The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 226: Roll to heaven!


The man Wang Jiandong wears the shoulder of the Tianjian League ally. It is not the end, but the beginning. The sword and the right hand tremble. The man Wang Jian vibrates at a very high frequency. It is only in the twinkling of an eye. Half of the shoulders are completely broken, even the left arm is turned into pieces of minced meat. Lingdao has practiced many swords before, but the shock sword style that is now created is different from those of the previous swords.

Don't say that the Magic Heaven Master and others, even if they are very familiar with Lingdao, they can't see that the Sword and the Lingdao are the same person. If the Swordsman uses the white tiger to kill the sword or the night blood to kill the sword and other swords, others are sure. There will be doubts, and even can guess that he is Lingdao. After Lingdao is integrated into two points, this is the first time that two bodies appear in front of everyone, and naturally it is necessary to consider all aspects.

"Damn, he is not affected at all."

As long as the sword is a little bit stagnation, or even just thinking about the moment, the sword of the squadron of the squadron can hurt the swordsman. Unfortunately, the reality is completely different from that of the squad, and his sword is not hurt at all. Sword Demon, Qinglian Sword Step is not the kind of secretive footwork, but the route of each step is very clear, but too fast, it is almost up to you to know how the sword demon should go, but can't stop him.

Qinglian Jianbu is the footwork pioneered by the Emperor in the early days. The focus is on short and fast. The so-called short is the step of Qinglian Jianbu. It is a straight line. There is no winding around, just because it is short. So fast, Qinglian Jianbu is such a simple footwork, but you must not look at this footwork because of Qinglian Jianbu, because it is simple, it is difficult to practice.

If you want to practice Qinglian Jianbu, it is not how fast you move, but how you look at the combination of the sword and the sword. The speed of the sword is not as good as the speed of the sword. When Qinglian Jianbu, he regards himself as a sword, and then he can make the Qinglian sword step reach an incredible degree. Fortunately, Lingdao has reached the point where the sword is united in the past. Lotus sword steps are naturally easy.

The leader of the Tianjian League is extremely decisive, and he may be replaced by other warriors. He may continue to retreat to get rid of the person Wang Jian, but he even used the broken sword directly to directly smash his left shoulder. The person Wang Jian pierced him after all. Left shoulder, now he completely gave up his left shoulder, naturally he got rid of the man Wang Jian, he is very clear how fast Qinglian sword step, so he did not hesitate to cut off the left shoulder.

"Lianchi holy water."

The reason why he dared to do this was because he had the holy water of the lotus pond. The bones of life and death were not a joke. Just after he took a sip of the lotus pond, the left shoulder and the left arm slowly grew out. He and the Nine The law of protection is different, because his holy lotus gourd is at least ten times larger. The lotus water of the Nine Great Protector is installed after Lingdao. His lotus pond water is pre-installed, otherwise he will not be able to recover the injury now. It is.

"He has the holy water of the lotus pond. As long as he drinks a bite, he can heal the wound in a moment."

Lingdao deliberately reminded loudly that he was afraid that the swordsman would not know it. In order to make people not associate him with the swordsman, he really took pains to make it himself. It was the easiest to act with himself. Because the same thinking is fundamental. You don't need to communicate, you don't need to collude, you don't have any flaws. Now he and the Tianjian League are enemies, reminding the swordsman, in other people's eyes, it is also a normal thing.

"Your uncle, you are still doing what you are doing, and you are not rushing to kill him."

The Tianjian League leader who just recovered his injury has a glimpse of it. If there is a big threat of swordsmanship, I am afraid that he will personally deal with Lingdao. Now the real demon emperor has already appeared, and there is nothing in Lingdao. The role of the nine guardian law was so stunned by him, one by one was also killed to Lingdao, the nine guardian law is injured, but their injuries are much lighter than the proud dragon and others.

"You, I have already spared you a life. If you insist on killing me now, then you can't blame me."

When he spoke, Ling Dao had released all his momentum. The reason why the nine guardians thought that it was not difficult to kill him was because they thought that Ling Dao was badly hit, but it seems that Ling Dao has nothing at all. Needless to say. They also know that Lingdao must have taken the lotus pond holy water again. Lingdao gave them the lotus pond holy water is fake, and I don't know how many real lotus pond holy waters are installed in Lingdao.

"True dragons change."

Lingdao has learned the true dragon change, the phoenix change, the 鲲 变 change and the metamorphosis. The true dragon body is the strongest, and the nature is most suitable for the current war. After the avatar is the real dragon, the real dragon fist is displayed again. Yes, he once got the blood of a drunken princess. His blood has been integrated with the dragon's blood. If there are dragon strong people present, I am afraid that Lingdao is really a member of their dragon family.

"Since you are going to fight, then I will fulfill you."

