The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 230: The emperor's sword was born

Once the source star is worn out more than half, the strength of the magic heaven master will be weakened. His origin star wants to hit the Yuan Shi Yuan Ding. It has not been successful, because it has been blocked by Qinglian every time. Qinglian is not big, only one person is tall, but like It is a kind of supernatural sword, and every time a collision suffers, it is a magic heaven.

If the battle is going on, the original star of the magic heaven master may even be broken, that is, his original source is tyrannical, and it is replaced by the original star of the former warrior in the ordinary world. I am afraid that there has already been a crack, and the chaos of the sword and the magical green lotus. However, it is natural to be condensed under the help of the Emperor.

"The source of the stars, close."

The first layer of the heavenly sword that had already been darkened, now it is bright again, forcibly withdrawing the original source of the stars, the magic heaven master is coughing blood again and again, after all, his original star is still hurt, a sword, has penetrated In his original source of stars, I am afraid I can't clean it up in a short time.

"The next time I meet, I will not kill you."

The magic heavenly host hated the Lingdao and the sword magic, it was the method of exerting the bleeding, and fled to the distance at the fastest speed. Even if the Lingdao casts a star-studded eight steps, the sword magic displays the Qinglian sword step, and it is not It may be chased, the Magic Heaven Road master can not beat the sword, but one heart escapes, the sword magic can not catch up.

"The dog who lost the house is still daring."

The sword magic sneered, followed by the origin of the 2 light source, which pierced the fastest sword so far. He really can't catch the magic heaven, but his sword speed is better than the blood of the magic heaven. The law of blasphemy is even faster, killing the sorcerer, and letting the lord of heaven have a big loss.


The magic heaven master escaped, and wherever he thought of the sword magic, he could display such a fierce sword. On his back, there was a long sword wound, deep visible bone, blood flowing, but he still did not dare to stay at all. In the Jedi Jedi, the strength of the sword magic is simply tyrannical.

Just a moment, the magic heaven master is disappearing without a trace, Qinglian sword step is used to fight, it is really incredible, but long distance flight, Qinglian sword step will not work, sword magic can only watch The magical Taoist owner fled, after all, under the great emperor is the Taoist, the magic sky used to be a Taoist, naturally not so good to kill.

"Who else wants to grab my inheritance?"

The swordsman took the sword and stood indifferently, glanced at the distant warriors, first forced the Tianjian League leader to go to the heavens, and then wounded the magic heaven master, so that the magic heaven master had to use the **** method to escape, before and after In the two wars, the warriors present have already had a preliminary understanding of the swordsman.

At least in the Sword of the Jedi, they are not the opponents of the Swordsman, let alone they are injured, even if they are unharmed, they are not the opponents of the Swordsman, even if the Swordsmen are standing there, they are not afraid The swordsman shot, they have a card without a fake, but one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo is worth more than the Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian, and who knows if the demon has left any powerful means for the sword.

"Since it is not, then I will leave."

There is no warrior to shoot the sword, the sword magic naturally does not need to stay here, Lingdao has long thought of it, a body in the Ming, a body in the dark, the identity of the sword magic, or do not expose the good, the sky sword for so many years The accumulated wealth, the swordsman is now ready to collect all.

"Lingdao, you said why he wants to help us."

Ao Long pointed at the back of the sword and left, Lingdao just smiled and did not answer, Chaotian and Flash are also very curious about the sword, but unfortunately they do not know the sword, naturally embarrassed to go forward Asked Dong to ask the West, now that the swordsman has left, they naturally can only put doubts in their stomachs.

"Let's find a place to heal, I will protect you."

The injuries of Flash, Chaotian and Aolong are not light. When they heard Lingdao say that they did not refuse, the lotus marks of all the warriors in the Tianjian Jedi have been deprived, if there is no heaven to the first floor. The Jingwu Fengwu people now have the strength to deal with them. They have Lingdao, and they can safely heal.

"Without four or five days, their injuries should not be able to heal. I have to practice well and hope to break through the peaks of the world."

This day's trip to the Jedi is the biggest gain. Ling not only got the inheritance of the Emperor, but also succeeded in integrating the two points. After Lingdao, you can concentrate on practicing the wild sage and enlighten all kinds of martial arts. Rather than considering the problem of swordsmanship, he has so many elite spirits in the ring, naturally no need to save, to break through, can definitely save a lot of time.

When Ling Dao was practicing, the sword demon was the treasure house that had already found the heavenly sword. After two points, the Yuan Shi Yuan Ding, the Qiankun Ring, and the Taoist seal were all given to Wu Xiu Ling Road. The sword repair road is also the sword magic. The only use of the ordinary Qiankun ring, the internal space is far from the big one that the Happy King had given him before.

