The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 271: One stroke to solve

"I have solved one, and you are still doing what you are doing."

Just now, the peak of Taishan was not based on his weight, the weight of more than three hundred kilograms. For the strong people of heaven and humanity, it is nothing at all. He is a physical repair. He just pressed the predecessor of the heavenly sword. In the body, all kinds of attacks were secretly carried out, and the swordsmanship of the heavenly man was fainted.

"There is just one person to deal with two, no pressure."

The big demon did not have the slightest tension. Instead, he did not care to kill the two middle-aged warriors. His hands were shot and the big handprints were displayed. Although Lingdao also learned the big handprints, he did not practice after all. There is no name, no emperor and blood, naturally can not play the strongest power of the big handprint.

"Indigenous people in the lower bounds of the district, but also dare to speak out."

"I don't know how high the earth is, and today is the day of your jealousy."

In the middle of the two worlds, the swordsmanship was opened one after another. The big demon gods even ignored them. They really irritated them. They always looked down on the lower bounds, and when the lower bounds had already looked down on them, even the central master. The kingdoms of the territories in the territories are not their opponents, let alone the mid-humans.

One of the heavenly men in the middle of the sword repaired a sword, raging fire, the third level of fire originated into a fire dragon, rushed toward the big demon, the sword in his hand is inside the fire dragon, if it is big The devil can't cope with the fire dragon, it must be seriously injured by the fire dragon, followed by a sword, if the big demon ruined the fire dragon, then his sword will penetrate the body of the big demon at a faster speed.

Another man in the middle of the sky, Jian Xiu seems to have only stabbed a common sword, and even the source of power has not been used, but the great demon **** has extraordinary eyesight, and has already seen the poisonousness of the sword repair, he Mastering the source of poison, and hiding all the sources of poison on the tip of the sword and the blade, his sword does not kill the opponent, as long as the piercing of the opponent's skin, it can poison the opponent.

"what happened."

In the middle of the two days, the swordsmanship was changed. Because they found that the Qiankun was reversed and the world changed. They were like head-to-head, and they were not used to it. They didn’t wait for them to adapt. Seeing a small star, squatting at them, like a comet falling, a meteor across the sky.

The big demon **** has already shot, naturally it will not be merciful. When there is no hands-on, no one knows that the strength of the big demon **** is so terrible. He is like a humanoid beast, walking through the void, his hands, slamming Playing in the middle of the two days of the sword, the body of the sword, so that their sternum is broken, coughing blood and flying out.

Even the young genius who saw this scene in the distance is not calm. The lower bounds of the indigenous and celestial warriors should be in the same realm. The former should be killed by the latter, but now, the big demon is not defeated by one enemy. Instead, in a trick, they have created two young geniuses in the same realm.

"Is it my hallucination."

The butterfly dance looked at the sword demon, and looked at Lingdao. The eyes were full of doubtful colors. After the sword and soul of the emperor took away the Xiaoyao sword, the sword demon appeared in the discussion and claimed to be the sword that his father gave him. If Lingdao is not present, then the butterfly dance can definitely guess that the sword is the Lingdao, but now Lingdao is also there, the sword must be someone else.

"Maybe I am mistaken, it should not be a sword, but why is it called Xiao Yao Jian."

At the moment when it is not communication, the butterfly dance can only hold the full doubts in the bottom of the heart. The big demon has already defeated the two swordsmen in the middle of the world. She naturally cannot fall behind. Unfortunately, the two swords in front of her have only one It is the middle of the world, and the other one is only in the early days of the heavens. There is no challenge at all. If the two heavenly swords are aware of the thoughts of the butterfly dance, I am afraid that the butterfly dance will not know the height of the sky.

The butterfly dance is cold and has no words at all. It is directly taking out a golden sword and repairing the past with the two heavenly swords. The speed of her sword is definitely not as fast as the sword, but when she leaves the sword The two heavenly swordsmen were unable to calm down. They had no preparations. Two golden swordsmen had already arrived in front of them.



Under the rush, the two swordsmen had only had time to defend their swords. The previous butterfly dance did not have a warning of a sword. Suddenly, she did not say that she still mastered the source of space. Her two swordsmanship directly crossed her and The distance between the two heavenly swords, the two of them naturally have no time to show what swordsmanship.

Two golden swordsmen, each wearing a body of two heavenly swords, they did not die, but there was a blood hole in the right shoulder, the red blood was like a spring, the right arm could not use the sword, they The strength has fallen by more than half. However, everything is not over yet, and the golden swordsman is inside, destroying their bodies.

