Luo Qinghan said lightly: "Now is not the time to talk about this, Zhao Xian, you take these four assassins to interrogate first, and you must find out who is the mastermind from their mouths."

Zhao Xian complied with his promise, causing the four assassins to be dragged out.

Luo Qinghan instructed Nie Changping again.

"You take someone to check the entire inn from the inside out to see if there are any fish that slip through the net."


Nie Changping limped away.

Luo Qinghan finally looked at the Prince Shaofu and the Prince Shaobao, still with that cold and indifferent look, unable to see the joy or anger.

"Get up and talk."

After the two thanked each other, they stood up.

Luo Qinghan: "The two of you think who should have done the assassination tonight?"

The two could not answer.

In fact, they have guesses in their hearts, but there is no evidence, they dare not talk nonsense, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Luo Qinghan was not angry, and continued to talk on his own.

"There are many people in the imperial court, in the palace, and even among the people who want the life of an orphan. The identity of an orphan is too conspicuous. No matter where it is placed, it is a living target. It is the sound of the east and the west. You will continue to go south along the Yijiang River with a large force to attract the attention of others, so that others will think that Gu is still advancing according to the predetermined plan, while Gu is disguised and quietly sailing south by boat, so as to avoid reappearing tonight. Case."

Prince Shaobao was more impatient, and he said uneasily: "What if you were assassinated when you were acting alone?"

Luo Qinghan smiled, and there was an indescribable coldness in that smile.

"There are only a few people who know that Lonely acted alone. If Lonely's actions are exposed, the problem must be among those few people. When the time comes to check one by one, I can't believe that it is impossible to find out who betrayed Lonely."

Prince Shaofu and Prince Shaobao froze.

They are not stupid, the prince can tell them this plan, which means that they are also among the few insiders.

Once the prince is assassinated again when he acts alone in the future, the two of them will also be interrogated. If something is wrong with them, then they will be finished.

Neither of them dared to speak, their palms were sweating so nervously.

Luo Qinghan asked, "Do you two have any objections?"

The two said in unison, "I will obey His Royal Highness's arrangement."

Luo Qinghan nodded: "So, just do as Gu said before."

"I will obey your orders."

The two quit.

It was late at night, but after the assassination, most of the people in this inn had no intention of sleeping.

Luo Qinghan is waiting for the result of the review.

He didn't want to sleep for the time being, but when he turned to look at Xiao Xixi, he saw that the woman had already tucked into the bed and fell asleep.

Why is her heart so big? She had just escaped from the brink of life and death, and she fell asleep in a blink of an eye, not knowing that she was afraid at all.

Luo Qinghan reached out and squeezed her cheek.

Xiao Xixi was pinched and woke up.

She opened her sleepy eyes and stared at him dazedly.

"Your Highness?"

Luo Qinghan asked: "Can you figure out who is the one who ordered the assassin to kill Gu tonight?"

Xiao Xixi yawned and said lazily, "I don't know."

Luo Qinghan was a little disappointed, and was about to end the topic when she heard her continue.

"I saw the faces of the four assassins just now. From their faces, I can roughly deduce their origins and circumstances. They should be dead soldiers raised by the first prince."

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