"It’s great to have such a big empty stone."

A powerful Qiankun warrior can open up a small Qiankun and store his own things. Unfortunately, the internal space of such a small Qiankun is too small. It is better to use materials to refine a lot of things, even if it is through the heavens. There is not much room for the warriors and the heavenly martial arts to open up the small Qiankun.

If you can get the empty stone, in order to open up a small Qiankun, then the internal space is very great, the luck of the sword magic is very good, inside the treasure house of the heavenly sword, there is a humanoid-sized empty stone, he does not need What is the best way to use it? As long as you use the empty stone to open up a small space, it is enough for him to use.

Before Lingdao wanted to get an empty stone, and then opened up a small Qiankun, now it is finally a wish, but unfortunately there is only one empty stone, if there is another one is better, the sword magic needs to open a small Qiankun, Lingdao also Need a piece, after two points, the advantages are many, the shortcomings are also obvious. If he used to need only one empty stone, it is enough. Now it is two pieces. Anyway, Lingdao has a ring, the first one. Stone, naturally used by the sword magic.



A sword screamed and rang through the entire world of Sword God. Then, all the sword repairs felt the vibration of their swords, whether it was the sword or the sword, or the sword, or even the best. The swords are uncontrollable, even if they are the martial arts of the heavens and the humans, they are all unable to suppress their own swords.

The sword demon inside the sword of the heavenly sword is also inductive. His man Wang Jian seems to have met the monarch and can't help but tremble. His sword and the broken sword are also moving. It is only different from the person Wang Jian. The sword of the Xiaoyao sword and the broken person seems to have met relatives.

"What happened, is there any sword to be born?"

The whole world of Sword God is boiling up, especially those strong in the central territory. They are already the strongest group of warriors in the world of Sword God. When they are born, they are more likely to be grabbed. However, when they think of young geniuses from heaven, their faces are ugly.

The ruling party surrendered one by five forces to do things for him. Other geniuses naturally learned him. Lingdao they competed for inheritance in the Tianjian Jedi. The central territory has undergone earth-shaking changes, such as the enchanting like the government. People can sweep a five-product force, other young geniuses without him, can join forces to surrender the five powers.

Anyway, the young genius from the heavens, the time to stay in the lower bounds will not be too long, some of the five powers have to choose to surrender, because there is no need to fight with them, anyway, after the young genius left the world of Jianshen, they can still live the previous days. Of course, not all forces have already surrendered. For example, the five powers like Tianfu and the local government can be the same as before.

"Nine heavy open, can enter the ninth void, you can get the sword."

A vast voice resounded in the minds of all the warriors, whether it was the early Dongjian swordfield or the central main territory, and even the warriors in the Tianjian Jedi were clearly heard. All the warriors were possessed. The qualification to compete for the Emperor's sword, the birth of the Emperor's sword, naturally attracted the attention of all warriors.

The Three Emperors opened Taikoo, the Three Emperors were the Emperor, the Emperor and the Emperor. The weapon of the Emperor was the Emperor's Sword, and it was also one of the Ten Great Soldiers of the Taikoo. The young geniuses of the Heavens came down to compete for the Emperor. Swords, once they get the Emperor's Sword, they return to heaven, and they can get tremendous benefits.

"It turned out to be the Emperor's Sword, one of the top ten soldiers of the ancient times, the Emperor Sword, God."

The young geniuses of the heavens only know that one of the ten great soldiers of the Taikoo was born, but unfortunately they did not know which one of them was a soldier. I did not expect that it was a sword of the emperor. As one of the three emperors, the sword of the emperor was natural. It is the name of Hehewei, and it is said that the Emperor's sword is a smattering of the immortal, contaminated with the blood of the immortal.

"How can a person be a sword?"

The brow's brow wrinkled. He naturally knew the emperor's sword, because he had a broken man's sword in his hand. Now he knows that the emperor's sword was broken and turned into five parts, which he possesses. It is the hilt of the Emperor's sword. Now that the Emperor's sword is born, it will definitely not be a complete human sword.

"It's still not right, why the response of Xiaoyaojian and Renhuangjian is the same."

The sword of the Emperor's sword thinks that the person who appears now is kind and the sword can understand. The Xiaoyao sword thinks that the sword is intimate, and the sword magic can't figure out. As early as this, he should ask the origin of the Xiaoyao sword. Can not think that the Xiaoyao sword was hand-cast by Xiaoyao Wang, can it be said that Xiaoyaojian and Renhuangjian are also related.

"No matter what, I want to fight for the sword."

One of the top ten soldiers of Taikoo, Lingdao naturally wants to, if he can get the sword of the people, maybe it is possible to get the sword of the emperor.

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