The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 270: Tianyin kills

"What is that word, eight ancient characters."

After the killing of the ruling arrangement, above the sky, eight ancient characters emerged. Unfortunately, they are all characters from the ancient times. They are different from the present. Most of the warriors do not know. After he is from the lower bound, It is already beginning to plan, others are enlightened in the nine-empty emptiness, and he is the one who makes the murder in the dark.

"Accepted by the sky, both lives Yongchang."

The Three Emperors opened Taikoo, and the Emperor Sword can naturally understand the characters of the ancient times. The most powerful emperor of Daqin Shengting is Qin Tianyin. As time goes by, Qin Tianyin not only does not weaken, but gradually becomes stronger. Qin Tianyin can suppress the Holy The court is arrogant, and it is nourishing the body with air and constantly growing itself.

Unfortunately, compared with the growth of the Nether and the Death Wheel, Qin Tianyin’s speed is so slow that it is like a turtle crawling. The Nether Emperor is too deep and insane. His emperor is evil, but his ability to grow is One-on-one, each of the martyrdoms of the Netherland, practicing the Nether and the Life and Death, are all helping the Nymphs to become stronger.

"To kill the soldiers, do you want to suppress me?"

The soul of the sword and the sword of the Emperor originally felt that the government was very good. Now, after seeing the means of government administration, not only did it not anger, but it also appreciated the government. Unfortunately, the government is not a queen. I don’t know if the palace is there. Like the outstanding juniors like Zheng Zheng, what Ji Mingde said, the soul of the sword and the sword can not be fully believed.

In order to arrange such a killing, the government has spent at least five million pieces of the best spiritual stone. If he has conquered one of the five powers and got a lot of manpower and material resources, he really can't arrange it. Now the killing has been activated. Can you leave the soul of the sword and the soul of the government?

"Just try it. The predecessors have made great achievements. I am afraid I am not able to deal with it."

This is what Mr. Chun said on his face, but his face is full of self-confident smiles. Tianyin kills and is powerful. It is a very famous killing of Daqin Shengting. The soul of the sword is inherently weak, and it was previously Injury, it is not really possible to break his celestial squad, no matter what he or she is, and he will certainly be able to make a name for himself.

"We can't get the sword of the Emperor, then you will rob your demon emperor."

"You are a lower-ranking martial artist who is not qualified to be a sect of the demon emperor, and will hand over the ancient heavens and the holy lotus."

Seeing the imperial sword is hopeless, a group of sword repairs are coming toward the sword demon, whether it is the ruling, or the sword of the emperor, they are not able to move, they originally joined hands without taboo, but now In the Tianyin murder, they dare not go to provoke the ruling, the eight ancient characters floating above the sky, any one, I am afraid they can all be alive and shocked.

"You get the sword tip and the hilt of the Emperor's sword. As a result, you can't keep it. Now you think you can keep the ancient emperor."

"When you know the time, you are Junjie. Once you start, the sword has no eyes. If you die, don't blame us."

It doesn't take long for the sword to get the demon emperor's inheritance. They naturally don't have to be afraid of the sword. In the end, the sword demon is still a lower-level indigenous. When they face the sword, they have a strong sense of superiority. It is only a moment. Around the sword, there were thirteen sword repairs. Among them, Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua, Ji Mingde did not come.

Qingxu naturally will not let such a good opportunity. After all, he always feels that he is the most suitable for the inheritance of the demon emperor. He was previously injured in the Nine Emperor, and he was only hurt by the sword. What's more, now that they have so many swords to deal with a sword, it is not a problem.

It’s not that there are sword repairs in the kendo holy land. There are many warriors in the big forces. The thirteen sword repairs are only a small part of all the sword repairs in Tianyuan City. For example, Qianhui is in the distance, and there is no meaning for the swordsman. Among them, the lowest in the realm is the early stage of the heavenly people, and the highest in the realm is the middle of the human world.

"Thirteen to one, if you don't know how to lift, you will die."

Guo Yifan said with a sneer, now that he can finally revenge himself, with the ancient emperor of the demon, the sword demon will certainly not hand over it, the war is inevitable, Guo Yifan is already thinking, in the end is to give the sword magic a good, or slow Slowly slashing the sword is good, the district is a lower bound of the indigenous, dare to fight against him, is to find death.

"If you add me."

Lingdao strode forward, Guo Yifan said yes, thirteen to one, the sword magic does not have any odds, the sword is dead, Lingdao can indeed resurrect it, but the cost is great, if the two bodies join hands, may not There is no chance. After all, he still has a brother present. Whether it is a pretty three-knife or an arrogant dragon, he will definitely help him.

"Plus us two, thirteen to four."

