The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 250: Breakthrough, heaven and earth!

Taking advantage of the sharpness of the judge's pen, the landlord can be said to have the advantage, regardless of whether Ling Dao's display of the big handprint, true dragon fist, or other martial arts, will be broken by him, as long as the judge is a little pen, Can pass through the martial arts of Lingdao, straight to the body of Lingdao, even if Lingdao's physical strength is extremely high, it is also unable to stop the tip of the official pen.

In the previous confrontation, the local government did not see the truth of Lingdao. Now Lingdao has decided to let the swordsman fight against the position of the government, and the body is too bad for the judge. If you change the adult Wang Jian, it is different. In addition, the sword demon has the Xiaoyao sword and the emperor sword, and it should be no problem.

The most important thing is that the sword magic has become the peak of the heavens, longer than the Lingdao, and his current savings are even more powerful than the Lingdao, especially the martial arts sentiment of the Emperor’s life, which is enough for him to benefit endlessly. The peak of the peak is not the opponent of the land government, the sword is not the same, but the landlord is the opportunity to break through the sword.

The landlord is getting closer and closer to the Lingdao. The strokes are large and the sharpness of the official pen is enough to cut down the entire right arm of Lingdao. Unfortunately, the facts are not the same as those of the local government. At the crucial moment, In front of Ling Dao, there was a figure. He wore a white robe and a silver mask on his face. He was not a sword.

The sword magic hand man Wang Jian, the right hand constantly swayed, making the person Wang Jian rotate quickly, just like a meat grinder, constantly stirring forward, the judge pen tip sharp, the sword magic naturally know, people Every time Wang Jian rotates, he puts the blade on the pen of the judge.

Once or twice, tens of times, hundreds of times, it was the attack of the landlord, and the direction was shifted. Finally, the judge’s pen wiped the body of the sword, and did not hurt him. At the same time, Ling The road has already retreated to the side of the proud dragon and the three swords. Next, the landlord will be handed over to the sword magic. If Lingdao has no confidence in anyone, he will not have confidence in himself.

"That is, you killed the great lady, then the head of the house will take your life and pay homage to the great lady."

Both the earth and the dragons strengthen themselves, and the judges are sharp and unparalleled. The landlord has an absolute chance of winning. Even if his brushwork is not so good, it is certainly more than enough to deal with a person who is through the heavens and the peaks. The landlord is Wu Xiu. It is strong in melee, and it is not too bad to use the judgement pen.

“One inch is short, one inch is dangerous, one inch is long, and one inch is strong.”

The advantage of the sword magic is that it is on the sword of the person, as a sword repair, naturally the advantage of using the sword, the person Wang Jian is much longer than the judge, as long as the sword magic can maintain enough distance, the judge can not attack He, then he is much safer. After Lingdao integrated two points, Wu Xiu's body is getting stronger and stronger, and the body of Jian Xiu is a lot worse.

Now the realm of Ling Dao is still low. After the realm is getting higher and higher, the difference in physical strength between the two will be bigger and bigger. Fortunately, the sword devil does not need to be as strong as the flesh. He wants to enlighten him in Kendo. He wants The sword is practiced. Since the integration of two points, the sword of the sword has never left his body.

"You are still doing what you are doing, and when I take the Lingdao, the other two will kill."

The second is too cold to say, the other five elders who are in the peak of the heavens, nodded, and the local government had eight elders who were in the peak of the heavens. Unfortunately, now the big man has been killed by the sword, three Too high is also hit hard by the Lingdao, and the world of human beings who can fight is too elder, only six.

Seven Taishang was the first to fight with Ling Dao. Although he was also injured, the little injury had little effect on him. Er Tai Shang, Si Tai Shang, Wu Tai Shang, Liu Tai Shang and Ba Tai. On the top, there was no shot from beginning to end, and now I have to win the Lingdao. In fact, they think that Lingdao has been hit hard and is not worried.

They really have to deal with the proud dragon, because the proud dragon has shown a strong fighting power when playing against the eight prisoners. As for the three-knife, even if the dragon knife is in hand, at most, only 80% of the combat power is left. However, it does not need to be too concerned about it. If they would not be held for three long time, I am afraid that three swords will be a little higher than the present.

"You two are blocking first, I am looking for a chance to kill."

Lingdao passed the sound to the proud dragon and the pretty three knives. Originally he just wanted to save the three knives. Now he changed his mind. He wants to overthrow the whole land. The big man is already dead. If he is going to be the other heavenly person. The martial arts of the martial arts are all slaughtered. The high-end combat power of the land is equal to the abolition. If the lord of the land is killed again, the local government will definitely fall out of the top three, and even the top ten will not be counted.

"They are six, and I can block them by myself."

