The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 234: Block me from dying

Chapter 234 prevents me from dying

"I still think that I have to spend a lot of time on the 'flower' building, and I didn't expect Lingdao to be an infatuated species!"

"I didn't think that Lingdao would come back. I knew that I had called other elders together!"

The land, the secluded pavilion, the sacred ‘gate’, the infinity ‘door’ and so on, and the five powers that have enemies in Lingdao have sent the elders to the ‘flower’ floor. It is a pity that their realm is not too high. There are people in the middle of the world, and there are also people in the late period of the heavens, but there is no such thing as a strong person. They have been in the ‘flower’ building for a while, and naturally they don’t know what happened inside the sword.

The battle for the inheritance of the demon emperor ended in less than five days. Some of the powerful forces of the major forces have already rushed back, and some are still halfway. If there is no such thing as a sword, the major forces will definitely put more ‘fine’ power on Lingdao. But now, compared with the person's sword, Lingdao is not so important.

"Well? What happened?"

When the swordsman took the enchantress out of the house, the face of the ‘flower’ floor owner’s original smile was suddenly changed to ‘color’. The hundred ‘flower’ floor landlord has seen Lingdao, even if Lingdao wears a mask, she can recognize Lingdao. But the swordsman in front of him, the smell of the body is not the same as the Lingdao. Isn't it the Lingdao to save the enchantress?

The people of heaven and earth who are present are from various five-product forces. The status of the hundred ‘flower’ building is worse than that of the five-product forces such as the prefecture and the secluded pavilion. If you provoke so many elders to be unhappy, I am afraid that there is nothing good to eat in the ‘flower’ building. Hundreds of 'flower' building owners do not understand Lingdao, but she should be enough to understand the enchantress, when did the enchantress have a beloved man?

Don't look at the enchantress is one of the three ‘flower’ squads of the hundred ‘flower’ building. The ordinary man wants to touch her, it’s not good, let alone take her hand. In the past, there were hundreds of ‘flower’ buildings to protect the enchantress. Even if the enchantress was a ‘sex’, the other people in the ‘flower’ building had no opinion. I am afraid that those people did not think that the enchantress Ji was angered by the fact that one of the things was not done well.

"Who are you? Why are you arrogant about my ‘flower’ floor?!”

The swordsman did not hide his own realm. The heavenly people who were present in the field were able to see that he only had the peak of the heavens. Even the owner of the hundred ‘flower’ floor feels that she can cope with the sword, so she has the time to ask about the origin of the sword. Those who dare to come to the ‘flower’ building to rescue the enchantress, will not have no background.

"Sword magic, no ‘door’ no pie!”

What the landlord of the ‘flower’ floor really wants to ask is naturally the origin of the sword. If Ling Dao’s strength was insufficient before, it would be possible to fiction a non-existent Master to scare the ‘flower’ floor landlord and other heavenly people. Now it is not necessary, because he has full confidence to deal with all the heavenly people in front of him.

"There is no ‘door’ and no one dares to come to my hundred ‘flower’ building. Are you too long?”

If the hundred ‘flower’ floor landlord saw the war of the first layer of the sword and the squad of the Tianjian League, it would certainly not say such a thing. Unfortunately, she has not seen it, and other heavenly people who are present have not seen it. They all feel that it is easy to deal with the swordsman. After all, each of them is a real man of heaven and earth.

"I just want to leave with the enchantress. If you don't shoot, you can save the ‘sexual life. Otherwise, once my sword is unsheathed, you will not have a way to live!”

Even if there is only one person and one sword, the strength of the sword magic nowadays, there is no need to put a group of heavenly people in front of the eyes in the eyes. Out of the Tianjian Jedi, his strength has indeed weakened, but there is no big problem in dealing with the mid-term and the late Tianmen. Even with the enchantress, there is still no difficulty.

The sword is easy, but the enchantress is nervous. She can feel it. These warriors are all human beings. Lingdao is only a martial art martial artist. Even if he is a genius, it is estimated that it is enough to confront a warrior in the late days. If all the heavenly people are shot, the swordsman must be killed.

"You still have to escape alone, bring me this burden, you will die!"

Demon Ji struggled with his right hand and wanted to get rid of Lingdao's left hand, but unfortunately did not succeed. After two points in one, Wu Xiu's physical strength has become stronger, and the physical strength of Jian Xiu has been weakened. Even so, the power of the sword magic is not comparable to the enchantress. The enchantress wants to break free, naturally it is impossible.

"Trust me, they are not my opponents!"

The swordsman eyes stared at the eyes of the enchantress, and said incomparably. After a long time, the enchantress just nodded slowly, her eyes had crystal tears falling. God is not thin, but the hundred ‘flower’ floor landlord just used her as a tool, but Lingdao is sincere to her.

"A big tone, you are a ‘Mao’ head boy, dare not put our seniors in the eye, I really don’t know how high!”

"Lord, you still kill the junior, look at the ‘very’ upset!”

