The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 266: Let me be the palace owner, how?

The words of the sword and the soul of the sword make the face of the sword and the butterfly dance 'color' a change. . More recent chapter visits: щww. With the ability of the soul of the sword and the soul of the sword, if they want to **** their two things, they will try their best and they will not be able to keep it. If the Taikoo Ten Great Soldiers are fully recovered, even if they are ordinary emperors, they are not rivals. And the emperor casually released the breath, you can kill the sword and the butterfly dance.

When Ling Dao was in the crack of the Jianzong, he got the broken sword of the Emperor, and there was the hilt of the real Emperor's sword. It’s just that he didn’t think that the butterfly dance actually had some pieces of the Emperor’s sword. In the mind of the sword, there is a flash of light. It is already guessing where the fragments of the sword of the butterfly dance come from.

When he first learned the sword in Shenjian Cliff, the Emperor Sword was a reaction. Unfortunately, at that time, the strength of Lingdao was not enough, and it was impossible to take away the fragments of the Emperor's sword at the Shenjian Cliff. When he went later, the pieces of the Emperor's sword had disappeared. He never knew who took it. Now it seems that the butterfly dance is undoubted.

Originally, I only saw the blade and the blade of the Emperor's sword. Ji Mingde was also ‘very’ disappointed. The Taikoo Ten Great Soldiers are powerful, but they are only part of the Emperor's Sword. I am afraid they are not comparable to other empires. Fortunately, it seems that the sword of the Emperor Sword can find all the fragments of the Emperor Sword, so that the Sword of the Emperor is completely recoverable.

"There are some pieces of the sword in the two of them? No wonder they are so quick to understand the nine swords!"

"It turns out that I said, how can the two lower warriors compare to us?"

Feng Junhua and Guo Yifan successively said that they lost to the two lower swords, and they must be unwilling. Now the Emperor Sword and the Sword Spirit say that the Sword and the Butterfly Dance have the shards of the Emperor Sword. They naturally feel that the Sword and the Butterfly Dance have already enlightened the nine swords. Otherwise, how can the speed of enlightenment of the sword and the butterfly dance exceed them?

"It's no wonder that you don't need to enlighten the yin yang mind, it seems that you have already realized it!"

Ji Mingde pointed to the butterfly dance. With his words, Feng Junhua and Guo Yifan are more convinced of their own guess. The swordsman and the butterfly dance surpassed them, and they were not convinced, but now they have a reason for self-comfort. If Lingdao is here, maybe it will explain, but the sword will not. After the integration of two points, the ‘sex’ grid still has a difference.

Butterfly dance and sword magic are not many people, naturally too lazy to explain. The silence of both of them made Feng Junhua, Guo Yifan and Ji Mingde feel that they thought it was correct. Qianhui can be with them, they can accept, after all, Qianhui is also a young genius in the heavens. As for the swordsman and the butterfly dance, the two lower-level indigenous peoples are just a little luck.

"Since the seniors need it, then they will be given to their predecessors!"

The soul of the sword and the sword are looking for them. It is already a face for them. The swordsman will not give it or give up. Compared with the pieces of the Emperor's sword, it is still important to your own life. At the moment, he took out the imitation of the emperor's sword in Xiao Qiankun, and ‘transfer’ to the soul of the sword. Originally, I still wanted to get the Emperor's sword. I didn't expect to catch up with my own imitation.

It’s just that the swordsman did not say it, but said that it was sent. Naturally, it was for the people’s sword and soul to owe him a favor. This little clever, did not smash the soul of the sword, but the soul of the sword is not revealed. In any case, the sword devil took the initiative and returned the sword to him directly. He still appreciated it.

Ji Mingde, Feng Junhua and Guo Yifan felt that the sword magic was the first to understand the nine swords, and they were able to understand the sword for the first time. However, the soul of the sword and the sword know that they are wrong, and they are very wrong. The sorcerer's ‘sexuality’ was supposed to surpass them, especially the soul of the sword and the soul of the sword.

If the Supreme Gold of the Sword Devil is completely erected and used all the time, I am afraid that it will not take a day to realize the nine swords. The Supreme Golden Jubilee is a legend, even if the Emperor Sword Spirit has existed for so many years, it has not been seen several times. Moreover, even if there is a warrior with a supreme gold scorpion, few people will be able to fully mobilize it.

"That will be given to the predecessors!"

The butterfly dance Shen 吟 吟 片, is also the scabbard of the take out of the emperor's sword, also gave the soul of the sword. The piece of the sword that she got was the scabbard. Because of this, she had already realized the seven swords. Now the Emperor Sword Spirit seeks her to be a scabbard, and she naturally can't give it. If the sword of the emperor is strong, she can't resist it.

"Young people, you not only have a hilt, but also a sword tip, but also take it out!"

The words of the Emperor's sword and sword are the words that make the sword confuse. The imitation of the emperor's sword he obtained is itself a broken sword. There is no sword tip at all. Where is the person who is the sword? Can it be said that the soul of the sword is a casual excuse, want to kill him? Otherwise, why do you want to say this?

The sword does not want to die, but if the sword is killed by the sword, he will certainly not run. Fortunately, he has two points in one, even if the sword repairs the body to die, as long as the martial arts body is still alive, it is possible to resurrect the sword. The reason why Ling Dao does not say that he is two points with other people is to leave himself with the strongest means of life.

