The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 268: Domineering

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At the beginning, there were a lot of young celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial beings. .access:.. If you can get the sword, the young geniuses from heaven will definitely fight for the sword. However, it seems that the possibility of getting the sword of the Emperor is very low, and naturally someone has hit the idea of ​​the sword.

The demon emperor, many young geniuses do not know who it is, but at least it is a great emperor. If you can grab a emperor's emperor, you must be more than a few times more than empty hands. Even the sword of the emperor and the sword are all surprised to see the sword demon, I did not expect the sword demon to get the inheritance of the demon emperor.

As the weapon of the Emperor, the sword of the Emperor and the sword naturally heard of the demon emperor, but unfortunately the demon emperor has no descendants, so this person is not aware of the ancient heaven and earth. However, he knows that even the Emperor is highly respected by the Emperor, although the Emperor Sword and Spirit believes that the Emperor is the strongest sword repair in the past, but the truth is not like this, no one knows.

"Since I am willing to accept the inheritance of the Emperor, why not accept the inheritance of the Emperor? Do you think that the Emperor is not as good as the Emperor?"

The sword of the Emperor's sword is sent to the sword, and the tone is obviously not good. If the sword demon nodded, he would not be able to kill the sword, but he would definitely give it to the sword. There are so many young geniuses waiting to deal with the swords. If the swordsman is injured, it will be life and death.

"The demon emperor is my teacher. The emperor and the demon emperor are one of the most powerful existences in the past and the present. They are barely weak and weak. Naturally, I can't know. But my master advocates the ancestral deficiencies, let me go to my own kendo, he The road is just for me to refer to, and does not allow me to go the same way with him!"

After the sword magic passed, I couldn’t help but look at the sword and soul of the emperor. Fortunately, the sword of the emperor’s sword nodded and did not continue to care about him. As long as the Emperor Sword Spirit does not shoot him, other young geniuses have to fight, then they will fight with them. It is natural to be able to compete with the young geniuses of the heavens.

Even if he was a past life, he has never encountered so many young geniuses. The strongest force in the Ziwei domain is the holy place of Ziwei. He has heard of the Ziwei Saint ‘female’, which is the true pride of the sky. If he kills the Quartet in the Holy Land of Ziwei, the Ziwei Saint 'female' appears, I am afraid that he will be suppressed and even killed in an instant.

However, the young geniuses present, from different major forces, can be said that many of the big forces are stronger than the Ziwei Holy Land. The best geniuses are not the top young powerhouses of their respective forces. Otherwise, ten swordsmen are not enough to kill.

Also a group of young swords repair, interested in the inheritance of the demon emperor, those martial arts sword repairs and the like, still thinking about robbing the people's sword. After all, the Emperor's sword has long been broken, and now the people's swords and swords, I am afraid not as strong as before. They have all the cards, and they may not have no chance at all. In case they can't beat it, they will not give up. It is not the same as the soul of the sword and the soul of the sword, they will not kill a group of juniors.

The People's Palace is strong, but it does not dare to provoke public anger. The young geniuses present come from different major forces. If you join forces to deal with the People's Palace, even if the people's palace is stronger, it will be destroyed. The Yellow Emperor Palace, one of the Five Emperors' Palaces, is an example. In the past, the Yellow Emperor Palace was the most powerful of the Five Emperors, and it was later destroyed.

"The palace of the people has been decaying, not how the predecessors came to my palace?"

The young disciple of the Heavenly Palace said with a smile, if the People’s Palace greets the Emperor’s sword, the comprehensive strength of the People’s Palace will definitely be improved. The swordsman of the Emperor's sword has lived for so many years, and the understanding of the kendo is not comparable to the ordinary Tao. What's more, if the soul of the sword is not destroyed, it can live forever.

Today, the Heavenly Palace and the Imperial Palace are stronger than the Imperial Palace. It is because the Heavenly Palace has the Emperor's Knife and the Imperial Palace has the Emperor's Book. In the war of that year, not only did the Emperor's sword collapse, but the Emperor's knife and the Emperor's book did not escape. However, the Heavenly Palace and the Imperial Palace have long since ushered in the Emperor's Knife and the Emperor's Book, unlike the Sword of the Emperor Sword.

"If the predecessors don't like the Imperial Palace, they can come to the Imperial Palace. After all, my palace is full of things, and there are many sword repairs!"

The young disciple of the Imperial Palace also stood up and said with a smile. Other warriors did not expect that the palace had sent a beautiful woman down. Unfortunately, she wore a veil on her face, which made people unable to see the truth. Her figure is not hot, but it is extremely well-balanced. The waist is thin and the legs are slender.

She holds a book in her hands. When she doesn't talk, she is always reading, as if she is holding a sacred classic. If the young disciples of the Tian Palace are extremely overbearing, then she feels very quiet. However, no one dared to marry her, after all, she came from the Imperial Palace, one of the three royal palaces.

