The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 248: Killing the big lady

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Big Taishang itself has the strength to open up the barriers of the two worlds. Star killing is his strongest knife and he is doing his best. If it is a single fight, the killing star can kill each other, naturally the best. If the killing star can not kill the other side, then the death is probably too big. If the road is too strong, the big star will not use the star.

Of course, at the headquarters of the local government, even after the destruction of the stars, the great Taishang will become extremely weak, and he is not afraid. Lingdao not only has a strong temperament, but also has a strong resilience. Even if it is used to destroy the stars, there is no grasp of Lingdao on the big Taishang, but it is a sure thing to reinvent Lingdao. At that time, let other people in the local government take the shot and take the Lingdao easily.

The strength of the proud dragon and the pretty three knives is indeed quite good. There are many people in the local government, and there is no problem in dealing with them. The weapon of the Dragon Sword is so powerful that it is definitely to be taken back. Don't look at the central military's ability to defeat him. There are only a handful of warriors who can defeat him. When he reaches the heavens, his strength is not the bottom, and it is not much different.

The power of the best sword in his hand is too big, like the ability to destroy a star. Far away, Lingdao feels an unrivaled sword. Even if he tries his best, he will not be able to stop the strongest killings on the big man. However, if he does not shoot, the star will definitely kill the proud dragon and the three swords behind him.


Lingdao bit his teeth, first display the true dragon illustrations, and then use the nine-turn dragon dragon to display the big handprints. A huge palm print, to the best sword, like a mountain, smashed the past. However, the best sword has nothing to break, the star is out, there is nothing to stop.

No matter how many types of handprints that Lingdao can play, it is broken by the big one. After all, the realm of Lingdao is too low. After all, he only has a peak in heaven. If he and the big man are on a realm, then it is easy to kill the big one. It is a pity that he has just broken through to the peak of the sky, and now it is impossible to break through to the heavens.

"On your own, I also want to block my annihilation?"

The big sneer sneered, the best sword has already split the dragon into two halves, even if it is an old text, it is fragmented. The first two tricks, broken and split, are far less than the current smashing star. Fortunately, the big dragon knife on the big squad was robbed back by the pretty three knives, or else it would be a slash, and it would be split in half.

The best sword has broken through all obstacles and squatted at the ‘chest’ mouth of Lingdao. It can be clearly seen that the blade has penetrated deeply into the body of Lingdao. Lingdao's ‘chest bones are completely split. If his ‘meat’ is strong, I am afraid that even the internal organs will be opened. Even so, he was also heavily insulted and replaced by other warriors, fearing that he would lose all his combat power.

Even if Lingdao has the lotus water in the lotus pond, it will take a while to recover. His internal organs were not opened, but cracks had already appeared, and he was hurt by the knife on the big. Such a heavy blow, the big Taishang will not be able to recover from the Lingdao, and now Lingdao makes other elders to deal with, it will be easy.

"It’s not too big, it’s stronger than our strength, even if it’s two, it’s not big enough to fight!”

"The same is the elders of the elders. It is also the peak of the natural world. How can I be so big with the strength of the big Tai?"

One by one, the elders of the elders were amazed, and the strengths shown in the previous big ones were already a lot stronger than them. Now, the annihilation of the stars on the big squad is able to kill them with a knife. It’s a miracle that Lingdao can live, and they can’t believe how much power they can have.

The celestial warrior is only tenacious in life, and the resilience is better. The ‘thorax’ bones are all cut off, and certainly not so easy to heal. What's more, the best sword is also embedded in Lingdao's 'chest' mouth. If the big man continues to use force, it is still possible to open the body of Lingdao. At that time, Lingdao will die. Unfortunately, many of them do not know that the current big woman is very weak.

"It's a pity, so enchanting, still have to die at the headquarters of the government!"

"It’s strange to blame him for being too arrogant, only to pass the peak of the heavens, and dare to come to the headquarters of the government to save people. If he is willing to wait a few years, who can kill him in the land?"

The warriors of other forces are sighing. Regardless of whether Lingdao is an enemy or a friend, the talents that Lingdao shows are all to make them sigh. It is a pity that Lingdao is too heavy, and in order to get three knives, he even killed the headquarters. Otherwise, he is eager to avoid the land, the central territory is so big, and it is not an easy thing for the local government to find him.

"After all, the old man is better!"

Big Taishang thought in his heart, but his face couldn’t help but sing out a smug ‘color’. Although Ling Dao is a lower realm than him, Ling Dao is, after all, a peerless enchanting. Can get such a enchanting, the big is still very fulfilling. Even if he is sour now, he feels worth it.

