The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 251: Prefecture, delisting!

It is not a last resort, the landlord will not kill Lingdao, but he does not know that the sword is the Lingdao, therefore, as long as there is a chance, he will certainly put the sword in the dead, he and the sword magic war for so long, finally Find an opportunity to cast a martial arts to shackle the swordsman, to judge the sharpness of the official pen, to penetrate the heart of the sword magic, absolutely no problem.

The landlord’s calculation is very good. However, people are not as good as days. The sword magic just broke through the realm at this time. It was time to ban the sword and a breathing time. Now it has become a half-breathing time, so that the sword has When the time of resistance, the man Wang Jian suddenly stabbed, and the sword tip was on the judge's pen.

A huge vibrational force was transmitted to the judge's pen, which caused the entire right arm of the government to tremble. The swordsman had just broken through, and the infinite source of strength was coming to him. Behind him, there is a cloud of Qinglian, which has caused his explosive power to grow exponentially.

After breaking through to the heavens and humans, the sword-sword of the swordsman is naturally stronger than before. Even the landlord is snorted, and the sleeves blast in the blink of an eye. There was a crack, and the battle was now. The landlord was finally injured for the first time. The landlord wanted to retreat, but the man Wang Jian was like a skeleton, and he was entangled in the judgment.

No matter how the local government owner does it, the people Wang Jian and the judge's pen are tightly glued together. The Qinglian behind the sword magic exudes a gleaming blue light, which seems to be rooted in the void, absorbing the power of the heavens and the earth. At the same time, the lotus imprint of the sword and the eyebrows is also alive, making Lingdao all in full bloom.

"Look at whether you kill me or I kill you."

The sword demon calmly said that when others break through, they may become weak, but when he breaks through, he is more tyran than usual, especially the green lotus shadow behind him, which constantly instills a huge amount of energy, Wang Jian The sharpness is raised to a level, even if it is an official sentence, it can not damage the person Wang Jian.

His sword speed is getting faster and faster. There is only one shocking sword style from beginning to end. If other swordsmanship is applied, it will slow down his sword speed. The sword sword is simple and brisk, and every time he can make the landlord The headache is endless. If this continues, the local government will definitely lose to the sword.

"A life is dead."

The landlord took a deep breath and then urged all the power of the source star to instill in the judge. Since the sword magic broke through the realm, the situation has been reversed. Now he has gradually been cursed. Suppress, if you don't want to do it, kill the sword magic in a short time, only the defeat will be him.

The judgement pen in his hand suddenly spurred out, as if it had become an arrow feather, where the judge's pen passed, the void was cracked, the earth collapsed, and the swordsman was unbeatable. Sharp, even if Lingdao user Wang Jian, can not stop the judgement pen, the land government owners with the power of the original source of the stars, so that the judges self-recovery, and now the power of the judges played far more than before.

Can block the judge's pen, it is a life, can not stop the judgement pen, it is death, life is critical, the sword magic naturally dare not care, just in an instant, the Xiaoyao sword is in his hands, only relying on Xiaoyao The sharpness of the sword, the sword magic has the ability to block the judgment of the judge, fortunately, Xiaoyao sword did not let him down, really helped him block the sentence.

Normally, as long as the local government urging the judges to revive the judges, even if the heavens are full of martial arts, they will all be killed, even if they are the strongest who can get through the barriers of the two worlds. They must all die in the judge's pen, but now, the sword magic is not dead at all.

"There is a turning point, ok, haha..."

The landlord laughed loudly, and when other warriors were puzzled, the sharpness of the judge's pen, passing through the Xiaoyao sword, and wearing the body of the sword, the sword tip of the sword, can indeed block the nib of the judge's pen, but The sharpness of the judge's pen still passed through the chest of the sword, and there was a blood hole in his organs.

"You are still dead, after all, it is dead."

I saw the sword demon being judged by the official pen to penetrate the body. The landlord also took a long breath. He has seen many geniuses, but like the swordsman, the heavenly people have such a strong force. It is really There are very few, if there is no official sentence, the landlord really does not feel that he has the victory over the sword.

The people of the local government had not had time to cheer, but they saw a smattering of the sword light. The swordsman who had already been pierced through the body suddenly slammed out a deadly sword. The local government officials were cautious, but saw the sword. After the devil was pierced by the body, he also slackened. Anyway, Lingdao, proud dragon and quite three knives, there is still a long distance from him.

