The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 254: Nether life and death

After the young knife repair from the heavens, after a knife, the white knife light is in the void, condensed into a hundred-meter-sized giant knife. As a knife repair, he can't comprehend the nine swords, but he looks at him. Come, it is easy to deal with a lower-level indigenous, the sword and the devil do not know the current affairs, even dare to speak and insult him, if he does not kill the sword, how to establish his own majesty.

"You must let me know what is the gap."

Do not think that he really does not care about the sword magic, how to say, the sword magic is also the demon emperor, on the identity, in fact, the sword magic is higher than him, the great emperor, naturally not his big disciples can compare, but, sword It didn't take long for the devil to get the inheritance of the demon emperor. I don't want to improve it. Besides, the demon emperor died. I don't know how many years, or a living emperor, the apprentice who came out, he certainly wouldn't dare to provoke.

Even so, his move is all-out, but he has not applied any knives. He has dealt with a lower-level indigenous. If he still uses the knife method, even if he wins, he is also a shame. Moreover, he has the confidence to defeat the sword, this sword is even a sword. The magic can block, and certainly suffer heavy losses. Only the young genius who has seen the sword magic shot, has confidence in the sword magic, other warriors are waiting to see the sword magic good play.

"is it."

The sword is undecided. The young knife from heaven does not use the sword. He naturally does not use the sword. It is not that he feels that the sword is used to defeat the young knife, but because he can’t see the knife. He is already in the early stage of the world, the same realm, the young knife repair is not his opponent.

Wang Jian went up against the line and slammed into the giant knife of the size of a hundred feet. A loud bang, a huge crack appeared in the size of Baizhang. Then, Wang Jian went through the giant knife and repaired the young knife. In the past, the fierce swordsmanship, like the tens of thousands of arrows, smashed all the swordsmanship of the young knives.

The collision between the sword and the knife, at the touch of a hair, the young knife repaired the arm and shook his arm. The weapon of the man Wang Jian was like a whip, pumping on his arm and making his arm There was a blood mark, and Wang Jian was like a snake. He crossed his clothes and left a blood hole in his chest.

"Don't dare to mess with me, die."

The sword demon did not kill the killer, but gave the young knife a lesson. The young genius of the heavens in the field is too much. The sword demon does not want to be too strong. He does not care about this young knife repair. It does not mean that he does not care about other young geniuses. It is like a distant government, he is not sure how to deal with it, and there is also a red-haired knife repair, which also makes him feel threaten.

Was defeated by a lower bound indigenous, the young knife repaired naturally full of anger, but when he saw the cold eyes of the sword magic, he could not help but swallow a sip, did not continue to shoot, even did not say anything He has lost even his knife now, his strength has weakened, and if he provokes the sword, who knows what will happen.

The most important thing is that the sword demon is a descendant of the demon emperor, and certainly has a card. His card is used to **** the sword of the emperor. Naturally, it cannot be used indiscriminately. If it can kill the sword, it may be cost-effective, but he is not sure. What's more, even if he gets the Evergreen Saint Lotus, he will certainly be taken away by other young geniuses.

"Why, you have to shoot me."

The sword magic turned and looked at the young martial artist who provoked him. The martial arts did not put him in the eye, but the sword and the sword defeated the young knife repair, which made him silent. Ask him, if he does not shoot, then the other young genius must look down on him. Under the influence, he can only take a strong shot. Since the sword is very strong, he will cast a school.

"The Nether and the Death Wheel."

When he showed the Nether and the Death, other young geniuses were shocked. They didn't know the young martial arts. However, the reputation of the Nether and the Dead is too big. Even the disciples of other heavenly forces have heard of Nether. Life and death, that is the school of the Holy Land.

Nether Emperor, it is a madman, a complete madman, his school is the Nether and Death, his emperor, also the Nether and Death, the most important thing is that even a very low-level warrior can The reason why the cultivation of the Nether and the Death Wheel is called the Nether Emperor is because of his Nether life and death.

He tried to create a reincarnation. Anyone who was killed by him, the soul was detained in the Nether and Death, his ecstasy, the Nether and the Death, the soul that can detain his opponent. According to his empire, he It was his fascination that came to the end. The Emperor’s Nether and the Death Wheel did not use any refining materials, but the souls he detained.

The power of the Nether and the Death Ring does not necessarily look at the realm. For example, a heavenly warrior and a heavenly warrior use the Nether and Death. If the soul of the former is many times more than the latter, then the former’s Nether and Death are possible. To defeat the latter's Nether and Death, I want to condense the Nether and the Death Wheel into a empire. The martial art to be killed is an astronomical figure.

