The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 219: Fight against the magic day

The nine guardians have to repent in the intestines. They choose Lingdao and use Lingdao as the trump card. All other warriors who go to the first floor are their chess pieces. Whether it is Lingdao or other people, they have the inheritance of the demon emperor. Those who are finally passed down will only be them.

First use the savage to kill all the warriors, then drink the holy water of the lotus pond, and restore their injuries. All the things are well-calculated, but the lotus pond water they drink, there is no effect. Up to now, the injuries of the Nine Law Enforcement Laws have not improved significantly.

"well done."

The proud dragon gave a thumbs up to Lingdao, and the other warriors couldn’t help but laugh. The nine guards can be said to have lifted the stones and smashed their own feet. Their calculations were foolproof, but the lotus pond was stunned. The road was replaced by a fake.

Now, whether it is the Nine Law Enforcement Laws or other warriors, they are all hit hard. Even if the Nine Law Enforcement Laws want to shoot against other warriors, there is no chance of winning. Although the Nine Laws of Protection only say that they want to win six warriors such as Lingdao. However, other warriors are still worried. After all, they have a lot of good things. If the nine guards are really against them, they can only recognize them.

"What is ungrateful, how to say, we also gave you the holy lotus leaf and the holy lotus gourd, you even counted us."

The second law is really too hateful, and counts so much, even to the destruction of Lingdao, he has been careful enough, but still did not expect Lingdao to give him the lotus pond holy water is fake, even now, He still doesn't understand how Lingdao has transferred the lotus pond holy water under his eyelids.

"It’s ridiculous to tell me this now. You give me the holy lotus leaf and the holy lotus gourd. It’s not useful, even if it’s useful for you. If I get the inheritance of the demon, then you will definitely take me. Next, grab my inheritance and even kill me, right?"

If it is not until now, Lingdao can't guess the purpose of the nine major law-protection laws. Then he is really a wooden head. Now he is really glad that he had already drunk the lotus water in the lotus pond. Otherwise, now the nine major law-protection teams are working together. However, even if he has broken through to the end of the world, it is impossible to defeat the nine heavenly people.

"Look at the part of your healing treatment for the lotus pond, I will spare you a life this time, and I will not owe each other."

The Nine Great Protectors first used the genocide to deal with Ling Dao. Now they want to kill Ling Dao. Ling Dao not only did not kill them, but also put them on a horse. Naturally, it is to regain the former human feelings. Anyway, the nine guards After all, I took Lingdao to the Shenglian Pool.

"You spare us a life."

The Dafa method frowned, but when other guardians wanted to satirize the ridge, they saw that Lingdao slowly stood up. The injuries on Lingdao had completely recovered, and they were completely different from the situation they suffered. They did not know that Lingdao had drunk the lotus pond holy water, but thought that the lotus pond water that Lingdao had installed for them was fake, and the lotus pond water that was installed for him was true.

"Awesome means to play our nine big guards between the palms."

The three guards said that they did not hesitate to take the current Lingdao. There is no way. If there is no injury, the Sanshou Law feels that he can take Lingdao alone, but now his strength is ten, but naturally it is not. Lingdao opponents.

"You are fine, the wound has healed."

Nine guards and Lingdao had the most contact. He thought that Lingdao was only a young genius. After all, Lingdao was only 18 years old, but he discovered now that he underestimated Lingdao. They can only be transferred to the group that is played by Ling Dao like their nine guards.

It’s not easy to blame Lingdao for the nine major law-protection laws. They counted Lingdao first. Now Lingdao clearly has the strength to kill them. Instead, they don’t do it. Lingdao said that they have a life, although they don’t admit it, but they’re all in their hearts. Understand that Lingdao is right.

The big guardian law, the second guardian law, the three guardian law, etc., all of them are sullen and do their best to heal themselves. Now what they have to do is to recover the injury in the shortest time, not to recover, at least to recover half of the combat power. Otherwise, they don't even have to do it themselves.

"Even if you have all the fighting power, it is not my opponent. After all, my injury has also been restored to 7788."

The Magic Heaven Master has dealt with Lingdao more than once. Now that Lingdao has recovered from injury, he is likely to shoot him. The reason why he said this is naturally to bluff. Even if he has a healing secret, he will only recover 50% now. It’s not surprising that the once-in-a-lifetime master has a mystery of healing.

Even the flash and the scorpio, there are healing martial arts, but there is no such thing as a magical Taoist. The two of them have recovered their injuries by 20% to 30%. It takes a while to recover completely. And Lingdao is a group, Lingdao naturally can not shoot them.

"Yes, but I want to try."

The magic heaven master always wants to get the wild singer strength. If he is allowed to restore all his combat power, Ling Dao is really not his opponent. Now Lingdao breaks through to the end of Tongtian, and the magical power of the lord is weakened. Naturally. It is the best time to deal with the magic heaven.