The man's sword and sword looked at Ji Mingde, and he sighed secretly. Whether it is the young disciple of the Heavenly Palace, or the young disciple of the Imperial Palace, it is better than Ji Mingde. If the people's palace disciples are the same as Ji Mingde, the future of the palace is really worrying. The same genius of the younger generation, Ji Mingde is not as good as the lower arms.

"Predecessors still go with me, assist me to become the Lord of the Holy Court, expand the territory, and I will let you go further in the future!"

When the young disciples of the Tian Palace and the young disciples of the Imperial Palace, the soul of the Emperor Sword is naturally not in the heart. The Emperor Sword and Sword has lived for so many years, and the genius he has seen is as much as the cow 'hair'. However, what interests him is the young man who is now talking. After all, the first two just let him go to the Heavenly Palace and the Imperial Palace, but now he wants him to assist.

The ruling party was standing shoulder-to-hand, and the black gold robes set him up with the glory of the heroic, and the domineering between the eyebrows was unmasked. He did not let the Emperor Sword Spirit go to the Daqin Holy Court, but let the Emperor Sword Spirit follow him. Not to mention anything else, this alone is not the young disciple of the Heavenly Palace and the young disciples of the Imperial Palace.

"Are you telling a joke? Let the sword spirit predecessor follow you, what are you?"

A young genius from the heavens couldn't help but ridiculously said that in his opinion, he did not know that the sky was high. Other warriors are also deeply convinced that they feel too arrogant. Although they are all geniuses of their respective forces, it is impossible to become the head of power.

"I talked to my predecessors, how dare you ‘plug' your mouth, who gave you the courage?”

What people did not expect was that the government had even said that it had shot, and did not hesitate. He made a fist in his right hand and slammed into the young genius who had previously ridiculed him. The shadow of the black gold ‘color’ has been turned into a vacuum zone. Even the people of the heavens and the people who stood beside the government were all slightly changed from the face to the color, and the strength of the government was stronger than it was at the beginning.

"I said it, are you still afraid that you will not be?"

The young genius snorted, and then he took out a sword and smashed it toward the shadow of the ruling. He does not know the government, nor does he know how strong the political power is. It is also from the power of the heavens. He naturally cannot weaken his prestige. But when the boxing shadow is on his sword, he understands that politics is not something he can do.


Mars is splashing, and the shadow of black gold 'color' is on the sword, like a mountain hitting the past. Immediately afterwards, all the warriors saw that the black gold ‘color’ boxing flew the sword and hit the ‘chest’ mouth of the young genius, and flew him out. The blood sprinkled the sky, just a punch in the air, and the government was seriously wounded by the young genius.

"Don't dare to talk, die!"

The government glanced at the young genius coldly and then stopped paying attention. He just wants to tell all the warriors, the same is from the power of the heavens, the strength is also a world of difference. The young genius was spurted out of the blood, and then the eyes turned and fainted.

He has the strength to kill the young genius, but he did not kill, all he has to do is to shock the crowd. If he kills a young genius at hand, it will definitely cause taboos from other warriors. Even if he is enchanting again, a group of young geniuses will shoot at the same time, and they will sacrifice their cards, and he will have to drink and hate on the spot.

"A good junior, you are indeed good enough. If you are a queen, I would be willing to assist you as the palace president. Unfortunately, you are the descendant of Qin Emperor, your surname is 嬴, not surnamed Ji!"

The sword of the Emperor and the sword appreciates that the punch of the Zheng Zheng is not only to shock the crowd, but also to show him deliberately. Even if it is a punch, the soul of the sword and the sword can see the great potential of the government. Unexpectedly, the descendants of Qin Emperor, so outstanding, he seems to see the Qin Emperor when he was young.

After the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the heavens appeared in the situation of Zhu Xiong's hegemony. There were many emperors, but no one emperor could swept the heroes. Until the Qin Emperor appeared, sweeping, flat eight deserts, breaking through nine days and ten places. When Qin Emperor was alive, the other great emperors had to lower him. The Emperor had strength and weakness, and Qin Di was the strongest at that time.

For the soul of the sword, the Qin Emperor is also a younger generation. Although he does not look at the rise of the Qin Emperor step by step, he also has a general understanding of the life of the Qin Emperor. He can change the sword magic to the blood of the emperor, but he can't change the politics into the blood of the emperor, because the blood of the government is not worse than the blood of the emperor.

"The ancestor, my palace also has such a genius as him, and even more outstanding than him, I was thrown because of talent!"

Ji Mingde is not stupid, naturally can see the disappointment of the Emperor Sword and the soul of the sword. In order to close the relationship, he directly called the Emperor's sword and soul as the ancestor. In order to explain the genius of the people's palace, he did not hesitate to devalue his disciples. The Emperor Sword and the sword nodded and gestured to him to understand that if the empress was like Ji Mingde, the palace was really unsuccessful.

"Since the seniors are not willing, then I can only offend!" -40503+dsuaahhh+25038652-->


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