The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 245: Strike

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Looking for the entire land, there are only nine heavenly people. However, after the opening of the 18th floor of Hell, there will be 18 prisoners, each of whom is a heavenly person, and this is the foundation of the government. It is the horror of the eighteen heavenly people to join forces with the martial arts. This is the confidence of the landlord.

"Eighteen layers of hell? Pretty three knives, you are self-protection, proud, and the two together!"

Lingdao bought a lot of news from the government in Tianji Pavilion. Of course, he saw it carefully on the 18th floor of Hell. As the first killing of the land, the strongest method, once started, it is a lore, and even the human beings can kill. Although he and Aolong knew about the 18-story hell, they did not expect that the landlords started the 18-story **** in order to deal with them.

"A very good big battle, interlocking, killing the machine, I also use less than half of the best spirit stone, or how strong it can be!"

Whether it is other elders in the prefecture, or those outside the military, or Lingdao and others, do not know, the landlord does not really use a million pieces of the best spiritual stone. He transferred the 18-story Hell's big array, and also launched the 18-story Hell's big battle against Lingdao, but only used 500,000 pieces of the best Lingshi.

First, the local government does not want to use too many elite stone, although the land is rich, but it can not withstand such squandering. Secondly, he did not want to kill Lingdao and others directly. After all, he still wanted to get the Taoist heritage of Lingdao. The martial arts and exercises of Lingdao are probably the most ‘sexual’ in mind, and the potential ‘sex’ placed in the ring is very small.

The warriors present, no one has seen the 18-story **** fully open, naturally do not know how many pieces of the best spiritual stone used by the government. The current eighteen layers of **** are already scary enough. However, every prisoner who is at the peak of the heavens has weaknesses. They are still worse than the real Heaven and Man.

"no problem!"

Pretty three nods nodded, with his current strength, a lot worse than Lingdao. In addition, he is injured, only 50% of the strength, can be self-protection is not bad, want to break the line, obviously more than enough. In the previous battles between Ling Dao and Qi Taishang and San Tai, he saw it with his own eyes and naturally understood the gap between himself and Ling Dao.

At the beginning, when Dong Jianyu first saw Ling Dao, if he did not suppress the realm, Ling Dao was not his opponent. Now, the situation has completely reversed, and his strength and Lingdao are not at all a level. Well, he is also a genius. I didn't expect it to be opened. Even if he is already a former warrior in the heavenly world, it is a little higher than Lingdao, and it is not acceptable.

Just after the words of the three knives, the prisoner of the first layer of **** was rushing over to the three knives. The tongue of the infernal prisoner is holding a big iron tongs, and he is going to pull out the tongue of three knives. After all, it’s a big squad of heaven and earth. It’s just a shadow, not even an entity.

Even so, the ordinary warriors of the predecessors of the heavens are certainly not the opponents of the **** of the prisoners. Fortunately, even if there are only five percent of the fighting power, it is not the ordinary martial arts who can compare with the former warriors. If he can't even deal with a prisoner, it would be too shameful, so Lingdao and Aolong, are almost the same age as him.

Lingdao just looked at the three-knife, it is no longer a pretty three-knife, he believes that quite three knives can certainly cope. He and the proud dragon's mission is very heavy, in addition to the first layer of **** prisoners, there are seventeen **** prisoners. Even if every prisoner is a ghost, join hands, the general heaven and earth will also be killed.

"The Eight Diagrams Swords!"

Until now, the proud dragon has not shot, and it has long been itch. Ling Dao first defeated the seven Taishang, and then defeated the three Taishang, has already made a big splash. If he does not have any performance at all, it will be too failed. After all, this battle will definitely be known throughout the central territory. Even if you die in the land, you should spread his name to the entire world of Sword God.

The dragon sword slammed out of the scabbard. Originally, after a sword, when it flew into the air, it became a two-handed sword, and then it became a four-handed sword, and then it became an eight-handed sword. The heart of the proud dragon is very big, because every sword is rushed to a prisoner. In other words, the proud dragon must deal with eight prisoners at the same time. Even if the strength of each prisoner is not as good as the real celestial being, the eight prisoners are not so good.

Fortunately, the proud dragon is practicing the emperor's emperor, and it is really arrogant. The original power contained in the original star is even more scary. At the same time, the speed of restoring infuriating and source is also extremely fast. Otherwise, it is not a simple matter to command eight swords at the same time. The reason why the sword array is used is because the proud dragon can't do it with one heart and one mind, and the gossip sword array can be used as long as it is used.

It’s easy to use both minds and minds. It’s a bit difficult to use with one heart and one mind. It’s impossible for the heavenly people to be warriors. Unless you reach a very high level of realm, you can do it with one heart and one mind, and even use it for thousands of purposes. It is the first time that the Eight Diagrams Swordsman has been used to deal with eight Heavenly Humans. With the strength of the proud dragon, it is easy to deal with an ordinary heavenly person, and the eight prisoners must go all out.