The proud dragon responded with a smile, and then it was to display the Liuhe sword array, a sword of the dragon, and turned into a six-handed dragon sword, which was respectively killed to an elder, four Taishang, Wutaishang, and Liutai. The seven Taishang and the Eight Taishang, their five strengths are not as good as the three, but they are much stronger than the eight prisoners.

"Then I am responsible for harassment."

Pretty three knives also understand their current strength, can not help much, but fortunately he has already held the dragon knife, just the edge of the dragon knife, it is the elders who make the heavens peak, have to be treated with caution He and Aolong teamed up to resist the elders of the six heavenly people, which is naturally not an easy task.

"You deal with him, I am going to completely abolish the Lingdao."

The six heavenly people are in the top of the elders. The second is the highest in status and the strongest. The next two will be upgraded to the big one. The other five elders will naturally not refute his orders. Sneering and coming toward Lingdao, he seems to have seen that Lingdao was begging for mercy.

Lingdao’s retrogression is actually secretly prepared. When the key moments are used, the use of nine-turn dragons and the use of the fifth-hand cover of the big handprints, and the desire to defeat the two too, is not difficult for Lingdao, but wants It’s a bit difficult to kill the second one. If you want to kill the second one in a moment, it’s harder.

"You can't escape."

On the face of the two too, there was a smug smile on the face, and even the big lady did not take the Lingdao. If he could win the Lingdao, he would naturally have a sense of accomplishment. Unfortunately, he did not know until now. The injury of Lingdao has been cured. Even if the battle is up to now, the strength of Lingdao has not weakened.


On the arrogant second, use both hands and grab the Lingdao. The second is to use a claw method. If you buckle the shoulders of Lingdao, then Lingdao can’t fly. However, Lingdao this time. Not only did not retreat, but a violent step forward, Lingdao's big hands, seized the hands of the two too.

The fifth type of cover-up big handprint, broke open the offensive on the second Tai, and hit the chest on the second, the second is obviously awkward, I did not expect things to become like this, the key moment, two Too is also waking up in an instant, he wants to get rid of Lingdao's hands, but it is too late.

The power of 3,000 dragons broke out. Whether it was the warriors of the local government or the warriors of other forces, they witnessed their unforgettable scenes forever, the heavenly people and the martial arts, the second of the land, and the arms were actually led by Ling Daosheng. The soil was torn off, the scene was bloody, and the bright red blood was like a spring.

"Two too."

Some elders exclaimed, they want to save the two too, but unfortunately it is too late, Lingdao vacated, and stepped on the head of the two too, the power of the unparalleled, directly on the head of the two too Stepping into his stomach, the body on the second, like a fallen star, broke into the ground.

The death of the great Taisuke makes others fear the assassination ability of the swordsman. The death of the second is to let others fear the violence of Lingdao. Lingdao is like a humanoid tyrannosaurus. It is a mess of life, the sword is based on the sword, and Ling Dao is killing the second Tai on the strength of the arrogant.

"How is it possible, I obviously saw that he was hit hard by the local government, why he can still be so strong."

The disciples who were present were incomprehensible. They clearly watched Lingdao being cut off from the sternum by the big lady. Even the internal organs were cracked, but now, watching Lingdao and Ertai’s hands-on look is a bit Nothing happened. The careful warrior found that Lingdao had been sentenced to the hand of the palm of his hand, and there was no trace of it.

Among the six elders of the heavenly peaks, the strongest two Taishang, have been killed by Lingdao, and now Lingdao is no longer loaded with serious injuries, directly joined the proud dragon, the three swords and other five In the battle circle of the elders, even the landlords in the distance are anxious. If they do not kill the swords, the other heavenly people in the land are too dangerous to be elders.

The offensive of the landlord is getting more and more fierce. Even if it is a sword, it can't be stopped. The body of the sword has already had a scar. It is all wounded by the official pen. However, the sword is not only a little bit. Discouraged, his eyes are coming to the moon, and even the swordsman has given up the defense, leaving only the offense, constantly attacking, and constantly attacking.

Because of this, the wounds on the swordsman are more and more. Fortunately, the swordsmen also drank a lot of lotus pond water. This kind of injury has no effect on him. However, the landlord actually displayed it. A martial art that has banned opponents has already figured out the strength of the swordsman. He naturally can ban the swordsman from breathing time.

"go to hell."

The tip of the judge's pen has been aligned with the sword's chest. It only takes one breath time. The judge's pen can penetrate the heart of the sword, and the sword is dead. When the millennium is on, the sword is full of black hair dancing. I thought that when I broke through at this time, the local government owner could ban his breathing time, but now it is half the time of breathing.

The most important thing is that he broke through to the human condition and finally has the strength to reverse the situation.

(PS: Khan died, the task can not be completed, recently stayed up late, too much, can't stop, or work hard tomorrow,)

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