The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 231: Fight for the beginning

The demon emperor did not establish any power in the heavens, but the emperor had it. That is the palace of the heavens. This time, the lower palace, the people's palace also sent people down, but did not enter the heavenly sword, only the young genius from the palace. He is extremely conceited, and he has no interest in the small sword inside the small sword **** world.

Of course, if he knows that there is a demon emperor in the Sword of the Sword, I am afraid that he will regret it, and the martial art of the Emperor is indeed powerful, but the martial art of the Emperor is also not bad. In the wild, the strong is like a cloud, and it can force all the strong. As the absolute hegemon, the strength of the demon emperor is undoubtedly one of the three emperors, and the people's strength is equally unquestionable.

The emperor's sword was born, the whole central territory was boiling, and the young geniuses from the heavens were all extremely excited. If they could get the sword, they would definitely be trained as the core disciples when they returned. The cultivation resources they can use are certainly far superior to other peers.

As one of the top ten soldiers of Taikoo, the meaning of the Emperor's Sword is too big. The Emperor's sword is not only a peerless sword, but also has endless air transport. The Three Emperors have contributed a lot to Taikoo. Already dead, all the air transport is passed on to the emperor's sword. If a warrior gets the sword, he will have the air.

The air transport can't be seen or touched, but it exists. A person with a strong air transport will have a very good luck. If you are in danger, you will have a bad luck, and even a warrior with amazing air traffic. Walking, you can find powerful exercises and weapons. If a person's air transport is extremely weak, it may be very unlucky. If you go all the way, you may fall into a certain Jedi.

"The ancestors lacked the law..."

The sword demon has always remembered the first sentence of the ancient heaven and the holy lotus. Although he cultivated the ancient lotus scriptures of the ancient world, he must not put all his thoughts on the ancient heavens, he must create his own law. His own way, out of his own path, for him now, everything is like a fantasy, but to absorb the essence of other strong kendo, for him, there must be great benefits.

Among the three emperors and five emperors, there are two swords, one is the emperor, and the other is the Yellow Emperor. If you can practice the swordsmanship of the emperor, Lingdao’s understanding of the swordsmanship will certainly be improved. The height of the demon emperor is higher than he does not know. He has the martial arts sentiment of the demon emperor, but after all, it is the demon emperor, and can only be used to prove himself, but not all.

"Capture the strengths of others and make up for their shortcomings."

When the sword demon came up and rushed toward the main territory of the central government, he had successfully opened a small Qiankun, and Tianjian had accumulated countless years of wealth in the Jedi, all of which had been loaded by him. He had already received the demon of the ancient world. Lotus, if you get the Emperor's sword again, even if you reach the heavens, he can rise.

The now-born Wang Huangjian is naturally not complete. After all, the Emperor's sword has already been broken. Others get the Emperor's sword. It is not as good as the sword to get the sword. Because he already owns the sword. The hilt, what to say, the hilt is also part of the sword of the people. If it can be merged together, the power of the sword will definitely be improved.

"Ha ha ha, it turned out to be a human sword, as a human palace disciple, who can steal the sword from my hand."

The disciple of Ren Huangjian is the most proud, because he cultivates the Emperor's Classic. Although his cultivator's imperial dynasty is incomplete, his advantage is that other warriors can't match it, as long as he always runs the Emperor's scriptures. Definitely able to get the good feelings of the Emperor's sword, if he can bring the Emperor's sword back to the People's Palace, then he is the hero of the People's Palace.

"I have to get the Emperor's inheritance, I must get the Emperor's sword."

The last blow, not only did not make Qingxu frustrated, but let him go further. Today’s Qingxu is already a middle-aged warrior in the heavenly world. It is stronger than before and lost the complete Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian Sutra. To get the sword, because as long as someone is in the hand, he can kill the sword.

After the magic heaven master escaped, Qing Xu really wanted to shoot the sword, but he understood that he was not the opponent of the sword magic. If he showed hostility to the sword, the sword magic is likely to kill him. In the Jedi Jedi, Qing Xu is indeed not a sword-devil opponent. After all, the sword demon has a colorless lotus imprint, which is too big for his own strength.

"All the sword repairs in your various forces have given me to the place where the Emperor Sword is located. Whether you can succeed or not, you will try it. If you get the Emperor Sword, you will hand it over to me."

Zheng Zheng is not a sword repair. In fact, he himself understands that he is unlikely to get a sword. But now he has more power and he has to go to all the swords. Maybe there is a sword repair that can be successful. The sword **** big world was born, then all the warriors of the sword **** big world must be related to the human king sword. Even if this relationship is very weak, the key moment can also play a role.

"Where is the specific location of the Emperor's Sword, check it out and check it quickly."