"I don't know my predecessors, I really don't know when I got the sword of the sword!"

There are many warriors who die in the hands of the sword, not to mention that he is still in the treasure house of the land, and he has obtained seven swords. He masters the swordsmanship of the Great Heaven, and can use other swords and refining materials to constantly temper his weapons. However, the best of those swords is the best swordsman of the finest. Is there always a sword tip of the sword?

"Oh, in front of the predecessors, I still want to play stupid? I think the predecessors are better than killing him, who let him lie to his predecessors!"

Guo Yifan said with a sneer, in the fifth void, he was stunned by the sword magic pit. He was always entangled in the battle by the swordsman. After the sword demon went to the sixth void, he became the last one to understand and destroy the sword. If the soul of the sword is willing to shoot, killing the sword is naturally a piece of cake.

The sword demon just looked at Guo Yifan and knew that Guo Yifan was so sinister. He should not be merciful when he was in the fifth void. Even if Guo Yifan is not killed, Guo Yifan should be seriously injured. Ji Mingde did not say anything. He knew that there was a piece of the Emperor's sword in the sword. He also felt that the sword is not as good as him. Naturally, he does not need to compare with the sword.

Moreover, now the sword magic not only did not get the sword of the people, but lost the original pieces of the sword of the people, Ji Mingde naturally feels happy. He is a genius disciple of his own palace. Naturally, there is no need to put a lower-level indigenous person in his eyes. Anyway, they will not have a 'crossing' set in the future. In the future, he will become a peerless sword repairer, and the sword magic can't be compared with him.

"It seems that you don't know, then I will take it out for you!"

The sword of the Emperor and the sword stretched out to the right hand, and the sword magic felt that the Xiaoyao sword in the small Qiankun flew out. When Lingdao went to Shenjian Cliff, the imitation of the Emperor's sword responded, and the Xiaoyao sword did not react. However, when the Emperor's sword was born, the sword magic felt the anomaly of the Xiaoyao sword. In addition, the sharp sword of the Xiaoyao sword is extremely sharp, and the sword and soul of the Emperor sword take away his happy sword. I am afraid that the sword tip of the Emperor's sword is on the Xiaoyao sword.

"No wonder you don't know, don't know who cast it, and even seal the sword tip!"

In the past, Lingdao did not feel the breath of the Emperor's sword on the Xiaoyao sword. It was because the strongman who cast the Xiaoyao sword sealed the sword of the Emperor's sword inside the Xiaoyao sword. The sword of the Emperor's sword and the sword were successively placed on the Xiaoyao sword, and the sword tip of the Xiaoyao sword was separated from the sword of the Xiaoyao sword. Then, the sword tip of Xiaoyao Sword is like a snow and ice melting, and ‘show’ out of the inside of the sword.

The face of the sword demon sinked down and gave the imitation of the emperor's sword to the soul of the sword. He could have no complaints. However, after all, Xiaoyao Sword was given to him by his father. Now, without the consent of the Emperor Sword, the soul of the Sword is directly taken away from the Xiaoyao Sword. It is impossible to say that he does not resent. It is a pity that the strength of the sword and soul of the Emperor is much stronger than him.


The sword of the Emperor's sword and the soul of the sword were repeatedly fired. Then, the hilt, the blade, and the tip of the sword are merged together, and finally the scabbard is placed on the sword. It seems that the Emperor Sword seems to have completely recovered, but the crack above still exists. It is not so simple to fix the sword.

"Predecessors, Xiaoyaojian was sent by my father. I don't know if I can return it to me?"

Even if the sword of the emperor is not happy, even if you start with yourself, the sword magic does not care. It’s a big deal, the sword is repaired and the body is killed, and the martial arts body is resurrected. However, the proposal of the sword magic has caused Guo Yifan's sneer. Dare to be the soul of the sword and soul, in Guo Yifan's view, the sword is clearly looking for death.

"Okay, I still have you!"

The sword of the Emperor's sword is the most succinct sword, and the other parts of the imitation of the Emperor's sword are tempered into sword tips, and then merged with the Xiaoyao sword. He can't do it in a short time, but repairing Xiaoyao Sword is just a piece of cake for him. The new Xiao Yao sword, the sword tip must not have been sharp before, but it is not an ordinary sword.

"You send me the hilt and the tip of the sword. I naturally can't let you run for a while. If you are willing to become a palace disciple, I can transform you into a bloodline and train you into a future palace." How is the palace owner?"

Ji Mingde invited the sword to become a disciple of the People's Palace. But now, the soul of the sword is not just a disciple, but he wants to be the future master. The People's Palace, that is the famous power of the heavens, not the power of the ordinary emperor.

Of course, these words are the soul of the sword and the sword is sent to the sword magic, and no one else can hear it. Only the Emperor Sword and Sword know that the Sword Demon has the supreme gold 瞳, such a enchanting, if it becomes the palace of the people, the future palace will inevitably prosper.

If Ji Mingde knows, he must die. Ji Mingde is only a genius disciple of the People's Palace. The future palace owner may not have his share. After all, the younger generation of the People's Palace is more talented than him! --40503+dsuaahhh+25016377-->



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