Jin Dianshi was in a very anxious mood at this time.

Originally, the county magistrate asked him to bring back that stinky girl named Xing'er, but the people he sent out not only failed to capture Xing'er, but were beaten up one after another.

When this matter spread to Yang County Magistrate's ears, it became his fault. Just now, in front of many people, Yang County Magistrate scolded him bloodily, causing him to lose face in front of his colleagues.

Jin Dianshi vowed to arrest the group of outsiders who caused him to lose face, and beat him severely!

He grabbed the innkeeper and asked fiercely.

"Is there a group of foreigners living in your shop today?"

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he shivered and stammered: "Yes, yes, but they have already left."

"Let's go? Are you kidding me, old boy?"

"No, no, how dare I lie to you?!" The shopkeeper was about to cry.

Jin Dianshi didn't believe him, so he rudely shook off the innkeeper and shouted sharply.

"Rush in for Lao Tzu and catch those scumbags!"

This time, Jin Dian Shi was really ruthless, swearing that he would catch those daring outsiders.

He transferred almost all the yamen and yakuai in the county government office, thirty yakuai and more than 80 yamen, adding up to more than 100 people.

Holding swords, guns and sticks, they rushed into the inn aggressively and went straight to the guest room where Luo Qinghan was.

The guys were already scared to hide, and they didn't dare to breathe.

The catchers and the yamen turned the inn upside down and couldn't find any trace of the group of outsiders, so Jin Dianshi had to believe the shopkeeper's words.

"Do you know where those out-of-towners went?"

The shopkeeper shook his head and said he didn't know.

Jin Dianshi cursed and turned his head away murderously.

He ordered his subordinates to search and interrogate one street after another. The entire county town was so big, and if he did a carpet-like search, he couldn't believe that the group of outsiders could not be found!

Half a day passed, and it was getting dark, and the yamen finally found the whereabouts of the group of outsiders.

After learning of their whereabouts, Jin Dianshi grinned: "Damn, I finally let Lao Tzu find them! Let's go, let's peel their skins!"

The head arrester hurriedly reminded: "I'm afraid we'll suffer if we hit the door like this. Those people are very skilled and carry weapons. If we hit the door in a daze, there may be a lot of casualties, according to me. See, it's better to just set fire to it, just like we did with that scholar two years ago..."

Although Jin Dianshi is short-tempered, he is not brainless.

He felt that Caotou's words made sense, he slapped Caotou's shoulder twice, hehe laughed.

"That's right, your idea is very good. Let the fire go out so that everyone can see what will happen if you dare to oppose our yamen!"

Under the command of Jin Dianshi, the cops and the yamen went to collect a lot of firewood and kerosene.

After some relocation, the abandoned courtyard can barely live in.

Xiao Xixi had already got into the bed and was sleeping soundly.

Luo Qinghan read a book in front of the candlelight.

There was a knock on the door, and Xiao Nan's voice came in.

"His Royal Highness, there is movement outside the yard. The subordinates took a look outside. It is the people from the county government who are stacking firewood outside the yard. They also brought a lot of kerosene. It seems that they want to set fire to it."

Luo Qinghan turned a page and said lightly, "Don't worry about them."


Salted fish PK has advanced to the second round, hahaha, plus more! Ask for tickets every day!

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