Whoever finds the Emperor Sword first will definitely take the lead. Can you get the Emperor Sword is an unknown number, but at least there is an opportunity to compete for the Emperor Sword. If it is too late, the Emperor Sword is obtained by others, then it is really too It is a pity, therefore, whether it is martial arts, sword repair, or other warriors, are looking for people.

Of course, those martial arts that come down from the heavens cannot all be sword repairs, but their purpose is to be the sword of the people. For Wu Xiu, bringing the swords of the people back can also be greatly rewarded, most of them People are just geniuses. They are still a lot worse than other enchanting. If they can get the sword, they will have different status in the future.

"Lingdao, we have to fight for the sword."

The injury of Aolong has been restored to 7788, and the flash and the scorpio have all recovered. Although the proud dragon is the blood of the proud family, he has long since been out of the arrogant, flash and scorpio, once The strongest in heaven, the healing methods they possess, are naturally not comparable to those of the proud dragon.

"Struggle, of course, we must fight, that is one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo, why not fight."

It’s a pity that he didn’t have the strength of the past. Otherwise, he could absolutely sweep all the warriors. Now he is just a heavenly person, and once he is besieged by a group of young geniuses, he still has the possibility of death. The reason why he did not leave is to join forces with Lingdao and Aolong.

"You go to fight, I am not interested."

Since the last time I recalled the previous things, the back of the flashing eyes was extremely desolate. In his mind, he was full of the shadow of a nephew. Even if he was one of the top ten soldiers of the ancient times, he did not want to go. In the fight, if he gives another person a sword, he will definitely want it, but he only competes for the sword of the king. He understands that the possibility of getting the sword is negligible.

"You will heal first, and the Emperor Sword is definitely not so good. We are not in a hurry."

Lingdao knows more about the situation of the central main territory. After all, the sword demon has returned to the central territory of the central government. The swordsman and the Lingdao memory are conceived. The things that the sword demon knows, the Lingdao knows all, the specific location of the emperor sword, They have not been discovered yet. They naturally do not need to worry. If the injury of the proud dragon has not healed, then the future battle will definitely have an impact.

"I will go first, when will I forget my nephew, when will we see you again."

The flashing ear swayed, and it was slowly leaving the place. After Lingdao, Aolong and Chaotianyu and him bid farewell to them, they started their own affairs, and Aolong wanted to heal, Lingdao had to cultivate, and he wanted to Enlightenment to martial arts, the last battle with the Lord of the Magic, the impact on the Chaotian scorpion is too great.

The magic heaven master is only the early days of the heavens and the heavens, but the heavens and the earth are the peaks of the heavens and the humans. As a result, the magic heaven masters can compete with the heavens. The Chaotian scorpion is three high realms higher than the magic heaven, but the strength is almost the same. The proud Chaotian scorpion is certainly unacceptable. Nowadays, the realm of the scorpio can't be improved any more. He can only enlighten martial arts and strengthen himself.

"First go to the Tianji Pavilion to buy news, maybe the Tianji Pavilion knows where the Emperor Sword is."

After the sword demon left the Tianjian Jedi, he came to Qingfeng City. He found the Tianji Pavilion on the light road. He got the wealth of the Tianjian Jedi, more than the best Lingshi in the Lingdao Qiankun Ring. Naturally, he didn’t care what the best. Lingshi, even if the news of the Emperor's sword is more expensive, he does not care.

"I want to know where the sword is."

A waiter with a sword magic came to the inside of the Tianji Pavilion. The news of the Emperor Sword is naturally the most important thing. The person in charge of the Tianji Pavilion personally told Ling Dao. Of course, the price of this news is extremely high. Even the swordsmen who had been prepared for a long time were shocked after hearing the price. It was just a message, that is, 100,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone.

"You are too expensive."

At the beginning of the Qingfeng auction, there were so many good things. Except for Xianling, there were no more than 100,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone. Now only one news sells 100,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone. The Tianji Pavilion is really the black heart to the extreme. The news is not sold to a single warrior at all, but sold to a single force.

Even if it is a heavenly man, there are 100,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone. It is very rare. If you are willing to pay for this news, it is naturally the power of each of the five products. They can only kill them. They can only Silently endure, who wants them to want to get the sword.

"Look at the fact that you are only a martial artist. If you can come up with 50,000 pieces of the best stone, I will tell you where the sword is. If you can't take it, you can only talk about it."

The person in charge of Tianji Pavilion said with a smile, the reason why he said this is because he felt that the sword magic could not get 50,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone. However, the next moment, the thing that shocked him happened, the sword magic directly took out 50,000 pieces. The best stone, placed in front of him,

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