The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 253: You also match?

Tianyuan City, the emperor's sword was born, and opened the nine-empty void. Every heavy void contains a kind of sword meaning. Only when the nine swords are broken and enter the ninth void, can you get the sword of the people and the first one. With a kind of sword meaning, you can enter the first heavy void, and you can enter the second heavy void by scrambling the second sword, and so on...

The nine swords of the Emperor's sword are not so good to understand. Even if the swordsman has been delayed for a while, it has no effect. Until now, no one has entered the ninth emptiness, even if it is a genius sword repair. It is not easy to understand any kind of sword meaning, let alone to understand the nine swords.

Nine swords, there is no difference between high and low, but the more it is inside, the harder it is, but the difficulty is still increasing geometrically, because it is easy to master a kind of sword, but it is difficult to master two kinds of swords, let alone It is easy to master the nine kinds of swords, and it is easy to enter the first empty space, but it is difficult to reach the ninth heavy void.

As one of the three emperors, the Emperor's own strength is naturally incredible. As the weapon of the Emperor, it is also one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo. The Emperor Sword wants to choose the successor, and the natural requirements are extremely high, let alone It is in the world of Sword God, even in the heavens, no one can understand the nine swords.

Regardless of whether it is a heavenly or a heavenly sword, the swordsmanship is already mastered, but their swordsmanship is very empty. There is no attribute. Unlike the nine swords of the sword, it is already like the source of power. It contains unique characteristics. Generally speaking, normal warriors also have a source of origin. There are at most two sources. It is rare to master three kinds of sources. Unless it is a special constitution, it will master more. The source of power.

The emperor is another way. He did not think about mastering the nine origins, but opened up all kinds of swords. Now the nine swords that the emperor’s sword exudes are the swordsmanship that the emperor mastered in the past, but the emperor mastered it. The meaning of the sword is more, and the current state of the Emperor's sword cannot be fully demonstrated.

If someone can enter the ninth void, it is possible to discover that the current imperial sword, only the blade and the blade, has no hilt and sword tip, but inside the ninth void, sitting on a plate wearing a yellow The young emperor of the robe, his body exudes a vast emperor, if the ordinary warrior stood in front of him, I am afraid that he could not help but kneel down to pay homage.

"A lot of warriors."

When the swordsman rushed to Tianyuan City, Tianyuan City had already gathered a large number of warriors. Whether it was Jian Xiu or other warriors, they all had thoughts on the people’s swords. Unfortunately, if they were not swordsmen, they would certainly be very savvy. If you lose money, even if you really can't understand the sword, they won't leave because they can wait for others to get the sword and then grab it.

Lingdao’s young genius in the heavens that he saw in the Tianjian Jedi is only a small part. Now the Emperor’s sword is born, and the young geniuses of the heavens are mostly gathered in Tianyuan City, and the remaining small parts. It is also on the way to come, they are down for the sword, naturally will not miss.

"It's him."

"It is that he got the inheritance of the demon emperor."

"I didn't expect him to come too."

The appearance of the sword demon obviously caught the attention of some warriors. They all went to the Tianjian Jedi and even realized the first layer of the stone tablet scriptures. Unfortunately, they finally missed the Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian, and now they see it again. The demon emperors passed on, they naturally could not be calm, they came from the great forces of heaven, and the ancient scriptures were not bad, but unfortunately not complete.

If a disciple can cultivate a complete emperor, the forces of the day will have been chaotic. Moreover, many forces have more than one ancient scripture. The emperor has strengths and weaknesses, and the emperor has natural talents. Inevitably, it is not the strongest emperor. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, the government is the emperor of the Qin Emperor, and the Daqin Holy Court. Only by becoming a surname can you cultivate the strongest emperor.

"He is the demon emperor, that is, he got the complete Wan Gu Qing Tian Sheng Lian Jing."

A complete emperor, the value is not low, even if they are not sword repairs, they can't cultivate, and they can be given to their own high-level powers. They can certainly get great benefits. Now, so many warriors are robbing people of the sword, if they can't get it. The Emperor's sword, then it is from the hands of the swordsman, robbing the ancient world of the holy lotus.

"Being able to get the demon emperor, he must be a genius of kendo. If he enters the nine-empty void, I am afraid that the performance will not be worse than those geniuses."

Many warriors have never heard of the demon emperor. After all, the age is too long. There are ancient times in the past, and the ancient times, and the front is the wilderness. However, as long as it is the great emperor, in their eyes, it is unattainable. The stalwart exists, even if they are extremely poor, I am afraid that there is no hope of becoming an emperor.

"Hey, a subordinate warrior in the district, how many talents can you have, I am in a good mood, and quickly hand over the ancient scriptures of the Emperor, otherwise your life will stay here."

