The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 269: Offended

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"Haha, then offend together!"

The young disciple of the Heavenly Palace said, "If he is to deal with the soul of the sword, he will definitely not do it." . Update is fast. However, now that there is a ruling party, he only needs to push the wave of help, and there will definitely be more warriors to shoot with them. The law does not blame the public, they join hands, even if the strength of the sword and the soul of the sword is beyond their imagination, it is impossible for the Emperor Sword and Sword to kill them all.

"I grew up so big that even the top ten soldiers of Taikoo have never seen it. Now I can actually "hand in" with the people's swords. Naturally, I can't ask for it!"

Among the young disciples of the White Emperor Palace, there was a cold and cold mansion. The White Emperor killed the 'sexuality' most seriously, and his descendants apparently inherited his violent side. Even if it is facing the soul of the sword, it is still unrelenting. Anyway, the sword of the emperor is self-defeating, and he will not kill the group of juniors.

"I don't want to deal with my predecessors, but my elders, I want to ask the seniors' tricks!"

The young ‘female’ of the Imperial Palace is still smiling and full of money. It is obvious that she wants to shoot the sword of the Emperor and the sword, but she has pushed it to the elders. Her cards are not sent by the elders. As for how to use them, she has the final say. Her strength is certainly not weak, but after the world of Sword God, there is no competition with other warriors.

Then, the young disciples of the Red Emperor Palace, the Black Emperor Palace and the Qingdi Palace also opened their mouths and threatened to start the sword of the Emperor. With them taking the lead, other young geniuses naturally put aside their psychological burdens. They are indeed not the opponents of the swordsman, but they will sacrifice their cards at the first time.

"That will be shot together!"

The **** laughed, and then he took out the symbol and pushed it all out. The black gold ‘color’ ray shrouded the symbol, and after a moment, a large hand of gold ‘color’ appeared in front of him. Even the soul of the sword, the eyelids are shaking, Daqin Shengting really can afford to see him, even let a Daojun personally make Fuxi.

Thousands of lines of gold condensed into a golden ‘color’ big hand, if it can exert all the power, even can penetrate the world of swords and gods. Fortunately, the ‘ ‘ 激 激 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , If the Emperor's sword is intact, the soul of the Emperor's sword is naturally fearless, but now it is different, and the soul of the sword is just waking up from sleep.

"It is not a big Qin Shengting, the strong is like a cloud, my heaven palace can not fall behind!"

The young disciple of the Heavenly Palace also took out a symbol, and pushed it all out. A strip of lines spread and became a huge sword. The Daqin Holy Court is a symbol of the Daojun, and the Heavenly Palace is also natural. The big forces like the Heavenly Palace and the Daqin Holy Court are naturally lacking.

"Six uncles, you want to ask for advice, then you will 'pay' to you!"

The young ‘woman’ of the Imperial Palace closed the book in his hand, and then threw it at the void, and the endless power broke out. Originally, many warriors were still wondering what she was looking at. I didn't expect this book to have such power. Her six uncles did not make the plaques, but the ancient books with the lines, such unpredictable means, the ordinary Daojun could not display.

"White Emperor Tianlun, out!"

The young disciples of the White Emperor Palace took out a scorpion, and then the whole body murderously erupted, and the scorpion changed again and again, eventually becoming nine huge skywheels. Obviously, it is also the Daojun who made him a symbol, and he is the emperor of the White Emperor. The Baidi Tianlun is a combination of nine huge Tianlun.

Even if the people's swords are broken, they dare not swear by the swordsman. Therefore, other young warriors do not hesitate, no matter whether they can finally get the soul of the sword, and have the courage to shoot the sword of the emperor, it can be regarded as a practice. An ép. is ‘ 活 活 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Such a huge movement, naturally, was amazed by the sword god. The world of Sword God belongs to the family of the Solitary, and the Sword God alone does not allow others to ruin the world of Sword God. At the beginning of the demon ‘female’ Iru appeared, the sword **** alone is the shot, but unfortunately the sword **** alone is not an opponent, and finally other strong hands, "sword field!"

The sword **** alone stood in the heavens and overlooked the whole world of the sword god, followed by a palm, and his sword field enveloped the entire Tianyuan City. If those characters are able to break out of all power, then he can only escape. After all, so many ways of the king's moves, he can't stand it.

Fortunately, the young geniuses who are tempted to symbolize the low realm, coupled with the rules of the world of the sword **** world, can not destroy the sword domain of the sword god. In this way, no matter how violent the battle of Tianyuan City is, it is ‘wave’ and not outside. That is because the world of Sword God belongs to the Solitary family, and the Sword God alone can affect the interior of the Sword God World.

One of the most powerful sword gods of the ancient times was born in the branch of the solitary family, and finally created a unique family, and recognized himself as the owner of the family. The world of Sword God is what he got, so he has such a name. Each generation of the solitary family is known as the sword god, and is the master of the sword **** world.

