Xiao Xixi naturally wanted to ride in a carriage with Luo Qinghan. Myolie was embarrassed to follow along. She and Xiao Nan sat on both sides of the carriage.

Xiao Nan was in charge of the car. He threw off the reins and the carriage slowly drove out of the backyard of the inn.

This group of people are all new faces, and they have a lot of cars and horses. Their goals are too big and they are easy to be remembered.

Many people in the city now know that a group of non-locals have been hired by officials, and the inns are afraid of causing trouble. When they see this group of non-locals, they all say that the rooms are full and do not want them to stay.

In desperation, they could only find a yard that had been abandoned for many years.

Xiao Xixi stood in the yard overgrown with grass, with her hands in her sleeves, looked at the dilapidated house in front of her, and sighed faintly.

Luo Qinghan asked, "What are you sighing for?"

"The house is likely to be set on fire tonight."

Luo Qinghan frowned slightly: "What did you count?"

"Actually, even if I don't need to count, His Royal Highness should be able to guess that we not only robbed Xing'er, but also beat up the people of the county government twice in a row, they will not let us go. The county is so big, they are very good at it. We will come over soon. Our people are powerful. Even if we are not as large as them, if we really want to work hard, we will definitely be able to tear a piece of meat from them. They are afraid of losing money. Put the fire on, and we'll all be trapped here."

Luo Qinghan looked around, and the wild grass had withered because of the drought, and the house had been in disrepair for a long time, and it was already crumbling.

If the fire starts to burn, it will soon spread in the yard, and the house will be burnt down quickly, and no one in the house will be able to escape.

Luo Qinghan pondered for a moment, then called Nie Changping and explained a few words in a low voice.

Nie Changping smiled after listening to it: "No problem, I'll do it now!"

He left with two guards.

The servant asked cautiously, "Master, do you still need to clean up this yard?"

Luo Qinghan: "Of course I have to clean up."

The servants got the order and immediately got busy.

This time, Myolie finally got a chance to help out. She carried a simple homemade broom and swept all the house clean.

Xiao Nan went to a nearby restaurant to buy some food, packed it and brought it back for everyone to eat.

The food he brought back contained a greasy roast chicken.

Xiao Xixi hugged the chicken leg and chewed it happily.

Seeing that she liked to eat, Luo Qinghan gave her the chicken legs in his bowl.

This moved Xiao Xixi badly.

Xiao Xixi said while eating, "The happiest thing in my life is to marry His Royal Highness!"

Luo Qinghan looked indifferent: "Your happiness is only worth a chicken leg?"

Xiao Xixi nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes!"

"Then your happiness is really cheap."

Xiao Xixi laughed: "cheap is good, such happiness is easier to get, too expensive happiness will make people prohibitive."

Luo Qinghan was speechless.

This woman is always stupid and seems to be easy to deceive, but occasionally she can say a few meaningful words.

I don't know if she is really stupid or fake.

Not long after they left, the entire inn was arrested and surrounded by yamen officers.

The innkeeper hurried up to meet him, bowing and cursing, "Why is Jin Dianshi free to come to us tonight?"

Dian Shi is a yamen who specializes in arresting and arresting prison officials. He has no rank and belongs to the low-level petty officials who are not in the mainstream. But in this remote and small place, he has great power. Ordinary people see him. Is trembling.

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