The Immortals Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 110 Apprentice Limit

Chapter 110 Apprentice Limit

362 years of the Bainian calendar.

The Byrne Empire defeated the Kingdom of Weiss in the Ximi Plain, and the atmosphere of the empire suddenly became a little fiery, and Queen Anna also received the support of the people.

The appointment of the new queen seems to have really brought new hope to the country.

And with Weiss' failure, everyone thought it was time for the queen to go dormant.

Only one month later, Queen Anna actually started the war on her own initiative.

Everyone was astonished, and the surrounding countries were also ready to have fun. After all, although Byrne had won once, it didn't mean he could win again.

Relying on the legacy of the past, the basic strength of the Byrne Empire is almost the same as that of the Kingdom of Weiss, but the high-end combat power has long been left behind by the Kingdom of Weiss.

But when the war started.

The appearance of a knight order completely changed everything.

Devil Knights.

They rode war horses with a slight bloodline of monsters. They were all at least two meters tall, and the weapons they carried with them were also big swords that ordinary knights could not handle. Each of them was obviously only a high-level knight, but they were compared to big knights.

And what scares other countries even more is that they are completely unafraid of death.

Whenever a war starts, unless you kill them, they will continue to fight even if they are missing arms and legs, terrifying like devils.

They appear on a large number of battlefields, and each time they appear, they will bring victory to the Empire.

Because there is no army that can stop a charge of dozens or even hundreds of people comparable to the Great Knights, even the legendary Sky Knights, and the Sky Knights are a fantasy, and no one has ever achieved it.

that's it.

The war goes on and on.

The Kingdom of Weiss continued to fail and began to pray for peace.

But how could the morale of the empire agree.

Therefore, in the 363rd year of the Bane calendar, the Weiss Empire was removed, and Bairn took away everything it had, including land, population, resources, and so on.

The name of Queen Anna spread throughout the nations again, no one dared to provoke the Byrne Empire, and the surrounding countries were also praying not to be noticed.

And in this atmosphere, the death of the owner of Leighton Manor, Eli, seemed to be a trivial matter, and no one even noticed it. Even the queen didn't seem to hold a funeral for him.

As for friends, not to mention, one of Eli's friends has died.

And after Eli's death, the manor was also inherited to Eli's distant nephew, Layton, who happened to be named after the manor, and he didn't dare to make an idea of ​​the manor, because Queen Anna's prestige was at the highest stage at this time, and no one dared to touch it. .

And Layton seems to be the same as his Uncle Eli, who is keen on the manor and rarely goes out. People who want to make friends with him can't even find him, and gradually forget him.


Five years later.

"Psychic power reaches 26.6. As expected, it still depends on the potion of mental power." In the laboratory, Eli habitually wanted to pull his beard, only to remember that the 22-year-old Layton had no beard at this time, and smiled.

Eli was already 88 years old before, and it was really not suitable for him to live.

After all, it is normal to be 88 years old. If you live to be in your 90s or more than 100 years old, it would be a bit too much, so I thought to change my identity.

And these years, he has been staying in the manor, learning and researching new things, and improving his spiritual power. Compared with five years ago, he has improved by nearly three points.

The improvement is huge, but if other wizards know that this is nearly 400 years of vitality in exchange, they probably won't have any envious thoughts.

On the other hand, after the empire took over Weiss, it immediately launched a search in Weiss, and found no news of the ruins, either they did not find them, or they were not there.

And Anna's idea is to continue the war and help Eli find it.

But Eli made her wait for five years. After all, it takes time to absorb resources. It is somewhat outrageous to want to annex more than a dozen countries at once.

"Looking at the time, it should be about the same time." Eli glanced at the flower pot with a centimeter of sprouts not far away, and turned his head to look out the window.

Boom boom boom!

Three huge bells sounded, and countless birds were startled.

All the people immediately looked towards the palace.

Is there going to be another war?


The 368th year of the Bainian calendar.

Because of conflicts between the Byrne Empire and the Chris Kingdom on the border, Queen Anna brazenly sent troops, and the war between the two countries began again.

This time, the war is much faster than anyone imagined.

Only half a year.

The Kingdom of Chris was destroyed.

The Byrne Empire once again annexed everything in the Kingdom of Chris, and Byrne became stronger again, and the majority of Byrne also suddenly made several surrounding countries nervous.

And Queen Anna personally came forward, with Eli's method, to establish diplomacy with distant countries, and large-scale wars broke out with nearby countries.

Time passed little by little.

Three years passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Eli's mental power has reached 28.9. At this point, the improvement of mental power is even slower, even like a turtle crawling. Although there is Krypton II, the improvement is also very fast.

30 points is the limit of normal human beings. To reach this point, one must either have talent or pay for other things. What Eli pays is vitality.

And besides this.

At this time, the Byrne Empire has also become a real empire.

The area is five or six times larger than before, and the surrounding countries have also become part of the Byrne Empire, providing Eli with various resources.

Now Eli, no matter what he needs, he can quickly get it through the channels of the empire.

Queen Anna is the titular queen, but Eli is the real master.

The countries that had established diplomatic relations before realized that Byrne had become such a giant when they realized it. They could only hope that Byrne would not break the contract.

But that was impossible. Just as the Byrne Empire digested the surrounding resources and directly tore up the covenant, the war started again. This time, Anna's opponent was an alliance of seven or eight countries.

The war lasted six years.

For some at Bayern Munich, it has been six years of hope.

The empire has finally returned to its former glory, even stronger than before.

Because although Salin Metatlin's fighting power is stronger, he is a single body after all, and he has never thought of integrating his blood into the knight's body, which makes him far behind Eli's speed.

With the suicide of the king of the last country, the Byrne Empire has finally achieved the complete unification of the area that Salin Metatrin suspected, and Eli has no interest in further countries, so the war stops.

There is also the Kingdom of Lorraine, which perished four or five years ago.

same year.

Eli's mental strength has also reached 29.9, which is only one step away from 30 points.

(end of this chapter)

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