Looking at the half-human-high firewood piled in front of him, Jin Dianshi was very satisfied, and he greeted, "Where's the kerosene? Quickly pour the kerosene!"

The yamen officers took barrels of kerosene from the carriage and poured it on the firewood.

Just then, a carriage stopped near the courtyard.

The yamen thought that someone had entered this place by mistake and were about to drive forward, but unexpectedly, a trembling old man's voice came from the carriage.

"Golden Mountain Tiger! Stop it!"

When Jin Dianshi heard this voice, his body froze, and then he showed an expression of disbelief.

He remembered the voice.

This is the voice of Magistrate Yang!

Could it be that the person in the carriage was Magistrate Yang?

But why is Magistrate Yang here?

Could it be that Magistrate Yang came to supervise his arrest?

Countless questions arose in an instant in the history of Jin Dian. He took two steps forward and asked tentatively, "Is the person in the car, Lord Xianzun?"

The guard who supported the driver lifted the curtain of the car, revealing the two people sitting inside, namely Nie Changping and Yang Kaiguang.

Just now, Nie Changping sneaked into the county office with two guards, grabbed Yang Kaiguang, and tied him here silently.

Yang Kaiguang was wearing normal clothes at this time, his hands were tied behind his back, his body couldn't stop shaking, the beard under his chin was shaking slightly, and his old face was as pale as paper.

Nie Changping put a dagger around his neck and said to him.

"Get those dogs out of your way."

Yang Kaiguang was very afraid of dying, and he hurriedly shouted: "Jinshanhu, take people away, the farther you go, the better!"

Jin Dian Shi never thought that Magistrate Yang would be caught, and was shocked and angry, but because he was afraid of rats, he did not dare to act rashly.

Nie Changping jumped out of the carriage and strode into the courtyard.

A guard reached out and dragged Yang Kaiguang out of the car, carrying him into the yard, while another guard led the carriage around the back door.

Luo Qinghan learned that Nie Changping was back, put down the book, stood up and walked out.

With the bright moonlight, Yang Kaiguang could see the handsome man walking out clearly.

The man looked young, only eighteen or nineteen years old. He was wearing a light blue long-sleeved long shirt. The blue silk was not completely tied up, but was draped behind him, and he only used a blue hairband loosely at the end of his hair. Tie twice.

His black eyes were like ten thousand years of cold pools, cold and silent, just being looked at by him, Yang Kaiguang felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

Yang Kaiguang instinctively felt panic and fear.

The guard kicked his knees and scolded, "You still don't kneel and salute when you see our master?!"

Yang Kaiguang was already old, and in addition, he had been hollowed out by the wine in the past few years. After being kicked like this, he immediately fell to the ground, and he screamed in pain.

Luckily, it was dirt, but if it was slate, he could smash his kneecaps all at once.

Nie Changping saluted, "His Royal Highness, fortunately not to be disgraced, I brought you back."

Yang Kaiguang, who was still screaming, froze when he heard this.

He didn't care about the pain, he struggled to straighten up, looked at the handsome man standing in front, and asked in disbelief, "You, you are the prince? How is this possible? The prince's car clearly hasn't arrived in Gangu County!"

Luo Qing looked at him coldly: "Just because you know that Gu's car has not arrived in Gangu County, so you dare to make money in the name of Gu, right?"

Yang Kaiguang still didn't want to believe it.

"Impossible, you can't be the prince, you must be a fake, it's a capital crime to fake the prince!"

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