Just a moment later, they were sitting on the ground, not because they didn’t want to take revenge, but because their bodies were not enough to support their fighting. If they didn’t quickly solve the golden swords in the body, they might die here, no. Thinking of this beautiful, unspoken young girl, the swordsmanship is also tyrannical.

"Hey, you are so powerful, have you thought about my feelings."

"Two instruments sword array."

Whether it is the big demon or the butterfly dance, it is a trick to solve the opponent. The proud dragon also has a cynicism. He is also a younger generation. Naturally, he is not willing to lose to the big demon and the butterfly dance. Therefore, he directly applies the two swords. I want to solve the problem of two heavenly swords in one stroke. His opponent and the butterfly dance, one in the middle of the world and one in the early days.

The two scorpion dragon swords have erupted an unprecedented edge. The arrogant dragon uses the two swords of the previous savvy, the sword and the thunder sword, and the scorpion dragon sword is like a hurricane. The dragon sword is like a thunder, and the proud dragon is taken seriously. The strength is naturally extraordinary. Even if the two heavenly swords are prepared, they are defeated under the sword of the proud dragon.

It’s only a moment, but there are already seven heavenly swordsmen who have lost their swords. The remaining seven sword repairs are also cautious. Cao Tian, ​​the Great Devil, the Butterfly Dance and the proud dragon are definitely not weaker than those from the heavens. They have also taken advantage of the number of people in the same world. Now it seems that the advantage is gone.

"The main reason is that we are in the lower bounds, and the strength cannot be fully exerted, otherwise they will be our opponents."

A young genius in heaven can't help but say that it is self-comfort. Other young geniuses also nodded in deep disapproval. Otherwise, they really can't accept everything they see now. There are two peerless geniuses in the lower world. They can accept it. But now, Butterfly Dance, Big Devil, Aolong, Cao Tianhe have not yet shot the swordsman, which one is weak.

"Don't worry so much, let's kill him first."

Guo Yifan sneered, and then he smothered to the sword, Feng Junhua nodded, intends to join hands with Guo Yifan, first solve the sword magic and then, at the same time, Qingxu is also rushing toward the sword magic, it is obvious It is intended to take the three-on-one, first take the sword magic, the three of them can be better than the young swords that were defeated before, if they can not solve the sword magic, it is strange.

"The man is defeated, I have spared your life, and even dare to follow me."

The sword demon looked at Qingxu and couldn't help but smile. He also deliberately smashed Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua. It is obvious that the defeat will refer not only to Qingxu, but also to Feng Junhua and Guo Yifan. In the midst of the celestial world, the swordsmen were besieged, not only not afraid, but they dared to anger them, but they did not think of other warriors.

"I don't know if you are brave or stupid. Now dare to provoke us, wait and see how you beg for mercy."

Qingxu first sword, thousands of swords, smashed the whole piece of the void, his sword stabbed again and again, the sword demon seems to see a beautiful lotus, but the lotus is covered with murderous, green Not only want to get the inheritance of the demon emperor, but also the life of the sword demon, Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua are not purely robbing the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, they are moving to kill.

“It’s like a broken sky.”

The sword in the hands of Guo Yifan suddenly rose and turned into a giant sword. He smashed toward the sword, and the sword in his hand had hundreds of millions of weights. Wherever the giant sword passed, even the void was collapsed. Cracks appear, such a fierce force, even a mountain must be smashed, not to mention a person.

"Hurricane lore."

Feng Junhua also has no mercy, and the source of the wind pours out. All the hurricanes are scraped toward the sword, the emptiness of the sky, the world shaking, even the swordsmen are shaken, it is like A lonely boat that has been rushed by the waves is helpless and has the potential to be washed away at any time.

"This is the strength of my young warriors in the heavens. The swords were too weak."

"I don't believe that a sub-district indigenous people can be their three opponents."

"With the strength of the early days of the heavens and the human race, the three warriors from the heavens in the middle of the sky, how to see him is only a dead end."

The swordsmen who were previously defeated by the big demon, the butterfly dance and the proud dragon, heard the words of other warriors, all of them were shy and their faces were red, but they did not refute, but looked at the swordsmen and others. Even if the sword is defeated, there is nothing. Qingxu, Guo Yifan and Feng Junhua join forces to defeat the sword, and naturally it is not good.

What they think is that after the victory of Qingxu, Fengjunhua and Guo Yifan, they will defeat the great demon, the butterfly dance and the proud dragon, killing the heroes of the great devil and so on. Even if the sword is the genius of the lower bound, the sword can be The realm is too low, and now the big demon, the butterfly dance and the proud dragon, even if they want to help, it is too late.

"Begging for mercy, it depends on your three wastes."

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