The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 247: The strongest knife

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"It’s so strong, it’s the same as the local government. It’s no wonder that even the young geniuses of the heavens can’t control the land!”

"I used to feel a very strong atmosphere outside the local government. Now I want to come, I am afraid it is the great elder of the land!"

"A terrible knife repair, I have not given a knife, so I gave birth to a feeling of powerlessness. If I confess with him, I will die!"

I know that there is a big man in the local government, but they don't know that the strength of the local government is so terrible. Lingdao’s ‘meat’ is so strong that they have already seen it, but now, the knife on the big woman has not touched Ling’s body, which is to cause a knife wound on Ling’s body surface. Even if you just cut the skin, it is very difficult.

The dragon knife slammed over, the fissure of the void, the thick black ‘color’ gap, spread to the front of Lingdao. The distance of thirty feet is a matter for the big Taishang. The sharpness of the sword, swept through, like a raging big wave, like a whistling storm, enough to break everything and smash everything.

"Good sword!"

The owner of the Nalan family, with the power of the dragon vein, is far from being powerful. If it is not for the protection of the land, the Great Taishang has already opened up two barriers to the heavens. The landlord is more young than the elders who are in front of them. They are too young to confess the entire land to the two Taishang and the head of the house.

"True Dragons!"

Fortunately, Lingdao has created the strongest defense martial arts so far, otherwise it is impossible to block the knife on the big. A huge real dragon, surrounded by the Lingdao. An old text appeared, like a wall and a wall, protecting the ridge.

The dragon knife is on the real dragon, the scales are broken, and the dragon is broken. It was just a bang, and the huge dragon was completely gone. It’s not that the real dragon defense is not strong, but the big dragon knife is too strong. Even if it’s a normal heavenly person, you’ll be killed by a knife. On the big Taishang, there was already the strength to open up the barriers between the two worlds. Now, with the big dragon knife in hand, the entire central main territory can win him, and there are only a handful.

“嘭”, “嘭”, “嘭”

The Dalong Knife stood on an old text and burst into a muffled sound. Every ancient text is shining, and every ancient text is like a beast in a wild time. Even Lingdao did not think that these ancient words have such power.

The real dragon illustration is that Lingdao’s own martial arts are not fake, but those old words are copied by him in the wild. He was recognized by the wild, and he was able to understand the meaning of the wild. But he didn't know that these ancient words could be so powerful, and even the knife on the big man could block it.

"Lingdao, you go all out to fight with him, I can recapture the dragon knife!"

Hearing the sound of the three-knife, Ling Dao is also a big heart, the strength of the big Tai is strong, you can lose the big dragon knife, his strength must be weakened. In the past, Lingdao was able to take advantage of the sharpness of the Xiaoyao sword and fight with the Dalongdao. Now he is just a martial artist. He does not plan to use the Xiaoyao sword any more. Moreover, the Xiaoyao sword is still on the sword.

"no problem!"

After receiving the reply from Ling Dao, the face of the three-knife ‘color’ was also serious. Dalongdao has already recognized the Lord. At that time, he was captured by the local government, and even if he resisted, it was only in vain. After the local government took the big dragon knife, there were no means to play it. Anyway, as long as he does not die, he can sense the position of the dragon knife.

Fortunately, he didn't have a slap in the beginning, or else he wouldn't dare to use the dragon knife in front of him. However, even now, the pretty three knives are not afraid to "chaos." If there is a problem with the big dragon knife found on the big man, he may have a way to erase the mark of the three-knife. What the three knives can do is to recapture the Dalong Knife in one fell swoop, and never let the big lady react.

"True Dragon Boxing!"

There is a real dragon figure guard body, Lingdao naturally can let go of the shot. Use the nine-turn dragon to show the real dragon fist, even if you are too big, don't dare to take a nap. After all, the seven Taishang and the three Taishang, can not stop the Lingdao punch. However, it is obviously impossible to count on the real dragon fist to defeat the big man.

"Split day!"

On the big face, the ‘color’ was unchanged, and the Dalong knife was again swung and slammed into Lingdao. If the previous ruins have already shocked other warriors, then the current cracks are enough to shock them. Where the dragon knife passed, even the ground, was a gap. You must know that the target on the big Tai is Lingdao, and the blade does not touch the ground at all.

It’s just a knife, it’s enough to tear the earth, and the first to bear the brilliance, the pressure can be imagined. Even an old text is broken. The shadow of the sky is even more smashed by the shackles. His knife method, claiming that even the sky can be torn, is naturally not a natural person who can withstand the martial arts, even Lingdao feels great pressure.

