The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 267: Emperor

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Being a disciple of the People's Palace and becoming the future palace of the People's Palace is definitely two different things. . More recent chapter visits:. The sword demon brings the tip of the sword and the hilt, and the soul of the sword is indeed ‘exciting’, but the most important thing is the martial arts talent that the sword demon shows. Ji Mingde, a queen of this person, is not a star or a half worse than a sword. It is a pity that the sword demon is not a queen, but else the sword of the emperor will directly give the sword to the sword.

"With your talent, coupled with the cultivation of the People's Palace, it is very likely that you will become a supreme Emperor in the future!"

As the great power of the heavens, the People's Palace naturally has enough cultivation resources to cultivate the swordsman, and with the guidance of other powerful people in the palace, the future of the sword devil is worthy of his optimism. Even the soul of the sword and the sword can only say that it may become the great emperor. After all, no one can tell the future. Chengdi is a dream that many military people dream of, but unfortunately few people can do it.

It is not that the more genius warrior, the easier it is to become an emperor. On the contrary, sometimes, ordinary, it is easier to become an emperor. Because the more people who are shocked by the glory, the harder they are. In the same way, once they become emperors, they must be better than ordinary emperors. The sword of the Emperor and the sword are not sure to cultivate the sword to become the great emperor, but to cultivate the Daojun, there should be no major problems.

“Thank you for your optimism, but the younger generation has their own ideas and don’t want to follow the path of the emperor!”

To be honest, the sword demon is hesitant to face the huge temptation of the palace palace. As long as he nods and promises, his future will be flat. That is the palace of one of the three royal palaces. If you want to train a strong person, it is not a problem, and his talent is always good.

The sword provided by the Emperor's sword and swords can be said to be a shortcut, a Tongtian Avenue leading to Daojun. However, in the end he refused, and the road to Taishun is not suitable for him. His kendo is full of killing, and only blood and fire can sharpen the most sharp sword. If you promised the soul of the sword, what is the meaning of his future life?

"The idea is good. I have seen many geniuses like you since ancient times. But among them, who can surpass the emperor? No one can surpass the emperor in the road of Kendo. No, there will be no future. !"

As the weapon of the Emperor, the soul of the Emperor Sword is naturally the most respected to the Emperor. The sword demon did not raise the bar with the sword of the emperor. Anyway, no matter what the soul of the sword is, he refused. At this time, the sword demon only felt that the thoughts were clear and the state of mind was clear. Even if he gave him another chance or even ten chances, he still refused.

"Since you don't want to, then I will pass on your martial arts sentiment, as a thank you!"

In the identity of the soul of the sword, it is naturally impossible to take advantage of the sword. The Emperor's kendo sentiment, he knows so much, now all passed to the sword magic. The reason why the Emperor Sword and Sword is doing this, in addition to optimistic about the sword and the devil, is also deliberately to the sword magic problem. Don't you want to walk along the road of the emperor? Then I will pass on the emperor's kendo sentiment to you, see what you do!

"The ancestors lacked the law..."

The sword demon is also clever, and now it is the opening verse of meditation on the ancient heaven and earth. The demon emperor and the emperor sword soul are absolutely completely different. The demon emperor never thought about limiting the sword demon, but let the sword devil develop freely. His life sentiment, indeed gave the sword magic, the ancient heaven and the Holy Lotus is also passed to the sword magic, but he still hopes that the sword magic to go his own kendo, from his first sentence of the emperor, it can be seen.

"You will return the scabbard to me, then I will pass you the three-style swordmanship!"

The sword of the Emperor and the sword did not suffer from the butterfly dance, and directly passed the three-style sword to the butterfly dance. Kaiyuan three styles, which is considered to be the sword of the people, is extremely famous, and its power is also very big. The role of the scabbard is certainly not as good as the tip of the sword and the hilt. The benefit of the butterfly dance is naturally less than that of the sword.

Whether it is sent to the sword sorcerer's kendo sentiment, or passed to the butterfly dance Kaiyuan three styles, the Emperor Sword and Sword soul is extremely secretive. He didn't want Ji Mingde and others to know, then they would definitely not know. As for the outsiders, it is even more impossible to know. Guo Yifan and others are still laughing at the swordsman and the butterfly dance to steal the ‘chicken’.

"Live it! I want to get the Emperor Sword, and I lost my treasure, is it stupid?"

Guo Yifan couldn't help but laugh and laugh. If he knew that the swordsman had got the sentiment of the emperor's kendo, I wouldn't laugh. Unfortunately, the sword magic can not tell Guo Yifan, the soul of the sword and the sword is from beginning to end, are not concerned about Guo Yifan, naturally impossible and Guo Yifan nonsense.

"Sleeping for so many years, I finally woke up, it is time to return to the palace!"

The Emperor Sword and the Soul of the Sword are standing on their backs and looking up at the sky. They seem to have worn the barriers of the two worlds and saw the palace of the heavens. His words made Ji Mingde's face ‘color’ a joy, as long as the People’s Palace ushered in the people’s sword, then the comprehensive strength of the People’s Palace will definitely go further. Now the Three Royal Palaces are a little less popular, but with the Emperor's sword, it is not necessarily.