Only a former warrior who was pierced by the body of the heavens will certainly not pose any threat to him. When the swordsman stabbed the sword, the landlord would like to retreat, it was already late, "噗嗤", Xiao Yaojian It is the body that has penetrated the government of the government. The swordsman uses the sword-sword type, which naturally shatters the organs of the government.

"how come……"

The head of the government is incredulously watching the swordsman, and it has been pierced through the body. How can the swordsman be able to display such a swift sword? Even if the life of the heavenly man is tenacious, he will be so fatally wounded, and the fighting power can be saved. 20%, it has reached the limit, why the sword magic will be so strong.

"But it is worthwhile to have a enchanting burial like you. It is worth it anyway. It is better to let me see what your true face is."

He didn't want to die, he didn't want to die. After all, he was already a martial artist, and he was still a landlord. He was a high-ranking person. Even in the entire central territory, few people dared not give him face. Just give him time. Sooner or later, they can break the barriers between the two circles and then go to the heavens. However, the cruel reality cannot be reversed. He can only accept it.

"No, you will die, but I won't."

The sword magic did not take the mask, the lotus pond holy water has already taken effect, the previous injury, has been cured in a moment, the landlord looked at the sword magic strangely, then he found that the sword magic did not suffer any injuries, The landlord was extremely puzzled, and it was obvious that the sword demon had been fatally wounded, and now there is nothing in the sword.

"Is it illusion."

Regardless of whether the truth is true or not, the swordsman does not die anyway. Even if the landlord is able to use the power of the earth's dragons and the use of the judge's pen, he will not be able to kill the swordsman, and he will have to die at the same time. At least he can make the landlord a bit Consolation, now the owner of the local government is breathless and does not breathe, killing on the spot.

"The owner is dead."

"How is it possible, how can the owner die?"

"Who is that sword repair?"

The entire government was panicked. After the Taishang was killed, the local government was sitting in the town. The local government would not be in a mess. But now, the government is dead, and both Taishang and Ertai are dead. Three Taishang has long been hit hard by Lingdao. Although the local government has a deputy head, they do not have the ability to command the overall situation.

"It's over, we are finished."

The other heavens in the local government are desperate. The elders are desperate. They are not the opponents of Lingdao, Aolong and Nandao. Now the swordsmen kill the landlords. Once they help Lingdao and others, they I am afraid that I will be killed. They may never have thought that using the three-knife to deal with Ling Dao will lead to such a killing.


Among them, some people bite their teeth and show their strongest scholasticism, killing them to three knives, because Lingdao, Aolong and the three knives are the weakest of the three knives. Even if they are going to die, they have to pull at least one. With the funeral, the sword magic has not yet come over, killing the three-knife first, or else he may not even have a chance to even shoot.

Lingdao is awesome, but he relies on flesh and martial arts. The scary swordsman is mainly on the sword. His sword speed is too terrible. Even if it is a heavenly person, you can’t see it clearly. His trajectory of the sword, at least the rest of the heavens and the earth, the peaks of the elders are like this.


Among them, some people are afraid of death. After all, it is not an easy task to cultivate them into their realm. As long as they give them time, they all have the confidence to break the barriers between the two circles. At that time, no matter how strong Lingdao is, they are not related to them. Unfortunately, now they want to run away, it is already late.

"From today, the land government is delisted. I am not a killer. But the land and my enmity are like the sea. From then on, who dares to say that he is the military of the land, I will kill anyone. If you take the initiative to leave the land, I will not Will be investigated again."

Ling Dao uses infuriating, so that his voice becomes extremely loud, spread throughout the land, even if the military outside the government, they can hear clearly, they did not think, the battle between Lingdao and the land It will be such an ending. The entire central government, the top three, has disappeared.

"Several of you have already shot us, others can live, you must die."

The proud dragon waved the dragon sword and launched the strongest offensive against the martial arts of the heavens and the earth. The three swords looked great. I didn’t expect to imprison him for so long, but he was destroyed in Lingdao’s hands. He did not To deal with those who are in the natural world, but to find the local strongmen who used to deal with him.

"Who flees, who dies."

A smashing sword lighted up, the first elder who escaped from the elders, and was directly cut off by the sword of the sword, Wang Jian, and then the sword magic displayed Qinglian sword step, appeared in another elder elder In front of it, a sword crossed the throat of the other side, and the ordinary people were in the face of the sword. In front of the sword, there was no resistance at all.

"To change the day, the local government was actually delisted by several of them."

"Since then, is it true that several of them are equivalent to a five-power, and can also rank in the top three."

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