Lingdao’s voice just fell, it is the footsteps of the star-studded eight steps, the display of the sky-covered handprints attacked the magic heaven master, after breaking through the heavens, his physical strength and strength are improved, now he is pure Wu Xiu, no longer use the sword, the flesh is naturally stronger and better.

"Nine turns into dragons."

Before the breakthrough, there will be three hundred dragons in the Lingdao. Now his power has reached the strength of four hundred dragons. It is comparable to the average person in the middle of the world. However, the magic heaven master broke out, more than four hundred. The power of the dragon, and the devil's battle with the devil, the Lingdao one came up with the use of nine turn dragons.

The sixth turn of the nine-turn dragon dragon is enough to make Lingdao explode six times its own strength, that is, the power of two thousand four hundred dragons. Even if it is a heavenly person, it is not the power of a thousand dragons. Now, in order to deal with the Magic Heaven Taoist, Lingdao can be said to have taken all the strength.

"The demon altar."

The sudden shot of Lingdao did not exceed the expectations of the magic heaven master. If the magic heaven master in the heyday period did not need to use any martial arts, but now he is injured in the body, if it is too careless, it is likely to be in the gutter. Overturned.

The talents who can cultivate the ridiculous sacred genius, the talent will certainly not be bad, or else it is impossible to get the approval of the ridiculous genius, not to mention, Lingdao now abandons the sword from the martial arts, the magic heaven master thinks that the strength of Lingdao is definitely stronger than before. A lot.

The infinite magic is coming, the magic heaven master is standing above all the magic. At his feet, there is gradually an altar formed, and his momentum is rising. He was hit hard and his breath was weak. Now, not only has it recovered, but it has also been better than ever.

"Golden Wheel Magic Dance."

The magic heaven master has two fists, the body's original stars roll, and countless sources pour out. With his double fists, one gold wheel appears, and every gold wheel is violently rotating, even if It is the body of the strong man of heaven and earth, and can be worn by the golden wheel.

More importantly, every Golden Wheel is from different directions, along different trajectories, and impacted on Lingdao. The Golden Wheel Magic Dance is actually a boxing method. However, every Golden Wheel's offensive is It is not to be underestimated. Once it is hit by a gold wheel, even if it is not dead, it will suffer from no minor trauma. The gold wheel is sharp and the violent rotation is enough to cause terrible damage.

Seeing that the magic heaven master exerts such a powerful martial arts, Ling Dao is not only not afraid, but the war is high-spirited. If the magic heaven master is really the same as his own, he will recover seven or eighty-eight, I am afraid that he will shoot as before. No other martial arts will be applied at all.

Jinxiu Mountain River and the stars of the stars have hit each other on the Golden Wheel. The martial arts of the Magic Heaven Master is very powerful. The martial arts of Lingdao is also not bad, especially the power of 2,400 dragons, which is enough to be smashed. One gold wheel, all the gold wheels that are in front of the Lingdao, all turned into powder.


When Lingdao and the magic heaven master collided together, it was a thunderous sound. Lingdao browed and picked up. He didn’t expect the injured magic heaven master, even with such combat power, even if his physical strength could Ascension, his hands are fresh and bloody.

"Happy, you are stronger than before."

The favorite of the Magic Heaven Master is this hard-to-hard battle. In the past, Lingdao used the sword method and took advantage of the sharp edge of the sword. He played very badly. Fortunately, today’s Lingdao has abandoned the sword from the military. It became a pure martial art, and Lingdao became stronger. In the expectation of the magic heaven master, after all, it was quite ridiculous that Xianjin was created by Emperor.

"Come back."

Even the serious injury like that was not a problem for Ling Dao. Now, this injury, he naturally does not care, he and the magic heaven are both extremely sturdy martial arts, naturally no need to open the distance, it is so close I was struck together.

In the third floor of the battlefield, Lingdao has cultivated a lot of martial arts. Now he is doing his best to kill the magic heaven. It is too difficult. He just treats the magic heaven master as a powerful sparring and gives him a practice. To get rid of the identity of Jian Xiu, naturally you need to sharpen it.

"Your nine wastes are really useless, give you such good conditions, you can't get the inheritance."

At the time of the battle between Ling Dao and Mo Tian Dao, the nine guards of the law heard such a voice. Whether it was the Dafa Law, the Second Law, or other law, they were all stunned, their faces, There is a thickening of the color of fear, the voice of the singer, they will never forget.

From beginning to end, the actions of the Nine Law Enforcement Laws are all under the control of the Tianjian League. The nine guardians think that the things they do are very secret, just because they don't know enough about the Tianjian League.

(PS: The previous chapter was updated at the wrong time. Later, it was changed. The piracy is estimated to have been wrong. Please pay attention to the genuine, 17k novel network, add more today, four chapters,)

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