The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 246: Big shot

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"Nine turns into dragons!"

Once again, using the nine-turn dragon strength, Ling Dao's ‘meat’ body strength instantly surged to the power of 3,000 dragons. The eight layers of **** that pressed against him, all of which exploded in a flash. He counted all the opportunities, and when he took advantage of the landlord's general intentions, he shot all the way and smashed the eight-layered hell.

Eighteen layers of hell, Lingdao has some understanding, as long as the prisoner disappears, then **** is easy to be destroyed. The eighteen layers of **** are interlocking, and now there are eight layers of hell, and the pressure of the dragon and the three knives are greatly reduced. Lingdao naturally did not stop, in the fastest and most brave posture, attacked the past with the other ten prisoners.

He had just smashed the eight-layered hell, not only the other warriors were surprised, but even the landlord was shocked. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the 18-story **** and let the local government owner restart the previous eight-layer hell, it is really troublesome. The landlord has already suffered a loss, and naturally it is impossible to eat a second loss.


It is like a huge beast, a fierce collision in the distant wilderness. According to legend, the eighteen layers of **** are real, a supreme being, created by infinite means. The founder of the 18th floor of Hell should have heard the rumors of the 18th floor of Hell and have a little understanding of the 18th floor of Hell.

The true dragon of ten feet in size, collided again and again, and the other ten prisoners lived with such an offensive. In particular, the proud dragon and the three knives broke out at the same time, showing more than the previous combat power. Lingdao is now helping them. They naturally understand how to do it. They used to resist it. Now they are killing ten prisoners.

There are no big dragon knives in the three knives. The strength does have an impact, but the big knife in his hands is still the murder of the prisoner. At the same time, the dragon's sword, also smashed the two prisoners. The remaining seven prisoners were under the mad attack of Lingdao, one after the other disappeared.

With previous experience, Lingdao naturally cannot be severely injured by the ten layers of hell. First, it is strong, he restores the human form, and then he displays the true dragon illustration. Even if the landlord has already reacted, the tenth floor of Hell did not crush him. The defensive ability of the real dragon illustration is beyond imagination. Especially the old words, have great power.

"The 18-story **** is so broken? Is that really the most powerful array of the land?"

"Although we are not in the big squad, we can all feel the tyranny of the big squad. You said that if you change to us, can you break the big bang?"

A group of martial artists ask themselves, even if they are the elders of the government, they understand that they will be transferred to the position of Lingdao. They will only die in the 18th floor of hell. Lingdao again and again, beyond their expectations. Whenever they are amazed by the strength of Lingdao, Lingdao will break their cognition next time.

"Even if the Lord is a little admired, why are you not a disciple of my local government?"

The eighteen layers of **** were broken, not only represented a plot of the landlord's house, but also represented 500,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone, and the white ‘wave’ was lost. For the first time, the landlord used 18 layers of **** to suppress an enemy. I did not expect this enemy not only to die, but also to break the 18-layer hell.

Since he became the core disciple of the government, he has never suffered such a big loss. Today, he is the landlord, even in the entire central territory, the status is extremely high, be regarded as the man standing at the top of the pyramid. It is a pity that today, in the face of the world, a young warrior who has reached the peak of the world has fallen to the face.

"Before, I have never thought of being an enemy of your land, but your government has repeatedly killed me. Even I was forced by you to the Sword of the Sword, and you have to send the Heavenly Man to kill me. Now that I am not looking for you, you are threatening me with three pretty knives. If you don’t give your home a lesson, then wouldn’t anyone want to deal with me?”

Lingdao’s words not only made the martial arts’ face of the local government slightly change, but even the other military forces were shocked by his strength. He and the local government had enmity, even if they were looking for revenge for the local government. However, his purpose is obviously to take the land and stand up. The land government is the top five powers in the central main territory. If he can even suppress the land, the five powers in the entire central territory will not dare to provoke him alone.


"Too arrogant!"

"You must kill him!"

Everyone who is too elder is angry, and they have lived for so many years, and they have encountered such a thing for the first time. When did you go to the local government headquarters to threaten to deal with them? When is a junior who is less than 20 years old dare to blame them in the face of the world?

"It’s ridiculous! Anyone who is right against my land is dead. There is no exception. Do you think that the Lord has only that means?"