Lingdao left his hand to display the real dragon fist, and his right hand displayed the big handprint, all of which hit the big man. Even if his ‘meat’ is tyrannical and his hands touch the dragon knife, it is bloody. Exceeding the unexpected situation, Lingdao did not retreat, but used both hands to grasp the dragon knife.

"Well? Look for death!"

Big Taishang couldn’t understand what Lingdao’s actions were, and it’s hard to make it. Did Lingdao want to take his big dragon knife? It’s just a joke. The dragon knife is in his hands. If the opponent is so easy to steal, what is his knife repair? For the last millennium, haven’t they all lived?

"Dragon knife, come back!"

I have been watching the three knives on Ling Dao and Da Tai, and my eyes are full of light, and there are words in my mouth. The big dragon knife recognizes the Lord’s affairs, but he does not know it at all, because he has not heard of the weapon and still confesses the Lord. Nowadays, the Dalong knife is communicated with three knives, and the Dalong knife is caught in the hands of Lingdao. It is naturally the best time to recapture the Dalong knife.

Even if the big dragon knife changed, Da Tai Shang thought it was the reason for the Ling Dao competition, and there was no such thing as a three-knife. The big sneer sneered, even if Ling Dao grabbed the dragon knife, he was able to display a stronger knife. At that time, don't say that the hands of Lingdao, even the shoulders of Lingdao, have to be cut off.

However, when the big move was ready to display the next move, the dragon knife suddenly and violently vibrated. Lingdao knows that it is a crucial moment, so the operation is quite ridiculous, and the use of nine-turn dragons and dragons to derive the power source from Yuanshi origin has erupted the most powerful force so far.


Lingdao screamed, his arms muscles ‘meat’ up, and even the whole person on the big man was smashed by him. It’s a pity that the big man was holding the dragon knife, and even if he was flying by Lingdao, his hands were still placed on the handle of the dragon knife. If there is no three-knife, the big Taishang can still display the next move.

"come back!"

At the crucial moment, the three-knife screamed, and the dragon on the dragon's knife seemed to wake up. No matter whether it is Lingdao or Datai, it is impossible to catch the big dragon knife, because the dragon knife flew over to the three swords. If there is no Lingdao and the great Taishang fight hard, it is impossible for the three swords to recall the Dalong knife.

"well done!"

The proud dragon stood next to him and laughed. From the beginning of the Taishang and Lingdao ‘hands,’ he saw the great dragon knife. Unfortunately, he could not go to help, because the other strong people in the government used his will to lock him. Once he shot to help Lingdao, there will be other elders who will go to deal with him personally.

At the headquarters of the local government, there are too many strong people in the local government. If the dragon is helping, it will only bring more trouble to Lingdao. Under the circumstance, Aolong can only stand in the distance to watch the drama, and confess the battlefield to Lingdao and Datai. As a landlord, the strongest who can get through the barriers of the two borders naturally have their own pride. It is not a last resort, he will never cooperate with other warriors to deal with Lingdao.

"What happened? The knife was robbed?"

No matter whether it is a local warrior or a person of other powers, it is impossible to understand the previous scene. It is clear that Ling Dao and Da Tai are competing for the Dragon Sword. How can they steal the Da Long Knife from the three knives? The three-knife is so far away from the Dalong knife. As a result, the dragon knife has actually flew to the three-knife. Can it be said that the dragon knife has a high ingenuity?

The landlord and other elders are too sigh, but if the dragon knife suddenly flies away, Lingdao must be hit hard. It seems that they all underestimated the Dragon Sword, and even if they were too big, they did not expect this to happen. When he got the big dragon knife, the dragon knife did not have any resistance.

"good chance!"

Without the big dragon knife, the strength must have weakened, and Lingdao even killed the past. It is also a real dragon fist, but also a big handprint of the sky, a move followed by a stroke, no pause. He is like a mad man, with one punch and one punch, one palm and one palm, falling like a storm.

"Damn! You think there is no big dragon knife, can I not deal with you?"

The big man went back and forth again and again, but unfortunately Lingdao was chasing after him. As a knife repair, there was no sword, and it was difficult to exert full strength. The attack of Lingdao is so fast, even if it is too big, it is also a cough of blood. Fortunately, Da Tai finally took out his best sword, although there is no big dragon knife sharp, but how to say it is also the weapon he used for many years, not to mention the same, almost the same.


Even the head of the government is a slap in the eyelids, and the big one has actually displayed his strongest knife. Destroy the stars, exhaust the power of the original stars, exhaust the infuriating body, and explode all the power of the whole body before they can be displayed. In other words, after a knife, it is not that you die or that I am dead. After the display of the annihilation of the stars, the strength of the great Taishou may not be as good as a native. However, a tactical annihilation is enough to kill the former warriors of ordinary heavens! --40503+dsuaahhh+24716850-->

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