The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 235: Appeared in Qingfeng City

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Chapter 235 appeared in Qingfeng City

"Is it heard? One hundred "flowers" building was killed overnight, and seven or eight people were killed. Even the enchantress was taken away by a mysterious person!"

"I originally thought that the owner of the "Floral" building had already installed the Tianluo network, and waited for Lingdao to go to death. I didn't expect to go to Lingdao, but another one!"

"Don't make trouble, so many people are in the world, isn't it a net? If you go to Lingdao, I am afraid that Lingdao has been dead dozens of times?"

"That is, don't talk about a group of heavenly people, even if you are a casual man in the middle of the world, you can kill the ridge. It is impossible to expect him to save the enchantress!"

It’s no secret that the ‘flower’ building happened. It’s just the next day, many warriors in Qingfeng City know it. The time of the sword demon and the warriors of the heavens and the warriors is very short. They are still witnessed by the warriors. After all, the Bai’s “flowers” ​​building is a place for fun and fun, and when there are many warriors.

Lingdao, a teenager who is destined to break through to the heavens, can only be a warrior in his life. Even if he is genius again, the peak of the Qiankun border can defeat the Heavenly Warrior, and it has no effect. There are many people in the central territory of the heavens and human beings. Is it impossible for Lingdao to kill the enemy across two big realms?

The sword demon always wears a mask, and it is also a martial artist who passes through the heavens. Naturally, no one is when he is Lingdao. Even, even if the enchantress tells others, the sword is the Lingdao, and certainly no one will believe. Most warriors believe that the swordsman is a young genius from the heavens, but he does not know why he will save the enchantress.

At this time, Lingdao has left the Tianjian Jedi with Aolong and Chaotian, and went to the central territory. When the Emperor's sword was born, whether it was a sword or not, he would definitely want to fight for it. After all, it was one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo. Even if you don't use a sword, you can use a sword as a stick to kill a strong person.

The proud dragon is itself a sword repair, and naturally wants to compete for the sword. Whether it is the emperor or the demon emperor, they are all melee sword repairs, and their roads are not the same as the proud dragons. The sword of the proud dragon belongs to the flying sword and kills the enemy thousands of miles away. However, if you use the Emperor's sword as a flying sword, you can still exert a terrible power.

"I don't know how pretty they are with the three knives and the big demon god?"

After walking out of the Tianjian Jedi, Lingdao is inquiring about the news of the three swords and the big devil. The things that Xiaoyao Wang went to the heavens, the major forces already knew that they even dared to deal with Lingdao, and naturally dared to do things to the big devil and others. However, the result was that Lingdao’s face ‘color’ ‘阴’ sank.

"The odious land government has actually arrested me with three knives and threatened me. I have used the means of the next three abuses!"

The local government has a heavenly man to go to the Tianjian Jedi, and has now returned to the headquarters of the government. The inheritance of the demon emperor has ended, and the local government directly threatened that if Lingdao did not go to the headquarters of the government within half a month, they would have to be arrogant in the public. As the top three things in the entire central territory, it is really ugly to do this kind of thing.

The hundred ‘flower’ buildings are not even ranked in the top 50 of the central main territory. It is not difficult to rescue the enchantress. What's more, the landlord of Bai's "Flower" building is not enough to understand Lingdao. Otherwise, the point is not enough. Just for a moment, the sword magic is to kill the group of heavenly people. If it weren’t for the enchantress, the landlord of the ‘flower’ building had already become a dead person.

Even the young geniuses who came down from the heavens did not have the land. The Lingdao wants to go to the headquarters to save people. It is not an easy task. In addition, the local government has already known that Lingdao has been promoted to the later stage of Tongtian, and in the Jedi Jedi, it is even able to fight against the heavenly people.

Fortunately, the demon emperor was born, depriving all the military's lotus ‘flower’ mark. Everyone else believes that Lingdao can compete with the warriors in the late days, and it is impossible to win the heavens and the people. At the headquarters of the local government, the squadrons of the squadrons are definitely more than the Nalan family, and their strength is stronger.

There is still a killing line at the headquarters of the local government. If all the ‘those’ activities are lived, even the people of the heavens and the martial arts can kill. As the top five powers in the entire central main territory, the foundation is certainly not comparable to the Nalan family. They dare to threaten Ling Dao with a pretty three-knife, and naturally have the strength to take Lingdao. The local government has already made all the arrangements, just waiting for the Lingdao.

"Two, I have to go to the local government to save three knives. You should go to Tianyuan City first, because the Emperor Sword is in Tianyuan City!"

The sword and the Lingdao memory are the same. Lingdao naturally knows that the Emperor Sword is in Tianyuan City. If you go late, it is likely to miss the sword. Because if someone has already got the sword, they don't even have the qualification to compete. The gods like the Emperor Sword will definitely choose their own masters. Naturally, it is not comparable to the soldiers.

Both Chaotian and Aolong want to get the Emperor's sword, and Lingdao naturally does not want to delay their time. They are two, one who was once the strongest of the heavens, and one who is himself a sword repairer. It is possible to get the sword of the people. The pretty three knives are the brothers of Lingdao, and have nothing to do with Chaotian and Aolong.

