The Immortals Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 111 Prepare With Both Hands, Choose A Model

Chapter 111 Prepare with both hands, choose a model


Theoretically, the highest spiritual power that apprentice wizards can achieve is also the limit of ordinary humans.

To break through to 30 points, some other means are needed.

There are two methods described in Salin Metatlin's book.

One is the most conventional method, taking limit-breaking potions, which can assist wizards to break through their mental power, which is relatively dangerous and requires a good dose.

The second is high-level wizards assisting apprentices to break through. This method is relatively safe, but it consumes a lot of money for wizards. Generally, they either pay a huge price or are immediate family members, otherwise they are rarely encountered.

The problem for Eli now is that he can't use either method.

First of all, the former. Eli has never seen the material of the limit-breaking potion in the Knight Kingdom, and the material requirements are very high, which is difficult to meet. The latter is even more nonsensical. Let alone a high-level wizard here, even a wizard apprentice None.

"So what to do?" Eli frowned, thinking about the serious question.

At this time, he was already 102 years old. Even if a normal wizard really lived to this age, it would be impossible for him to consider the issue of breakthrough, because the state at this time did not allow them to break through. But Eli was different, mainly because his body was very weak. Well, compared to ordinary wizards, the lifespan is also a little longer.

Although it is suspected that the promotion of wizards will consume vitality, Eli doesn't care. Anyway, a little vitality is nothing, and it is worthless. As for wizards, it seems that they are not popular. At worst, they will integrate some blood and pretend to be warlocks. These are small problems.

Since you want to become extraordinary, then choose the strongest profession.

A wizard has this potential, and a warlock is really close.

"For the potion issue, I can ask the empire to find materials, but I can't put all my hopes on it. I have to find other ways." Eli thought about it, looking out the window at the potion field.

At this time, in the farmland in the distance, an empty area around it is particularly obvious.

In the center, there are more than a dozen blood bamboo flowers, the largest of which is even one meter high, and the aura it emits is almost close to the ring, which is hugely different from before.

That one was specially bred by Eli.

Every time Eli failed in the experiment, he would pour waste blood on it. At first Eli didn't pay attention, but then he discovered by accident that this blood bamboo flower was so strange, it was much bigger than the others, and the flowers produced The potion should be stronger, and only then did I realize that this plant has absorbed too much blood from a monster, and it has been upgraded?

At present, Eli's idea is that if there is no other way, then upgrade it to the first level, and then the effect of the potion will be comparable to the limit-breaking potion, or even surpass it.

"Let's prepare with both hands. On the one hand, let the empire help me find the potion, and on the other hand let the empire find the blood of monsters to cultivate blood bamboo flowers." Eli thought, after all, he should really consider breaking through at this time.

Eli, who has been a wizard's apprentice for more than 80 years, has finally reached this point.

He is really just like what he thought at the beginning, he really worked it out bit by bit.

Up to now, I have survived until my friends are dead, I have survived until the emperor of Byrne has gone down for two terms, and I have survived until Byrne has changed from normal to weak, and now it has become the strongest country.

Everything and everything happened in these eighty-odd years.

"Time flies, oh yes, and remind Anna to look for the ruins." Eli sighed how time flies, and then returned to the laboratory again.

the next day.

A new division has been created in the Brian Empire.

Department of Relics.

They have only three responsibilities, one is to search for specific extraordinary monsters and potions, the other is to hunt monsters and collect blood, and the third is to look for strange places in the empire, or places that may have relics.

Once the department was established, it immediately recruited top talents from various departments across the country, including scholars, great scholars, people who are good at tomb robbers, knights, great knights, and even those who were arrested in war. If they have these special skills, they can also be amnesty to enter.

The department was established in secret, and ordinary people didn't know about it, but some nobles heard the news and expressed their incomprehension. After all, the empire has just absorbed so much land, and the first thing to do is to develop it, but Queen Anna spent so much money. The energy on this is simply unreasonable.

They even released some talented prisoners, which made them feel outrageous.

Several nobles expressed their dissatisfaction to Queen Anna, but the next day, when the empire lost a few marquises, earls, and gained a few more earls, viscounts, and barons, no one dared to talk about it.

Only then did they understand who was the real master of the empire.


It was the day after Eli ordered Anna to set up the department.

Eli also officially started his own preparations in addition to mental power breakthroughs, that is, preparations for solidifying the model.

In the legacy of Salin Metatlin, there is not much preparation for witchcraft models, but there are also seven or eight good witch models, all of which are treasured by Salin Metatlin.

Among them are Star Shield, Crimson Hand, Lunar Pull, Thorn Control, Shadow Corruption, Water Curtain, Rock Barrier, and Mind Shield.

Eli needs to choose one of them, which requires great care.

Solidification model witchcraft is a very special type of witchcraft. It is special in two points. One is that this kind of witchcraft is instant and only requires a small amount of mana consumption. Second, if it is solidified, the witchcraft will follow the wizard's The strength has been improved.

For example, if a wizard advances to the second ring, then although the original witchcraft model is only the first ring, it can also burst out the power of the second ring, which is also one of the strengths of the wizard.

Therefore, the choice of solidifying witchcraft is a big problem, and it must be carefully selected. There is no chance of regretting this, which has an important effect on wizards.

There are a total of eight one-ring solidified witchcraft for Eli to choose from.

Among them, the star shield, water curtain, rock barrier, and mind shield are all defensive witchcrafts. The first three defend against physical and elemental aspects, while the latter is spiritual.

Except for the blood-red hand and shadow corruption, the other four are attack-type witchcraft, and the other two are control-type witchcraft.

Which one to choose, that's the big question.

However, Eli still prefers defensive witchcraft. After all, there are more combat methods, and he will always have various combat methods in the future, but defense is relatively rare.

And he only has one life, so naturally he has to protect himself.

Finally, after a few days of thinking, a decision was made.

He ended up choosing Psychic Shield.

The reason is that this kind of witchcraft just makes up for the gap that he has no spiritual defensive witchcraft at all, and what is interesting about this kind of witchcraft is that the consumption of this kind of witchcraft is very low, and Eli can completely maintain it for 24 hours to protect his mental safety. , very practical and very suitable for him.

"Then since the choice is made, let's prepare well." Taking out the model record of the soul shield, Eli is ready to study it carefully.

The breakthrough is getting closer and closer!

(end of this chapter)

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