who is being framed. It is obviously the inheritance of the demon emperor. Big black pot, whoever is replaced, will not feel comfortable in my heart.

As a void, Qinglian is a genius sword repairer. Unfortunately, the Emperor did not choose him. Even he did not even see the demon emperor. The descendant chosen by the demon emperor was Lingdao. Lingdao was excluded, but Qingxu was considered by many military people to be passed down. It must be said that Qingxu is really unlucky.

After all, everything is still self-seeking. Whoever makes him arrogant at the beginning said that others are wasting time, and the inheritance of the demon emperor must be his. Now many warriors know that his body is the same as the demon emperor. A Qinglian, those who can not tell what is chaotic Qinglian, what is the empty Qinglian.

"Don't argue, it's definitely you who got the inheritance of the demon emperor."

A former warrior from heaven and heaven said directly that he used to fight with Qingxu and suffered a big loss. Now he has the opportunity to deal with Qingxu. He naturally will not let go, regardless of whether Qingxu has been passed down by the Emperor. He is biting a sham.

"It’s not her anyway, it’s you, other people are unlikely.”

The Nine-Guardian Law refers to Qianhui, and refers to the Qingxu. Anyway, he really believes that it is Qianhui or Qingxu that has been passed down by the Emperor. Now, except for the two of them, the other four are no longer sword repairs. The warrior was inherited by the Emperor, and the Nine Protector did not believe it.

"I am different from you. I think that Lingdao is the most likely to be passed down by the Emperor. The reason why he abandoned the sword from the military is that he is afraid to use the swordsmanship. Let us see the clues, and he is the first to open. Obviously just to excuse yourself, don’t you think so?"

The second law, which has been silent, suddenly stared at Lingdao and said that after he reminded him, many warriors looked at Lingdao. Indeed, Lingdao first abandoned the sword and then shifted the line of sight of everyone. There is the possibility of inheriting the demon emperor.

"Oh, where do you know the power of the wild, the demon and the emperor, who are stubborn and weak, is still unknown."

Others don't know who the pioneers of the ridiculous genius are, but the sorcerer knows. After all, the lord of heaven is the strongest of the ancient times. Even he has seen the emperor's shot from afar. It is too long and too long, far beyond the general Emperor.

Of course, the Taotian Taoist will not tell other people that it is quite ridiculous, and that he knows how to do it. If others want to compete for the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, let them compete for it. it is good.

"I didn't get the inheritance of the demon emperor anyway, whatever you say."

Lingdao shrugged, and it was indeed him who passed down the demon emperor. But he just refused to admit it. Anyway, practicing the ancient heaven and the holy lotus is the sword repairing the road. If he does not admit it, others will not see anything. From now on. He will not use the ancient heavens and the holy lotus, nor will he cultivate.

"I don't think we need to judge. Anyway, it will not be wrong to catch all six of them."

The Dabao Law slowly said that it must be one of Lingdao, Qianhui, Qingxu, Flash, Chaotian and Magic Heaven. He can’t judge, who is the specific inheritance of the Emperor. He is holding the attitude of holding Ning to kill and not letting go, and it is necessary to get a complete Wan Gu Qing Tian Sheng Lian Jing.

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