"Are you sure you want to go to the local government to save people? That is the top three powers in the central territory! And, they dare to ask you to go, surely already have a trap, just waiting for you to jump. You are in the realm of the present, to the land I am afraid that there is no return. It is better to compete for the Emperor Sword first. If you get the Emperor Sword, you will not be afraid of anything!"

The proud dragon couldn't help but persuade that the battle for the emperor's sword must be more spurred than the competition of the demon emperor. If Lingdao is late for saving three knives, it is very likely that he will not even have the chance to see the sword. Besides, the possibility that Lingdao can save a pretty three knives is low and low, even if the arrogant is not optimistic about him.

"Okay, then I will go to Tianyuan City first. If it is dangerous, remember to call me, I will go!"

Nodded to the sky, and then left a message ‘Jade’ Jane, rushing to Tianyuan City. He provoked a great disaster in the Tian Yao domain and had to flee to the world of Jian Shen. If he can get the sword, then he has the hope of revenge. Even if he uses a bad man's sword, he can also hand over the emperor to other big forces, and then let the powerful power of the big forces help him revenge.

"You also go to Tianyuan City. If it is late, there may be no chance!"

Ling Dao said to the proud dragon around him that he did not have any opinions when he left. If it is not because of the Happy King, Chaotian will not help Lingdao in the Tianjian Jedi. At least Chaotian also left a subpoena ‘Jade’ Jane. Once Lingdao is in danger, as long as Lingdao tells Chaotian, he will rush.

"No, I will accompany you to the local government. It depends on your strength, not enough!"

Ao Long snorted and deliberately despised Lingdao. Then again, the proud dragon is now a middle-aged warrior in the heavens and humanity, and Ling Dao is only in the late period of the heavens. When two people join hands, they are better than one. It is a pity that the strength of the local government is too strong, and even if they join hands, they have no chance of winning.

"it is good!"

Between the brothers, there is no need to say thank you, the proud dragon is willing to save the three knives, naturally it is in the Lingdao. Ling Dao wanted to persuade the proud dragon not to go. After all, the headquarters of the government was too dangerous, but after seeing the firm eyes of the proud dragon, he could only nod his head and agreed. He can make a slap in the face of a dragon, and the dragon can naturally fight alongside him.

"Let's go to the Heavenly Pavilion first, and learn more about the land, maybe I might succeed!"

Lingdao took the proud dragon and went to the Tianji Pavilion in Qingfeng City. Asking passers-by, I can't ask anything. So, if you want to know the local government, you have to find the Tianji Pavilion to buy news. In any case, there is a large number of elite spirits in the Lingkun Ring of Lingdao. If only Lingdao is alone, he is likely to directly force the headquarters of the government. Now, together with the proud dragon, it is natural to be prepared.

"Hey, isn't that Lingdao? What do he do now in Qingfeng City?"

The original Qingfeng City auction and the Bai's "flower" building made many warriors in Qingfeng City know Lingdao. Now that Lingdao has appeared, it has naturally attracted the attention of many warriors. Hundreds of 'flower' building owners threatened Lingdao with the demon Ji, but unfortunately Lingdao did not come, and finally the demon Ji was rescued by a mysterious young sword.

"Oh... Where did he dare to come to Qingfeng City? If he came, wouldn’t he be killed by the strongman of the Hundred Flowers?"

"It turns out that now the celestial warrior of the hundred ‘flower’ building has been killed almost, and the enchantress has been rescued. He just took the time to save people. It’s really shameless!”

"The blue ‘color’ enchantress really blinked at the beginning, and even gave the virgin body such a fearless person!”

The words of a warrior are all passed to Lingdao’s ears, making him laugh and cry. With his current strength, there is no problem in dealing with those heavenly people who were in the ‘flower’ building last night. The identity of the sword demon can not be announced now, let them continue to misunderstand.

Other warriors thought that Lingdao had to go to Bai’s “Flower” building, but Lingdao went to Tianji Pavilion. At the beginning, Lingdao got the body of the enchantress. I don’t know how many martial arts were heartbroken. I don’t know how many martial arts 嫉妒, I don’t know how many martial artists want to smash the corpse. There are now opportunities for irony, and they will not miss it.

"Give me all the news of the headquarters of the government!"

After finding the person in charge of the Tianji Pavilion, Lingdao directly took out the Amethyst VIP token. Want to buy news in Tianji Pavilion, naturally need the best Lingshi, but to buy the secret information of the government, there is not enough authority, even if there are more elite stone is useless. Fortunately, Lingdao has an amethyst-level VIP token, and the person in charge of Tianji Pavilion naturally knows everything.

After really understanding the land, Lingdao and Aolong's face 'color' are not very good-looking. They thought it was enough to overestimate the land, but did not expect to underestimate the land, it is no wonder that the young geniuses of the heavens can not get the land. The action to save the three-knife is not only to go, but also to go to the sword! --40503+dsuaahhh+24524080-->

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