Luo Qinghan ignored him, but turned to look at Xiao Xixi beside him, and asked in a low voice.

"Have you seen this man?"

Xiao Xixi chewed the dried radish and said casually, "I haven't seen it before."

She paused, then added: "Although Xuanmen lives away from the world, my master has also gone down the mountain before and lived in the world for a long time. In fact, the previous masters of Xuanmen were in power before taking power. , must go down the mountain to experience, this is the process that must be followed, this old Taoist is full of lies, he is a liar."

After hearing the words, Qian Shan's expression changed, and he said sternly: "You are full of lies, you don't know anything about Xuanmen at all, and you dare to say nonsense here, don't you believe that our Xuanmen is looking for trouble for you?!"

Xiao Xixi swallowed the dried radish in his mouth and said slowly.

"Your original name is Li Ergou, your nickname is Goudan, and you live in Xiaogouzi Village, Yufeng County, Cangnan County. You have two older sisters above and one younger sister below.

Your father is a gambler, addicted to gambling like his life, and owes a lot of gambling debts. Your father sold your two older sisters and one younger sister to repay the debt, and only left you as a son for his retirement.

It's a pity that you didn't learn it well since you were a child. You can eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble. Not only did you make your mother mad, but also caused your father's leg to be broken.

When you were eighteen years old, you had an affair with a young daughter-in-law in the village, and you were caught and raped in bed by your husband. You were beaten to death and kicked out of the village.

After that, you started to wander around and make a living by cheating. The robes and whisks on your body were stolen, am I right? "

Every time she said a word, Layman Qianshan's face turned pale.

After she had finished speaking, Layman Qianshan looked at her like a ghost.

He widened his eyes, unable to believe that she had revealed all of his old secrets.

How could she know so many things?

Did she investigate him beforehand?

But impossible!

He had never seen her, and the two had never met before.

After listening to Xiao Xixi's words, Yang Kaiguang looked at the Qianshan layman in disbelief and questioned.

"You're a liar? Impossible, right? If you were a liar, how could you figure out what happened in my family?!"

Layman Qianshan opened his mouth, wanting to deny it.

Xiao Xixi spoke freely at this time.

"Jianghu liars are skilled in fortune-telling, the most common is to pay for entrustment, and to speculate by observing words and feelings. As for how he can figure out what's going on in your home, he should have done his homework in advance and secretly inquired about it. Less about your family."

When the truth was revealed in one sentence, the Qianshan layman could no longer pretend, and an old orange peel face flushed red.

When Yang Kaiguang saw his reaction, what else could he not understand? Outraged.

"You old liar, how dare you deceive me? I still trust you so much. I will do whatever you say. It turns out that you are talking nonsense, and you have hurt me! Even if I die Now, I’m going to turn into a ghost and come to ask for your life!”

Lay Scholar Qianshan defended himself: "I just want to make some money. You have to ask me about begging for rain. I can't get rid of it, so I can only make a fool of myself. Who knows that you still believe it."

"You said it so firmly, can I not believe it? You are a dead liar, you dare to lie about this kind of thing, you have to die!"

Now that the matter has come to this point, Layman Qianshan knew that he would be doomed, so he simply went out and scolded with a blushing face.

"What kind of thing are you? As a parental official, you don't treat the people as human beings, and you desperately squeeze the people's fat. Ask yourself, how many innocent souls have died in your hands all these years? You still scolded me for not being good Death, I think the person who is the worst to die is you! People like you should cut off their descendants and go to eighteen levels of hell after death!"

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