The two heavenly warriors did not care, and did not put the sword in the eye. The owner of the Baihua’s building smiled, and then he made an eye for the ‘flower’ mother who was hiding in the dark. To deal with the sword magic such a junior, still do not need her shot, ‘flower’ mother-in-law can certainly solve it.

"I didn't expect that I sealed your cultivation and held you in the dungeon. There are men coming to save you. The old man said that you are a little monk, but the landlord didn't believe it before. Now you finally violently exposed." !"

The ‘flower’ mother-in-law walked toward Lingdao and the enchantress step by step. It was only her shot, and the enchantress was not worried. After all, the sect of the dungeon has killed a man of heaven and earth, and it is still a sword stabbed to death. The ridiculous thing is that the ‘flower’ mother-in-law thought she was a strong older man, and her own combat experience was enough to kill the sword.

"It turns out that you can die!"

The enchantress is imprisoned by the ‘flower’ mother-in-law, and it is also the repair of his seal. The sword magic will naturally not let go of the ‘flower’ mother-in-law. I haven't waited for the ‘flower’ mother-in-law to say the next sentence, a sword is to cut through the void and stab into the throat of the ‘flower’ mother-in-law. It is simply a breeze to kill the ‘flower’ mother-in-law with the strength of the sword.


A subtle scream, then the ‘flower’ mother-in-law was holding her throat in horror. When she saw her hands and was covered with bright red blood, she couldn't help but scream. It is a pity that she did not say anything, but she fell to the ground. The gap between the strength of ‘flower’ mother-in-law and the sword-magic is too great, and there is no comparable ‘sex’.


The hundred ‘flower’ floor landlord’s eyes widened. She had not seen how the swordsman had been shot before. The ‘flower’ mother-in-law had already become a corpse. Not only her, but even other heavenly people, I couldn’t help but carefully look at the sword. Younger, the realm is low, but the strength is so strong, the first thing they think of is that the sword is the young genius of the heavens.

Today's central main territory has been stirred up by the young geniuses of the heavens. The heavenly people who came from the five powers, such as the prefecture and the Ghost Pavilion, naturally heard about the young geniuses. Powerful such as the sacred ‘door’, the infinity ‘door’, etc., are young geniuses who have already surrendered to the heavens.

"Do we want to shoot him?"

The young genius of the heavens, even if only the peak of the heavens, is enough to compete with the warriors in the late days. They either don't do it with the swordsman. If they want to do it, they must join hands to win the game. Fortunately, they have not seen the sword magic, it should not be the most enchanting genius.

"When it's hard to meet a single order, it's better to kill him and get everything from him!"

One by one, the celestial warrior carried out the will of the will, and soon there was a result. If the swordsman comes with other young geniuses, they can only let go. But only the sword magic is a person, they are together to completely kill the sword magic. The young genius who came down from the heavens must have brought a lot of good things. As long as the swordsman is dead, then all the things of the swordsman are theirs.

"People who kill me in the 'flower' building, then you will leave it!"

As the voice of the hundred ‘flower’ floor landlord fell, all the celestial warriors present at the scene came to the sword and the enchantress. They all think that the sword demon is a young genius in the heavens, and naturally cannot be taken lightly. Once they have taken the shot, they will go all out and be sure to take the sword demons in the shortest possible time.

The enchantress has never seen such a big squad, and naturally it is extremely nervous. Fortunately, the swordsman was extremely calm, and there was no panic and confusion. After being infected by the sword, the enchantress finally calmed down. Anyway, the next battle, she can't 'plug' her hand, but if they want to kill the road, she can die in front of the road.

"Since you are looking for death, then I am welcome!"

One by one, the Heavenly Warriors have already taken shots, and they have used their killing tricks to attack the swordsmen. The sword magic sneered, but also pulled out the man Wang Jian, and smashed toward them. When the Zhenjian style came out, the whole void was followed by the shock, and the killings of the heavenly people were broken.

Jianguang is like a dragon, tearing through the void, and Wang Jian is drawn from a heavenly person. After getting the kendo sentiment of the Emperor's life, the sword martial art of the sword demon has risen to a terrible point. Only in a moment, one by one, the heavenly man is dead under his sword.

Above the sky, it seems to be a dumpling, and the heavenly warriors fall down. They are all dead under the sword of the people, not their strength is not good, and the swordsmanship of the sword is too terrible. The enchantress and the hundred ‘flower’ floor owners who witnessed all this were as if they were dreaming. If they didn't see it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe that there would be such a powerful martial art.

"Can you let her go?"

The celestial warriors from the five powers, such as the prefecture and the secluded pavilion, have all died. There is only one person left in the field to live, and that is the hundred ‘flower’ floor. It’s not that the ‘flower’ building’s strength is tyrannical, but the enchantress feeds her. The sword demon gave the demon Ji face, did not kill the hundred ‘flower’ floor landlord, but put away the man Wang Jian.

"Okay, then spare her life, let's leave the hundred 'flower' building!" -40503+dsuaahhh+24515847-->

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