Whether it is the elders of the local government, or other military forces, or the local government, they are all psychological activities, all happening in an instant. The sword magic lurked in the dark for so long, and finally found the best time. When the previous 18-layer **** was opened, the swordsmen did not show up.


The sword magic has long used the source of the Yuan, deriving the source of the void, and hiding itself in the void. Although he only has a peak in the sky, but the sword repairs in the presence, no one can exceed the speed of the sword. If you don’t have a sword, you will have to take the ‘sex’ life on the big one. Lingdao is hurting, and it is to create a chance to kill the big lady.

The great Taishang is still immersed in the joy of victory, and naturally he will not suddenly kill the sword. The elders of the local government are all on the elders and the three knives. As long as the three-knife and proud dragons start, they can stop the three-knife and the proud dragon in the first time to ensure the safety of the big.

However, the emergence of the sword magic broke the plan of all of them. More importantly, the sword magic suddenly appeared, and made the fastest sword. Before the two points, Lingdao learned the sword of the character and killed the sword in the dark night. Now he has changed the night blood to kill the sword, used to assassinate the big man, absolutely foolproof.


A cold sword light, scratching the void, the sword tip of the man Wang Jian, crossed the neck of the big lady. Only the big man was on himself, and he heard the sound of the throat being cut. Other warriors only saw a sword light passing by. Don't look at the change on the surface of the big man. In fact, the sword of the sword has killed him.

"Who? Who is it?"

The second was exclaimed, and then came to the side of the big man at the fastest speed. After the sword demon appeared, it was just a sword, and it was hidden again. Even if it is the second, it is impossible to find the trace of the sword. The sword magic shot is fast, the ability to hide is good, and the second is naturally not assured.

"Great, are you okay?"

The landlord asked softly, at the same time, he even extended a pair of big hands, applied the claws of the pick, and wanted to take the Lingdao. However, Lingdao had already expected that he would do this and step back. If the big man is still alive, Lingdao is naturally not so easy to get rid of the best sword in the hands of the big man, but fortunately, the big man has already died under the sword of the sword.

"Good boy, have come to this time, still want to do unnecessary struggle?"

There is no rush to chase Lingdao. In the eyes of the local government, Lingdao is not able to fly today. When the local government owner came to the side of the big lady, it was the face of the color, because the neck of the big lady was already bloody. The sword is out of the sword too fast, killing people without blood, until now, the blood on the neck of the big lady just came out.

"Greater too!"

The local government official exclaimed, in any case, the great Taishang is the patron saint of the land. But now, the big Taishang was actually killed by a mysterious sword in front of their eyes. I remembered the sword light of the previous stunned ‘Yan’, and the landlord’s house was also a guilty conscience. Even after the destruction of the stars, the great Taishang will become weak. It is difficult to kill him if he wants to kill him with a sword.

"Dead? Is it too big to die?"

Other elders in the elders also noticed the situation on the big Taishang. In their eyes, the strong mess of the Taishang was actually killed by a mysterious sword. Even, they didn't know before, and the big man was already dead. They thought that the swordsman had been scared away by them. I never thought that the swordsman would escape after killing the big man.

"Shameless! Upright confrontation, you actually sent someone to attack!"

The six people on the ground floor couldn’t help but say that their faces were full of anger. It’s just that few people have noticed that in a pair of scorpions on the six Tai, there is a hidden ‘color’. The same is Jian Xiu, he knows the horror of the sword magic, whether it is the speed of movement, or the speed of the sword, the sword magic is stronger than him. Then again, he is also a martial artist in the heavens and the earth. When did the central main territory appear such a powerful sword repair?

If it is just a powerful sword repair, it will be nothing more than a sword repair that is good at assassination. The reason why the life-stricken building is terrible is that the assassination technique of the killer is too secretive. The elders of the prefectures of the prefectures were the first to associate themselves with the desperate buildings, but why haven’t they heard that the death-stricken buildings have such a powerful sword repair?

"Haha, it’s really laughing at me. You are a wheel war, and you are using a big array. You are also letting the heavenly people meet the peaks of the peaks. Now they say that we are shameless? Is your skin more than the walls of your house? Still thick?"

"It's no wonder that the government can become the top five powers in the central government's main territory. They have a thick face and a knife. How can other warriors be their opponents? Imagine that the local military directly put your face over to you, you can't beat it. Then, how do you fight the strongest of the resort?"--40503+dsuaahhh+24721034-->

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