Luo Qinghan ordered someone to fetch the prince's letter.

Yang Kaiguang has never seen the prince, so he doesn't know what the prince looks like, but he knows what the prince's seal looks like.

When he saw the Prince Yinxin placed in front of him with his own eyes, he finally had to accept the reality. The handsome man standing in front of him at this time was indeed His Royal Highness!

Yang Kaiguang froze in place as if struck by lightning, and it took a while before he gradually recovered.

He never imagined that the dignified crown prince actually condescended to come to Gangu County for a private visit!

Then, isn't all the things he did during this time known to the prince? !

Thinking of this, Yang Kaiguang felt cold all over, and his hands and feet couldn't stop shaking.

He stammered and said: "Weichen, Weichen Yang Kaiguang, to see His Royal Highness the Prince, Weichen didn't know that His Royal Highness was coming, and if he missed a distant welcome, Weichen should be punished to death!"

Luo Qing said coldly: "You really deserve to die."

Yang Kaiguang was so frightened that he was shocked again, and cold sweat broke out.

He was really afraid that the prince would kill himself on an impulse.

"His Royal Highness, spare your life, Wei Chen can explain it! The reason why Wei Chen blocked the city gate is to prevent the people in the city from being harmed by foreign disaster victims. Don't you know that those disaster victims outside are very fierce, they are so hungry that they can do everything. You can do it, before many innocent people were stolen and robbed by them, and Wei Chen had no choice but to drive them out of the city."

Nie Changping clicked his tongue: "What's your explanation for the 10 taels of money to enter the city?"

"Ten taels of silver is indeed a bit expensive to enter the city, but in this situation, there are disaster victims everywhere who can't afford to eat. Wei Chen can only rely on such a dishonest method to earn money, and then use the money to exchange for food and relief. Those poor victims."

Nie Changping sneered: "So, you actually did a good thing?"

Yang Kaiguang sneered dryly: "It's not a good thing, Wei Chen just wants to do something for the people."

Nie Changping wanted to see how this old guy could make it up, so he continued to ask.

"You charge a lot of taxes from the people, and you force them to build palaces day and night. What can you say?"

Yang Kaiguang said with a flattering smile: "His Royal Highness has come to Gangu County from a long distance. There is nothing in the county that can entertain His Royal Highness, so Wei Chen wanted to build a palace for the prince. The money for the construction of the palace was given voluntarily by the local squires. , they also want to make His Royal Highness live in our Gangu County more comfortable, completely out of good intentions. As for the common people who work hard... their families are too poor to open the pot, I let them build a palace, every time If they were given two meals a day, it could be regarded as giving them a bite to eat."

"Okay, I believe you all these things. What about the large number of lost children in the city?"

When Yang Kaiguang heard this, his face changed slightly.

Just when Nie Changping thought that Yang Kaiguang was going to excuse himself again, he saw this old guy actually admit it.

"Those children were indeed captured by Wei Chen!"

Nie Changping didn't expect him to admit it so readily. He was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "As a parental official, why do you do such a thing?"

Yang Kaiguang said bitterly: "There is no way for Wei Chen. It doesn't rain here, and the crops in the field have already died from drought. If things go on like this, I'm afraid that the people of Gangu County will starve to death."

"What does this have to do with the children?"

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