Nine major law-protection methods are the peaks of the heavens and the human world. Lingdao naturally dare not take it lightly. Fortunately, the nine protection laws themselves have pitted themselves, and they have been killed by the savage. Otherwise, they will join forces and Lingdao can only escape. Now it is different. Lingdao can compete with them in a painful battle. After the incarnation of the real dragon, his physical strength has far exceeded the nine protection laws. In addition, he has more than nine protection methods in terms of strength.

The nine big guards in the state of serious injury, even if attacking on Lingdao, only splashed a spark, just the dragon scale of the real dragon, it is a terrible defense, but Lingdao’s real dragon fist falls on any A body that protects the law is enough to make them hurt and wounded. The power of 2,400 dragons has surpassed the limit of the peaks of the heavens and the human beings, and the body is restored to the tyranny. Lingdao uses nine turns again and again.蛟龙劲, naturally makes the nine protection laws difficult.

"The enchanting sorrow, it’s incredible to press the nine heavenly people in the late Tiantian."

Even if the nine major law-protection methods are all seriously injured, Lingdao can press them nine people to fight, still let the warriors in the distance, one by one, sucking the cold, seriously injured the nine law-protection team, to deal with the ordinary warriors in the late days, absolutely No problem, Lingdao can press them to fight, it shows that he is now more powerful than the ordinary people in the late days, even enough to rival the ordinary people of the heavens.

"Using will attack, our nine wills are stronger than him, and it will definitely let him annihilate."

Once the will is annihilated, Lingdao is completely dead, and even the reincarnation may not be there. The nine heavenly people are all six wills. At the same time, they will be willing to attack a warrior in the late Tiantian period. They don't know, in fact, the Lingdao and the swordsman are also the five wills. Their will attacks are strong, but it does not mean that they can annihilate the will of Lingdao.

"King Kong is in prison."

"Nine-tailed magic."

At the same time, Lingdao also displayed two will martial arts, in order to cope with the offensive of the nine heavenly martial arts. He did not cultivate the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, even if he used the ancient secret technique, the power was greatly discounted. It is better to use what he is good at. The reason why he has implemented the real dragon change is that he has already considered this situation. The real dragon is not only physically strong, but even the defensive power is extremely strong. Even so, Lingdao is still not the opponent of the nine protection laws. After all, the gap in the realm is there.

"Exquisite, rely on you."

It has long been expected that the nine law enforcement agencies will use the means of will attack. Lingdao naturally made a good preparation. After the recovery of Xian Ling’s injury, it broke through to the seven will, which means that her will is the same as the nine guards. At the level, the most important thing is that her means of attacking the will is not comparable to the nine laws. The fairy tales have the inheritance of the exquisite family, and the willing martial arts of the nine great laws are far behind.

"Well, what happened."

Originally, the big law of confidence was a change of face, because he found that the three guards to the nine guards, the look was all sluggish, even he and the two guards, there was a burst of vertigo, so great opportunity, Lingdao Naturally, I will not let go. I immediately use the nine-turn dragon dragon to display the real dragon fist. It is just a punch that smashes the chest of the eight-guard method. Then, he successively shot and punched the head of the seven-guard method.

Then again, the Nine-Guardian Law finally helped Lingdao. Even if the Nine-Guardian Law now wants to kill the Lingdao, Lingdao does not kill him for the first time. The Eight-Guard Law and the Seven-Guard Law are one after another, which is also the Dabao Law and the Second Law. People, all discolored, they thought that killing Lingdao is very simple, now they know that only Lingdao kills them, they are not the opponents of Lingdao.

When Ling Dao killed the Quartet, the Sword Devil was once again in the same battle with the Tianjian League. The will of the Tianjian League ally will not affect the Sword Devil. Naturally, it is not the opponent of the Sword Demon. The style was displayed again and again. Before the swordsman was only created, it was not perfect enough. The Tianjian League ally became his sparring, and the attack was repeated again and again, making the Jianjian style stronger and stronger.

"His progress is too great. If I fight again, I have no chance of winning. I hope that the nine wastes are simply delusional."

The stronger the sword and the more the war, the strength of the Tianjian League ally, but it is not the slightest improvement. Originally, the sword demon has the upper hand. Now, the sword demon has occupied the complete initiative, and the Tianjian League lord can only guard carefully. Even so, the owner of the Tianjian League is still wearing the body of Wang Jiandong. If it is not the holy water of the lotus pond, I am afraid that he has died under the sword of the sword.

"If you don't go to heaven, today is your death."

The former swordsman gave the Tianjian League ally two choices, one is death, the other is rolling, the Tianjian allies are already strong in heaven, and naturally they can get through the barriers of the two worlds, just to get the inheritance of the demon, he has been staying In the Jedi Jedi, he thought that the inheritance of the demon emperor must be his. Now it seems that he thought more, and he did not think that he was forced to go to heaven by a heavenly martial artist. He is probably alive. Since then, the most grievous Heavenly Forces have been strong,

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