"You carry the sword, let's go home!"

The sword demon sent the sword tip and the hilt, and he passed it to the sword martyr of the sword demon. The butterfly dance sent the scabbard, and he passed it to the butterfly dance Kaiyuan three. The cause and effect between him and the sword and the butterfly dance are also clear. After that, the sword and the butterfly dance can go to any step, only to see the sword and the butterfly dance themselves. What he wants to do now is to return to the Imperial Palace.


Ji Mingde said that he was eager to move. Looking at the complete human sword, his eyes were shining, just like a hungry wolf seeing a beautiful woman. That is the one who is one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo. If one day, he can be recognized by the Emperor's sword, then he must be the future palace owner. Holding the Emperor's sword, the peerless genius of those people's palaces, I am afraid it is not his opponent, right?

This time, the bottom line is really a gamble. In any case, he is the first to encounter the soul of the sword and the sword. Naturally, he must first have a good relationship with the soul of the sword. It is a pity that he did not know that the sword of the Emperor and the sword was very disappointing to him. The imperial concubine was not as good as the lower warrior. Even if the swordsman is no exception, the soul of the sword and the sword also feel that Ji Mingde is sorry for the blood of the emperor.

However, after all, Ji Mingde is a human queen, disappointment is disappointing, and the soul of the sword is still to preserve the life of Ji Mingde. Now Tianyuan City gathers so many warriors, even if Ji Mingde has a card, it is useless. Get the Emperor's sword, Ji Mingde will definitely become the target of public criticism. The strength of Ji Mingde is comparable to that of some warriors in Tianyuan City.

It seems that the sound of the broken foam sounded, the ninth void disappeared, and the swords, butterflies, and Qianhui all appeared in the field. At this time, it is not them who are attracting everyone’s attention, but the infamous young emperor. Even if the soul of the sword and the sword has converged the pressure, it is still breathless.

"Who got the sword of the people?"

All the warriors came to the interest, and their eyes swept to the swordsmen and others. The sword is carrying a sword behind him, but it is not the sword of the people, but the sword of his man. The butterfly dance holds a sword in the hand, and it is not the sword of the person, but her own sword. In the end, everyone's eyes were gathered on the back of Ji Mingde.

"I will know that the only person who will eventually get the Emperor's sword is the Queen of the People. Even if the next martial artist is enchanting, what is the use?"

The gods like the Emperor Sword have already had their own consciousness, especially the sword spirit is still there, naturally it is impossible to choose the sword magic. Even if the sword is a genius, it is only a heavenly person. Isn't there a young genius that the Emperor Sword and Sword Spirit has seen? Heaven and Man wants to get one of the top ten soldiers of Taikoo. Isn’t it an idiot to say a dream?

It is a pity that they do not know that the biggest gain of Tianyuan City is not Ji Mingde who got the sword of the people, but the indigenous swordsmen who are despised by the lower bounds. Now the Emperor Sword is carried by Ji Mingde, but it does not mean that the Emperor Sword belongs to Ji Mingde. The Sword Demon realizes the nine swords and the sacred sentiment of the Emperor, all of which are the benefits of realism.

"Hero? Hehe, he just got the sword tip and the hilt of the Emperor's sword first, will he be the first to realize the nine swords, otherwise you think he is a lower-level indigenous, can we compare with our heavenly warrior?"

When Guo Yifan heard someone say that the sword is demon, he couldn’t help but ridicule. Those who did not know the martial arts, all came to the interest, Guo Yifan did not continue to hang their appetite, but said what happened inside the ninth void. The sword demon lost the sword tip and the hilt of the sword, and he was obviously very happy.

"It turns out, no wonder!"

The young geniuses of the heavens are relieved. It is no wonder that the swordsmen and the butterfly dancers are both lower bounds and can go to the eighth void. Originally, they also thought that the saga of the sword and the butterfly dance was stronger than they were. It seems that it is just a matter of luck. Especially the group of young geniuses from the heavens, it is a schadenfreude.

"It’s just a whimsical way for you to get the two lower-level indigenous people and want to get the sword of the people. Now, let’s steal the ‘chicken’.

"Don't do this, how can you say that people's dogs are also good, after all, they have been passed down by the Emperor. Do you think that a lower-level indigenous person is eligible to become a demon emperor?"

After seeing the soul of the sword, many young geniuses in the heavens understand that it is impossible to steal the sword. One of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo, the sword of the sword, the strength must be many times higher than them. Even if they make a card, they can't help but the soul of the sword, unless it is the peerless power of their own forces.

Since the Emperor's sword is hopeless, then someone has hit the idea of ​​the sword. The Swordsman killed the young genius of the Netherlands, and now has a card in hand. In addition, the sword and the devil's combat power are so strong, and one person is against the sword, but it is really unsure. If you make a 'mixed' ‘disorder’ and let a lot of young swords repair the swords, you can definitely put the sword to death.

They are all weak in strength. If they join hands, don't say that they are dealing with a sword, even if ten swordsmen come, they can't! --40503+dsuaahhh+25023035-->


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