The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 225: Archaic Secrets - Chaos

Tianjian Jedi can be said to be the home of the sword demon. It cultivates the ancient lotus scriptures of the ancient world and has the colorless lotus imprint. He can exert his strength in the heavenly sword and even surpass the Tianjian League leader in the early days of the Tianbing. The reason why the Tao is betting with the Magic Heaven Master is because he is full of confidence in himself. Others do not know his strength. Of course, he himself knows that the sword and the sorrow are the same thinking, the same thought, the same soul, regardless of each other. .

The Magic Heaven Master will never think that the Sword and the Lingdao are a person, and they are counted by Lingdao. He doesn’t know anything at all. Of course, you can’t blame the magic heaven master. The other people present don’t know that the sword is Lingdao, Jianmo and Lingdao's temperament is not the same, a sword repair, like a green lotus, standing on the ground, a martial arts, like a fierce beast, overbearing.

In the Jedi Jedi, the Sword Demon can mobilize all the sources of the Holy Lotus. He created the Zhenjian style in the Xiaoqinglian world, and has the guidance of the Emperor. The Zhenjian style is more than the sword he created before. It’s still awesome. When he first shot the sword, the vibration frequency of Wang Jian’s sword was already very high. After the shock sword type was applied, the frequency of the shock increased at least five times. What's more, he did not mobilize the sword in the Jedi before. The source of the Holy Lotus, on the strength of him is not as good as the Tianzhu League, but the power of his ability to mobilize is too horrible.

If the origin of the Heavenly Swordsmen’s squad is a creek, the source of the sorcerer’s mobilization is a sea. When the swordsman exhibits a shocking sword, the first layer of the celestial sword is the entire void. It is followed by shocks. Fortunately, the warriors who can stand on the first floor are not weak. The swordsmen are not dealing with them. They are just ordinary shocks, and they have no effect on them naturally.

However, the feelings of the Tianjian League ally are not the same, even if he broke out the power of 16,000 dragons, they all feel that the arm is swaying, and the difference is a thousand miles. His sword is originally right. The quasi-sword konjac came over, and now the trajectory of the big sword has undergone subtle changes. The sword demon knows that the main force of the Tianjian League is tyrannical, so it uses cleverness.

The man Wang Jian wiped the sword of the big sword and scattered the power of the Tianjian League. The power of 16,000 dragons could not be resisted, but after dividing it into ten shares, the sword magic Can be divided and broken, when Wang Jian led the big sword to shake together, the Tianjian allies felt that it was not good. He used this sword before, and hit the seven warriors such as Ling Dao, but now even the sword One can't cope.

The first confrontation has already made the Tianjian League ally pay attention to the sword magic. Now the Tianjian League ally is not the cheapest, not his underestimation, not his intention, but the strength of the sword magic, really not weaker than him, Even stronger than him, before the hands-on, the Tianjian League ally did not think that his arrogant Tianbing martial arts, even a district is not as good as a martial art.


A loud sound, the big sword in the hands of the Tianjian League, there was a crack. With the first crack, there was a second crack. The vibration frequency was too high. The sword in the hands of the Tianjian League could not resist. The first confrontation, the sword of the Tianjian League is the wearer. This time, the sword magic mobilized the source of the holy lotus in the heavenly sword, which made the Jianjian-style power increase.

The sound of the broken sword of the big sword kept ringing, and the sword demon was a sudden shocking Wang Jian, which made the people Wang Jian stab the past with the speed of the sword, and the proud dragon was helped by the sword. The Allied League’s main sword is wounded. This alone, the sword will not let the Tianjian League ally, let alone the Tianjian League lord will also rob him of the ancient heaven and the Holy Lotus. If he is not strong, he may have been The Tianjian League leader killed.

"Nine-tailed magic."

As the ally of the Tianjian League, he naturally cultivated the martial arts in the third layer of the Heavenly Sword Jedi. The nine-tailed fox is the most powerful race in the wild. The nine-tailed magic is a very powerful means of will attack, especially He is a strong man of heaven, he has mastered the seven wills, and the ordinary martial arts are only four wills. Now the sword is not the sword, he naturally thinks of the will.

"You have a colorless lotus mark, you can mobilize the source of the holy lotus in the heavenly sword, but I have to see, how do you resist my nine-tailed magic."

The endless source of the holy lotus is enough to make the sword magic of the sword magic improve several grades. The nine magical techniques of the Tianjian League have been cultivated to the realm of three tails. In his will world, there are three fox tails, at least The size of Baizhang, with his seven wills to display the nine-tailed magic, can absolutely sweep the world of the will of all the warriors present, he does not believe that the sword magic a heavenly warrior, can block his nine-tailed magic.

"No wonder he can get the inheritance of the demon emperor, only to pass the peak of the heavens, and it will be so powerful."

