Luo Qinghan asked cautiously, "Do you know all the people in Xuanmen?"

Xiao Xixi found a comfortable place to sit down, and said while eating, "There are only a few people in total, of course I know them all."

Luo Qinghan was quite surprised: "How many people are there in your Xuanmen?"

"There are a lot of people on the mountain, but there are only five people who are serious teachers and get started. I am the fourth, with three senior brothers above and one younger junior brother below."

Luo Qinghan's mood is a little complicated: "Listening to you, I always feel that Xuanmen is like a grass-top team."

It doesn't have the lofty feel of the legend at all.

Xiao Xixi said casually, "You can think so."

There was a knock on the door, and Xiao Nan's voice came in.

"Master, the people have been brought back."

Luo Qinghan stood up: "Don't eat it, go out with me to see."


Xiao Xixi held the dried radish and walked out behind the prince.

Layman Qianshan was violently thrown to the ground by the guards.

His forehead hit the ground, waking him up in pain.

After a long while, Layman Qianshan woke up from the trance state.

He first saw the Magistrate Yang who was tied up with five flowers, then looked at the others around him, and finally his eyes fell on the stern man in front of him.

Wearing a light blue long-sleeved long shirt, the man stood quietly under the porch, his stern eyebrows had a sense of alienation that made people dare not approach him at first sight.

With just one glance, Layman Qianshan could see that this stern man was the leader of the group.

He made up his mind.

He has traveled south and north for many years and has seen many big scenes.

He knew very well in his heart that he had to be calm at such a time, and he must not be in a mess.

Lay Scholar Qianshan stood up, tidied up his clothes, tried his best to look calm, and said with a smile.

"I don't know why the heroes and heroes invited the poor people to come here late at night?"

He is in his fifties this year, tall and thin, with a goatee under his chin, wearing a gray wide-sleeved Taoist robe, and holding a whisk in his hand. He looks a bit immortal.

Nie Changping was playing with a dagger in his hand and smiled maliciously.

"Since you can figure it out, why did we tie you here?"

Just now, layman Qianshan deliberately said that he was invited to come, in order to ease the atmosphere, but now Nie Changping opened his mouth and said that he was bound, which is obviously not willing to give him any face.

Layman Qianshan was not annoyed, and still maintained a modest and polite smile.

"You should be here because of the disappearance of a large number of children in the city today, right?"

Nie Changping did not speak, but looked at His Royal Highness.

Luo Qinghan said lightly: "The matter of the disappearance of the children, the county magistrate Yang has already told us, what I want to know now is the matter about Xuanmen."

The smile on the face of Layman Qianshan was dazed for a moment.

He didn't expect that this group of people took so much trouble to tie him up, and they came to Xuanmen.

Luo Qinghan asked calmly: "Listen to Yang Kaiguang, you are a member of Xuanmen, is this true?"

"Of course it's true. Pindao's ability to calculate is all learned from Xuanmen."

"Then do you know the name of the sect master of Xuanmen?"

Layman Qianshan showed an unfathomable expression: "Puppy Dao naturally knows it, but Xuanmen has always shunned the world, and the door owner never shows up in front of outsiders. leaked to outsiders.”

Luo Qinghan asked: "Are you unwilling to say it? Or do you not know at all?"

"This son, what Pindao said is true, I hope the son will not be hard on others."

Today is the fifth watch. For the sake of my diligence, please vote and comment for support~

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