Luo Qinghan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The eldest prince Luo Yechen did support a group of dead soldiers, because he made a lot of money, and the people under his opponents were very generous, and there were quite a few people who were willing to be dead soldiers for him.

If it is a dead man, I am afraid that there will be nothing to ask for a while.

Those who can become dead men are specially trained, and ordinary punishments do not work for them.

That being the case, he didn't need to wait, he would sleep for a while.

Luo Qinghan took off his shirt and went to bed.

When Xiao Xixi saw that he finally fell asleep, he also fell down.

Eunuch Chang helped the two pull up the quilt, blew out the oil lamp, and backed out silently.

In the darkness, when Xiao Xixi was about to fall asleep, she suddenly heard a question from the man beside her.

"Were you afraid just now?"

Xiao Xixi forced her sleepiness and replied, "It's okay."

Luo Qinghan thought that she was pretending to be calm, a big man would be afraid when faced with the situation just now, not to mention that she was just a weak woman.

He whispered: "If you are afraid, you can hold Gu."

Xiao Xixi wanted to say that she was really not afraid, but when she saw the prince's somewhat expectant eyes, she changed her mind again.

After all, it's the person she chose, so it's okay to pet her once in a while.

She obediently stretched out her hand and grabbed Luo Qinghan's sleeve.

Luo Qinghan wanted to say, what's the use of grabbing the sleeves? You should grab my hand.

But in the end he still has to face.

He couldn't say this kind of self-depreciation, and he said angrily, "That's what you can do."

Without waiting for Xiao Xixi to respond, he closed his eyes and fell asleep angrily.

Xiao Xixi was in a half-dream and half-awake state at this time, her mind was turning very slowly, she didn't know how the prince was so good and angry again, after thinking about it, she thought that it should be because she was not full at night, people tend to get angry if they are not full, etc. Tomorrow, he should be fine if he eats two more bites of food.

Thinking so, she closed her eyes peacefully and fell asleep.

The fact was as Luo Qinghan expected, Zhao Xian tried all night, tried every means, but still couldn't get anything out of the four assassins.

Nie Changping turned the entire station from the inside out several times, but was unable to find the assassin's accomplice.

Luo Qinghan asked, "Where are the officials in the inn?"

"They've all been imprisoned. I tried them all night last night and didn't ask anything useful."

Luo Qinghan remembered what Xiao Xixi said last night.

He instructed Zhao Xian and Nie Changping.

"You take the eldest prince to deceive them."

Both of them were stunned.

Nie Changping asked tentatively, "Your Highness means that this matter was done by the First Prince?"

Luo Qing smiled coldly: "The eldest prince relied on himself to be the eldest son, and always regarded the position of the prince as something in his pocket. Since Gu was set up as the prince, Gu has become a thorn in his eye, and he is a thorn in the flesh every day. Instead of Gu, it is no surprise that he will send someone to assassinate Gu in order to compete for the crown prince."

Nie Changping thought about it seriously, with the impulsive and irritable character of the First Prince, he was really able to do such a bastard.

He said speechlessly: "If His Highness the Crown Prince really encounters an accident, the First Prince is the first person to be suspected, isn't he afraid of being found out?"

Luo Qinghan: "So it's very likely that there are others who are helping to fuel the flames."

The throne of the prince is a fragrant pastry. Everyone wants to take it as their own, but everyone is concerned about their reputation. They are afraid of being accused by the emperor of being a brother-in-law, which will make the emperor hate it, so most of the princes are still watching. among.

Only the eldest prince, a big fool, would think that as long as Luo Qinghan was removed, the crown prince would be his.

The one-strand eldest prince knelt down and begged for votes~

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