The proud dragon holds the dragon sword, and the three-knife squats with the big dragon knife. They stand on the Lingdao respectively. They don’t know that the sword is the Lingdao, but the last time they were in the government, they were not the swordsmen. They both It is possible to die in the land, the grace of dripping water, but still need to report to the spring, let alone the help of life.

"Even if you join forces with four, there is no chance of winning."

"There is still a lower boundless native who is through the heavens. I don't know how high the earth is. I will definitely take your life first."

Thirteen sword repairs formed an encirclement. They are already planning to kill the swords, the sorcerers, the proud dragons and the three knives. No matter who gets the eternal life of the ancient heavens, in short, first join hands to solve the swordsmen and so on. However, they have not yet started, and someone has stepped in.

"A bit of a lower bound, you have a sense of superiority. If so, then I will kill a few young talents in heaven today."

The big demon smiled and walked. Today, he is already a young genius in the middle of the world. He is not afraid of the heavens. After all, among the thirteen young swords, the highest level is the same as him. He has never lost. The central government has been able to fight with him. There are fewer and fewer people. Now, with such a good opportunity, he will not miss it.

"I don't know how to bully too much, then I will count it as one."

Butterfly Dance and Lingdao knew each other in Dongjian domain. They were also suffering from life and death. Now Lingdao is in danger. Of course, she will not sit and watch. It’s a good 13-to-one, in a blink of an eye, it becomes Thirteen to six, even so, the young geniuses from heaven are still full of confidence.

"I don't care about other people, anyway, I only kill Lingdao."

Qianhui, who was standing in the distance, saw that after Lingdao appeared, he came over to this side. The 13-to-one situation has become fourteen to six. Today’s Qianhui is compared to Tianjian. When it was in the Jedi, it was even more powerful. In particular, Qianhui was able to understand eight kinds of swords in the nine-empty void.

"Well, you are also the same king of the same period. How can you not fight me if you fight?"

In the distance, a chubby boy ran over, and it was Cao Tian who sealed the king with Ling Dao, Da De Shen and others. Even Ling Dao and others were taken aback, because now Cao Tian, ​​than It was fatter before, and one arm of Cao Tian was much thicker than the normal man's thigh. Today, Cao Tian has at least 300 kilograms.

"Hello, my name is Cao Tian."

After walking to Lingdao and others, Cao Tian was generous and introduced himself to the 14-sword swordsmen from heaven. The big devil and other people are not strange. After all, Cao Tian must talk to others before each shot. My own name, I am afraid that others do not know that he is called Cao Tian, ​​and I don’t know what Cao Tian is eating. Some time ago, I am afraid that I will be chased and killed everywhere. Why is it not fat?

"You look at me like this. Are you licking my body and telling you that I am a man who can't see his feet when he looks down, and your envy is useless."

Long so fat, but also so narcissistic, it is really wonderful, Cao Tian's stomach is too big, can only see the stomach and can not see the feet, so obese warriors, strength can be strong where to go, they are all How can a genius from the power of heaven be a fat man?

"The kill."

A young sword repair can't stand the first thing, killing Cao Tian, ​​and then how to say, he is also a warrior in front of the heavens, and there is no problem in dealing with the ordinary people in the central territory. Dead fat man, it is estimated that a sword can be killed, there is no difficulty at all.

The instinct of the majestic works, he holds the sword in his right hand, and the origin of the gold covers the entire blade. What makes people laugh is that the fat man opposite is actually scared, and he is so stupid looking at him, his sword. He turned sharply and stabbed Cao Tian’s stomach. He wanted to see if a sword could pierce Cao Tian’s body.

Lingdao and others did not worry about Cao Tian. Cao Tian was the king with them. The ranking is still quite three-knife. Nowadays, the three-knife and the heavenly swordsman from heaven are fighting, and there should be no problem. The sky is very slippery. After all, so many five-product forces want to chase him, and he still escapes from birth.

The sharp sword tip stabbed in Cao Tian’s stomach. Even so, Cao Tian still did not move. The sword repairing power in the early days of the heavenly people was not weak. The sword tip continued to move forward, and Cao Tian’s stomach was recessed. However, what shocked the young sword was that his sword did not pierce Cao Tian’s body.

"You are really useless, standing and letting you kill, you can't kill me."

Cao Tian looked at the young sword repair with a look at the idiot, and then his stomach suddenly swelled up, and the huge force made the young arm of the young sword repair dislocated. Even more, he flew out. Cao Tian’s eyes brightened and leaped up. Then he took the situation of Taishan’s topping and slammed into the sword repair of the heavenly man.


A loud noise, smoke and dust, Cao Tian steadily pressed on the body of the swordsman in the early days of the heavens. The swordsman’s eyes were turned over in the early days. It was just a moment, Cao Tian It is to solve a sword repair in the early days of heaven and earth, so that the look of other sword repairs is dignified.

The real war is just beginning.

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