The swordsmen outside the first layer of the Tianjian Jedi are all incredible. The Tianjian League ally uses nine turns of dragons and then casts a smashing ground. Even if the seven warriors, such as Lingdao, join hands, they are all hit hard. Now the sword demon has a sword, not only blocks the swords of the Tianjian League, but also breaks the sword of the Tianjian League. Even the force of the Tianjian League can only use the will to attack, only to win. may.

"Haha, I still thought I was going to lose. It seems that you lost."

The sword-sword of the swordsman is too powerful. Even if it is the enemy of the Tianjian League, it is very difficult to resist. Even the magic heaven master did not think that the sword magic is so powerful. He originally thought that he and Lingdao. The gambling game is going to be lost. Now that I see the Emperor of the Tianjian League, the nine-tailed magic is displayed. He immediately laughs. The source of Shenglian can strengthen the swordsmanship of the sword, but it cannot enhance the will of the sword.

"The bigger the hope, the bigger the disappointment, you know."

The nine-tailed magical martial art has also been cultivated. He naturally knows the power of the nine enchantments. What's more, the squadron of the Tianjian League is still the seven will, and his nine-tailed enchantment will only be stronger. Even so, the swordsman can Blocked, after all, he got the inheritance of the demon emperor, the magic heaven master just voiced to Lingdao, want to look at the ugly face of Lingdao, but did not expect Lingdao at this time is still full of confidence in the sword.

"You will die the duck's mouth hard, and you will be separated when you win the game. I will wait for you to be ridiculous."

The magic heaven master is already winning the prize. Nowadays, there is no strong soldier in the world of swords and gods. In his view, Lingdao must have been unable to know who is strong in heaven. What kind of means, such as this, a strong person like them, not to speak without words, when Ling Dao will be ridiculously sent to him, it is the death of Lingdao.

As the Taoist master of the ancient times, the magic heaven naturally knows that the wild sage can only be cultivated by one person, and even the things that Lingdao knows are not as much as him. Since he dares to grab the ridiculousness of Lingdao, there is naturally a way to get the wild. After killing Lingdao, it would be ridiculous that Xianjin would look for the next cultivator, but he had the secret method to ban the singularity of the singer, and then forced cultivation. Once the magical Taoist master practiced to a certain realm, it would be ridiculous. I believe that he is the next practitioner.

"The Archaic Secret - Chaos."

The reason why Lingdao is full of confidence is that because the swordsman has cultivated the mystery of the demon emperor, the secret of the ancients-chaos is to make the world of the will into chaos in a short time, no matter how strong the opponent’s will attack will be. It is bound by the chaos, of course, this secret is limited, fortunately, the sword is different from the general Tongtian Jingfeng, he already has five will.

The nine-tailed magic of the squadron of the Tianjian League is enough to smash the world of the will of the martial arts of the heavenly people. After all, whether it is a heavenly warrior or a celestial warrior, even if it is a heavenly warrior, their will world cannot be manifested. Come out, it is relatively fragile. Once the world of will is crushed, the soul of the warrior will be destroyed. Without the soul, the warrior will naturally die.

After the three-colored light rushed into the eyebrows of the sword demon, the squad leader of the Tianjian League felt that the overall situation had been determined. Of course, the squadron of the Tianjian League did not take it lightly. After all, the sword slayer Wang Jian was getting closer and closer to him, even if The Tianjian League ally constantly retreats, and there is no distance to open the people and Wang Jian. In the past, Ling Dao’s performance was to follow the stars eight steps. Now, in order to prevent others from being recognized, the swordsman is not playing the eight steps, but Qinglian. Sword step.

The demon emperor naturally has a stronger footwork, but unfortunately, with the current realm of the sword demon, it is impossible to cultivate those footwork. The reason why Lingdao felt that the person who created the big handprint was so stunning was that he was at that time. The realm of the realm can be used to cultivate the big handprints. The Qinglian sword step was only created by the Emperor in the early days. Fortunately, for the current Lingdao, it is enough.


The Tianjian League sneer sneered, holding a broken sword, bypassing the king's sword, and smashing to the sword magic. He has already estimated that the nine-tailed magic will hit the world of the sword magic at this moment, and the sword will definitely There was a moment of sluggishness, and his broken sword did not kill the swordsman, but it was enough to cause fatal wounds to the swordsman, so that the swordsman could completely lose his combat power. Then he could torture the swords and spirits until the swordsmanship Out of the complete Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian.

Don't think that the Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian Sutra, which is cultivated by the Tianjian League and other warriors, is only part of the front of the ancient heaven and the Holy Lotus. In fact, the part of their cultivation is also incomplete, lacking the true essence. Now The Jianmo cultivating the complete Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian Sutra naturally compensates for the previous deficiencies. The Tianjian League squad is the biggest mistake of the Tianjian League.

"Two choices, either die or roll."

The voice of the sword demon has just fallen, and the man Wang Jian is violently shaken up. The nine-tailed black magic of the Tianjian League’s lord has not affected him at all, just when the Tianjian League lord thought he could reinvent the sword magic, the king The sword has pierced the shoulders of the Tianjian League.

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