It is a pity that even if it is dead, the Nethered Emperor has not succeeded in creating a reincarnation. The soul in the life and death of the Nether is still there. There is no reincarnation. If his plan is successful, he can continue to reincarnate. In this way, he will You don't have to die, you can live forever, the idea is very good, the reality is very cruel, but it is said that when the Emperor's Nether and the Death Wheel grows to a certain extent, the Nether Emperor can resurrect.

As long as they are the martial artists who practice the Nether and Death, when they die, the souls they detain will enter the life and death of the emperor. That is to say, although the Nether Emperor is dead, the Nether and the Death Wheel is still growing. Because of this, even if there is no great emperor in the Netherland, other forces are not willing to provoke.

The longer the time, the stronger the life and death wheel of the Nether, and now the Emperor of the Holy Land, I am afraid it has reached an unimaginable level. Even if it is a strong person who has just broken through to the Great, I am afraid that it will not provoke the Holy Land. Who knows what terrible consequences will be caused.


In front of the young martial artist, there was a huge Nether life and death wheel, which can be seen in a vague way. There are souls crying, fear, trembling, and the soldiers he killed, there are no 10,000, there are eight Thousands, or else there is absolutely no such power in the Nether and Death.

"It’s a terrible night of the Nether, and it’s hard to pass on."

"I thought that he was not the opponent of the demon emperor. As a young genius in heaven, he lost to the young genius of the lower bound. It is really losing our face. Now, the demon emperor will lose."

"I didn't expect him to be a disciple of the Holy Land. He can cultivate the Nether and Death to this realm. His talent may only be considered superior, but his sizzling degree is definitely super."

The talents of the heavens are divided, and the nature is not the same as the lower bound. At the beginning, the level of talent in the test of the slashing sword is naturally impossible to compare with the heavens. If this group of young geniuses go to the cracked swords, I am afraid that each is super. The superior genius of the heavens is even more powerful than the super genius of the lower bound.

"It is you who forced me to die under the Nether and Death, and it is your honor."

If he does not display the Nether and Death, he has no grasp of the sword and the magic. Since he has already sacrificed the Nether and Death, it is not as simple as defeating the sword. If you can kill the sword and detain the soul of the sword, it is better. The face is full of hustle and bustle, and has already used the Nether and the Death Wheel, naturally showing the overbearing power of the Nether.

"Shock sword."

The face of the sword is slightly changed. It is obvious that the martial arts in the early days of the heavenly world had such a powerful martial arts. He still looked down on the young genius of the heavens. Perhaps their talents are not as good as him, and their understanding is not as good as him. It is very likely that he has cultivated a terrible martial art. He has never seen or seen the Nether and Death, but the exclamation around him is enough to make him understand the horror of the Nether.

What's more, he has been attacked by the Nether's life and death. If he is not strong enough, he must be crushed by the ruthless death of the Nether. When his soul is detained, he is naturally dead, even if he is injured in the lotus pond. The effect is no better, it is useless. After all, the lotus pond holy water can only save the living, can not save the dead, no soul, how to save the lotus pond holy water.

The man Wang Jianyu was in the Nether's life and death, which made the Nether's life and death wheel vibrate abruptly. Unfortunately, there is still no way to shake the Nether's life and death wheel. The sword and the right hand are shocked, and the nine-turn dragon strength is directly displayed, which makes the power surge six times. His shock-sword type, the oscillation frequency is also skyrocketing six times, and finally let the ghosts of life and death tremble.

"It’s useless, eucalyptus."

The young martial arts of the Netherland sneer sneered, and then it was full of urging the Nether and Death. His face was pale and fighting. To this extent, he could not give up. Now it seems that he is very It is possible to kill the swordsman, of course, can not be soft, whether or not you can keep the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, anyway, you must first say the life of the sword.

"Qinglian sword song."

The sword magic helpless, had to display the sword method of the demon emperor, Qinglian sword song, the person Wang Jian seems to become a Qinglian, the sword magic every wave of a sword, the person Wang Jian is a burst of blue light, he While retreating and throwing out the sword, the whole person seems to be integrated with the heavens and the earth. In the void, it seems that some people are singing, the ancient scriptures, whispering.

He got the martial arts sentiment of the Emperor, and cultivated the Qinglian sword song. Naturally, it was a lot simpler. Originally, he did not want to expose the Qinglian sword song, but the power of the Nether and Death is too strong. Even if it is a shock sword, there is no way. Repel the Nether and Death, let alone crush the Nether and Death.

"You have to die."

The young martial arts of the Netherland spurt a spurt of blood, which made the Nether's life and death wheel bloom infinite blood. Only the Nether's life and death wheel suddenly rose three times in size, with a faster speed and stronger power, grinding toward the sword. Compressed.

(PS: Staying up late so late, I finally finished the four more, and I will continue to work hard tomorrow, because the trail still wants to be more, and I want to finish it as soon as possible.)

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