A young genius from the heavens is called Shu Road. He is already a warrior in the early days of the heavens. In the face of the lower bounds, he naturally has a strong sense of superiority. Unfortunately, he is a knife repairer who wants to understand the nine swords. It is simply impossible. Therefore, he is too lazy to work hard, waiting for others to get the sword and then **** it.

He did not go to the Sword of the Sword, naturally did not see the sword magic shot, those young genius who recognized the sword magic, there is no meaning at all, they witnessed, the sword magic defeated a strong soldier, even Forcing the strong man of heaven to break through the barriers of the two borders and flee to the heavens. However, they did not tell the knife repair. After all, they still want to fight the sword and the sword.

"That is, you can get the inheritance of the demon emperor. It is your luck. If you know each other, share the ancient emperor with us. When you go to heaven, we can help you. If you don't know the current affairs, then you only Can die in the lower bounds, and there is no chance to go to heaven."

Another young genius stood up. He is a martial artist. Naturally, there is no hope that he will understand the nine swords. Now he will encounter the demon emperor. If he can get the ancient scriptures of the demon emperor, he will not be jealous of this trip. Anyway, he Also, there is no sword in the eye. After all, a lower-level indigenous person can go wherever.

If the swordsmen are the martial arts of the heavenly people, they will certainly not provoke the swordsmen. However, the former warriors who recognized the swordsmen have already whispered the realm of the swordsman, just the peak of the heavens, so he is also In the early days of the Heaven and Man, the warrior against the peak of the sky, there is no problem.

"The demon emperor."

Standing in the distance, the government looked at the swordsman curiously. The swordsman also felt a sense of heart. He looked up at the government. Even after dozens of miles, the sword demon was a brow, and the feeling of giving him a sense. Very very powerful, the heavenly sword of the Jedi, let him be a little disappointed with the young genius of the heavens, but after seeing the government, the sword magic is to understand that the heavens are not a young genius without great power, but he has not encountered it before.

"Interesting, it seems that I have to fight, I have to look at how much the demon emperor has."

The government does not have the meaning of hands-on, but idle is also idle. It is better to look at the battle between the young geniuses of the heavens and the swordsmen. He will not look down on the swordsmen because the swords are the lower bounds. After all, the swords also have young talents. Going in, but they did not get the inheritance of the demon emperor, but instead let the sword demon get a lower bound indigenous, to say that the sword magic does not have two brushes, it is impossible.

"You want the ancient heavens and the holy lotus."

The sword and the mouth of the sword are slightly upturned. After breaking through to the predecessor of the heavenly people, he is not fighting enough to let him consolidate the realm. Now it is good. Someone has already sent it to the door. Of course he will not be afraid of such a battle. The central main domain has already There are not many warriors worthy of his sword, and the young geniuses from heaven are naturally good partners.

"Crap, or you think, we will talk to you a lower indigenous."

"If there is no inheritance of the demon emperor, who will take care of you, which green onion you count."

The genius knife repair and genius martial arts that Lingdao had handed over the ancient heavens and the celestial martial arts were all ridiculed. They both had come over to the sword, if the swordsmen agreed to hand over the demon After that, everything is easy to say, if the swords and the devil do not pay, they will kill the sword.

"If you want to see the ancient scriptures of the Emperor, you will also be worthy of you."

The words of the sword demon, in an instant, let the genius knife repair and martial arts, the face is ugly, a lower bound indigenous, dare to talk to them, really do not know how to write the dead words, they originally intended to stay a sword Now, it seems that it is better to kill the swordsman. Who makes the swords and sorrows them unhappy?

"Stupid, do you know that talking to me is only a dead end."

The genius knife repaired his own sword and slammed a knife at the sword. Another martial artist did not do it, but a look at the play. In his opinion, the early days of the heavens Knife repair, to deal with the sword devil a lower bound indigenous, is absolutely more than enough, does not need him to shoot.

"That kid is finished, a lower-level indigenous dare to be so arrogant, I really don't know how high the earth is, maybe he is in the lower bounds, it is a peerless genius, but when he reaches the heavens, he will understand that his achievements are not worth mentioning."

There is a young genius in heaven who says this. Although he also thinks that the genius knife is not correct, he does not mean to stop it. They say that they are also young geniuses in heaven. Now a lower-level indigenous people is so rude. Naturally, I have to give him a lesson. Under the Aboriginal people, seeing them should be respectful.

"If there is a good show, they may think that the demon emperor is vulnerable, but we have already seen the strength of the demon emperor. If they despise the demon emperor, they must suffer a big loss."

"Hit it, fight hard. If you die under the sword of the Emperor and fight for the sword, we will have fewer opponents."

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