"That is one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo, but I can't take it!"

If the sword **** alone shot, then there must be no such thing as young geniuses. However, the Solitary family faces the real big forces and can be said to be vulnerable. Even if it is a solitary family, it does not dare to offend all the big forces. Naturally, it is impossible to protect the sword god. Now using the sword domain to cover the Tianyuan City, the sword **** alone is also just the sentiment of the sword of the next man.

"Sword is coming!"

The sorcerer's face is ‘color’ and dignified. If he is in the heyday, he can lift all his offensives, but now he can't do it. The emperor's sword, which was originally carried on Ji Mingde's body, was suddenly sheathed. Even if there was a crack on it, it could not cover up the kind of turbulence. He only has one action, and that is the hand-held sword, which is pulled out toward the front.

Of course he will not kill those juniors, but he must destroy all attacks. If he was injured by a group of juniors, his face was really lost. Nine swords, suddenly spread out, like nine different force fields, crazy to kill all attacks. As long as he blocks this 'wave' offensive, he can sit back and relax.

Unprecedented big collisions, whether it is the young genius of the heavens, or the martial arts of the heavenly people in the central territory, are all retreating. The horrible battle of the 'waves', even if it is wiped, I am afraid I will be injured. The young geniuses who have been motivated have long since retreated.

The dazzling light shrouded the entire Tianyuan City. Even the heavenly people were unable to see the internal situation. The void collapsed, and a thick black ‘color’ crack spread. If it is not the sword field with the sword **** alone, don't say Tianyuan City, even if it is a square, I am afraid it will be destroyed.

The space of the world of Sword God is too fragile, and there is no way to compare it with the heavens. Don't say Daojun, even if the two holy kings fought in the Great World of Swordsman, they could make the world of swords and gods smear, and even the whole world could be broken. But the two kings fought in the heavens, and the damage caused was much smaller.

After a full ten-day period, the glaring Guanghua gradually dispersed. The young geniuses such as Zheng Zheng, all sucked a sigh of relief, and such a fierce ‘communication’ front did not destroy the soul of the sword. At this time, the soul of the sword and the sword is still standing with the sword, as if the previous shot is not his general.

However, the savage warrior still found that the body of the sword and soul of the emperor became more illusory, as if to disappear. Obviously, the previous big collision, the soul of the sword and the sword was also hit hard. After all, there are so many symbols, the worst is Tianzun refining, and it is not so good to cope even if the power is greatly reduced.

"The ancestor, I also have the symbol of the refinement of the king, do you want to use them?"

Ji Mingde walked over to the soul of the sword and the sword, and whispered, although the palace is slightly inferior to the Imperial Palace and the Heavenly Palace, the Tao is still not a minority. In the past, there were so many powers that broke out. Even Ji Mingde was scared to death. Fortunately, he ran fast, or he might have already died.

"It’s useless. They used to have more symbols, but there are still people who still have the symbols!"

The soul of the sword and the sword shook his head. After all, Ji Mingde had only one symbol, and it was impossible to kill those young geniuses. His current situation is extremely incomparable. He knew that he would not be in a hurry to be born, and he should restore it first. After all, he still did not think that the courage of a group of young geniuses like Zheng Zheng was so great.

"There are not many of the rest of you, so I can't help me, stop here, otherwise don't blame me!"

Was injured by a group of juniors, the face of the Emperor Sword and Sword is not very good-looking. If it weren’t for the big forces behind them, he would kill them all with a sword. Unfortunately, he is very weak now, and the Imperial Palace is not strong enough to ignore dozens of big forces to join forces, or to endure it.

"let's go!"

The Emperor Sword and the soul of the sword said to Ji Mingde, and then it was planned to leave Tianyuan City with Ji Mingde. However, just three steps away, he stopped. It wasn't that he didn't want to leave, but the entire Tianyuan City was arranged by others to be shocked. In his current state, there is no way to force it out. The sword **** alone used the sword field, just to protect the world of the sword god, the world of killing the world has nothing to do with him.

"After life is awesome, I don't know which of you is the one to kill?"

His eyes swept through the rulings of the government, the disciples of the Imperial Palace, and the disciples of the Imperial Palace. It seems that these young geniuses have to deal with him, not impulsive, but premeditated. At the beginning, they probably didn't know the state of the sword and the soul of the sword. It was a daring act.

"I said that the older generation did not want to, the younger generation had to offend. Since it has been offended, then it will offend it!"

The reason why the government has regained the power of five products is to arrange this shocking killing. Previously, all young talents were encouraged to shoot, in order to consume the strength of the sword. He did not enter the nine-empty void, but he has already counted all the warriors who came to Tianyuan City! --40503+dsuaahhh+25049953-->


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