"Who is that young man? Is the strength so powerful?"

"Looking at his realm, it should be in the middle of the human race. Why do I feel that he is even better than the heavenly people?"

"No wonder he dared to come with Lingdao, the strength is really strong!"

Other warriors look at the eighteen layers of hell, and even the eighteen prisoners seem to be shrouded in the clouds. However, they can see the proud dragon and can feel the power of the proud dragon. Originally, they thought that the proud dragon was a follower of Lingdao. Until now, they only knew that the strength of the proud dragon should surpass that of the ordinary heaven and earth.

"Since I don't know where to break, I can only break the battle!"

In addition to the tongue of the **** prisoner, the prisoner of the Hells Hell is also attacking the three knives. Now it is quite three slashes to hold the two prisoners, the arrogant to deal with the eight prisoners, the rest for the Lingdao, and eight prisoners. He must defeat the eight prisoners in the shortest possible time, and even destroy the eight prisoners to help the proud dragon and the three swords.

"True dragons change!"

Ling Dao immediately became a real dragon. This time, he relied on the tyrannical ‘slim’ body of the real dragon to break through the brute force. The bigger the body, the more advantageous it is. Therefore, he broke through the limits of the past and directly turned into a real dragon of ten feet. Even the length of the eight prisoners combined is not comparable to the present.

A dragon 吟 吟 响 , , , 凌 凌 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 凌 吟 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌The dragon body is also not idle, just like this, it hits the past. Anyway, the Dragon ‘meat’ is tyrannical, and Lingdao is really not afraid of the attack of eight prisoners.


The killings of the eight prisoners hit the body of Ling Dao, and there was a burst of fire ‘flower’. The strength of Lingdao's ‘meat’ has already surpassed that of the heavenly people, and now it is like the best weapon in collision. The body of the eight prisoners was originally illusory, but now it is more illusory, as if to disappear.

Even the elders of the local government have changed their faces, and they have not thought that Lingdao is so fierce. That was the 18th floor of Hell, which was shaken by the impact of the Lingdao. Even the landlord can't calm down, because the eight-layered **** in the eighteen layers of **** is almost impossible to hold.

"Damn, how is this kid so perverted?"

If you continue to do so, it is a matter of time before Lingdao breaks eight layers of hell. Waiting for Lingdao to 'pick up' his hand to help the proud dragon and the three swords, and the other ten layers of hell, certainly will soon be broken. At that time, the eighteen layers of **** will be fragmented, and the plan of the government will be defeated.

"Can you not be so outrageous? I still want to make a big splash. As a result, you are like this. Can you still be a brother?"

The proud dragon said with a smile, he used to use the gossip sword array, against the eight prisoners, has caused a lot of people to marvel. But now, the performance of Lingdao is more reinforced, and the eight prisoners have not been able to fight back. Even the eight-layer **** has been broken. His performance is terrible, but the road is even more fierce.

"Haha, see me break!"

Ling Dao violently displayed nine twists and turns dragon strength, and this time the collision force has skyrocketed to six times. The eight prisoners who are increasingly illusory, this time, is directly crushed by the impact. The eight-layered **** they represent is like a mountain, squatting on Lingdao. Rao is Lingdao's ‘meat’ body is tyrannical, and the whole body scales are also completely broken. The real dragon that he incarnates is even more crushed and the bones are broken.

"Hey, young man, you are still too tender!"

The landlord has already seen that the eight prisoners can't stop the Lingdao, and naturally they are prepared. When Ling Dao ruined the eight prisoners, he directly ‘fuck’ the 18th floor of Hell, and smashed the big array of the eight prisoners’ representatives into Ling Dao’s body. Even if the heavenly people are in the peak, they must be killed directly, or even become a 'meat' cake, but he understands that Lingdao 'meat' is strong and will not die directly, but serious injuries are certain.

"Ginger is still old and spicy, the owner is really wise!"

An elder of the elders immediately took a flattering and saw the real dragon of ten feet in size. The dragon scales were broken and the blood flowed. He naturally thought that Lingdao could not. Suffering such a heavy blow, it is not bad to have one or two of the remaining strength. The other elders in the prefecture were also relieved. After all, the pressure that Lingdao brought to them was too great. Fortunately, the owner suppressed him.

"This is the time!"

Lingdao’s eyes are bright, whether it’s the landlord, the elders, or other warriors, they think he’s been hit hard and there’s not much threat. Unfortunately, they did not know that Lingdao had drunk a lot of lotus pond water, and the injury had already recovered in a while. Now the government is lax, and there is no deliberate ‘fuck’, he just broke down! --40503+dsuaahhh+24625299-->

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