The owner of the local government sneered, the eighteenth floor of Hell is only one of his arrangements, using 500,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone, the most important purpose is Liwei. If there are too many young geniuses in today's world, they must be made aware that there is a powerful 18-story **** in the land. If there is any young genius who does not have long eyes, the government does not mind using 18-story **** to destroy it.

"Two too, too big, don't know who of you shot him?"

The big Taishang and the second Taishang are the two most powerful elders in the government. The three Taishang is awesome, but unfortunately it is a little worse than the big Taishang and the second Taishang. However, with the strength of the Lingdao, the second is not a bit of a grasp. Second, I don’t want to be defeated by Lingdao. After all, there are so many warriors watching it.

"The old man is coming!"

The old voice sounded, and the big stepped up. He has not shot for many years, and even the second is not aware of his strength, in the end, to what extent, let alone other elders. If the second is too stupid, ‘force’ is too strong, then the big one will be stronger than the three.

"After this war, the old man broke through the two barriers and went to heaven!"

It is said that in addition to the landlord and the second Tai, the other elders are shocked. Listening to the tone of the big Tai, it is clear that it has long been able to open up the barriers of the two borders. They looked at the landlord and the second wife, and they were filled with the ‘color’ of their inquiries. The main government nodded and then explained the opening.

"The big one is on the ground, but if it is not to protect the land, I am afraid I will go to heaven!"

If the big man continues to stay in the world of Sword God, then he has not lived for many years. After all, his age is too big. However, it is not the same when it comes to heaven. The accumulation of talents on the big Taishang will increase the life expectancy after the heavens break through the realm. At that time, the great Taishang can continue to live, not like staying in the world of Jianshen can only wait to die.

The owner of the Tianjian League is hiding in the Tianjian Jedi, and he is lucky enough to break through to the heavenly corps. The Taishang of the local government is in the central territory of the central government, and naturally cannot break through to the heavenly dynasty. The confrontation with Lingdao will be the last battle of the Taishang in the central territory of the central government. After all, the entire central government is worthy of too few and too few warriors.

At the beginning, there was a young genius in heaven who wanted to take down the land, and it was the greatness of the big man who released his own strong breath before they were taken away. Even the great singer once worked with the young genius, just a ‘transfer’ front, and the young genius from heaven was actively retired.

The landlord knows that the great Taishang will leave, and will choose to use the eighteen layers of **** to deter the world when dealing with Lingdao. If you use the local government, the strength of the owner can be greatly improved, even more tyrannical than the big one. However, the owner does not want to use the underlying, after all, it is not worthwhile to deal with a junior in Lingdao.

"You are the old man who has lived for thousands of years. He has seen the most talented young man. If it is not hostile, the old man really does not want to start with you. After all, the sword **** world has not seen such a enchanting person for a long time!"

How strong is the strength of Xiaoyao Wang, I don’t know if it’s too big, but Xiaodao Wang and Lingdao are not the same. After all, Lingdao is too young. Even the young geniuses of the heavens that are coming down are mostly older than Lingdao. Big Taishang has not been to the heavens, and naturally he does not know the extent to which the enchanting of the heavens is genius.

Originally, the big lady was just like a coveted old man, but when he released all the breath, it was like a young man with strong blood. He is a knife repairer, a knives repairer in the heavens and the earth, on his own strength, he is also the strongest warrior in the government. He is a whole higher level than Lingdao, and naturally he can't be afraid of a junior. What's more, the previous battle of Lingdao is definitely very expensive.

"The knife that has been dusty for many years is finally born, and you will tremble!"

The landlord said slowly, and then the momentum on the big man seemed to erupt to the apex. Thousands of knives, flying around the big man. The sharp swordsmanship, skyrocketing, even the clouds in the sky, are instantly opened. There was a black ‘color’ crack in the void in front of Da Tai’s body.

The knife that was taken in the hands of the big man was a big knife with three knives. A powerful knife repair, holding a powerful sword, even if only standing there, is a great pressure for all the warriors present. All the disciples of the local government could not help but regress, and a huge sense of oppression made them breathless and uncomfortable. They are all shocked and look at the big Taishang, a warrior, can you really make thousands of people with momentum?


In the mouth of the big lady, spit out two words coldly, then waved the dragon knife and slammed toward Lingdao. Even if there is a distance of 30 feet between Lingdao and Datai, Lingdao feels a terrible edge. The dragon knife has not arrived yet, and his skin has been cut out of a hole, with bright red blood seeping out! --40503+dsuaahhh+24642402-->

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