Only then did Yang Kaiguang notice that Jin Dian Shi was actually there, and immediately said: "I didn't recognize the wrong person, this is His Royal Highness, and he came to our Gangu County on a private visit."

Jin Dianshi was struck by lightning, his mind went blank, and his whole body froze.

He originally planned to follow General Zhao to capture the kidnappers and rescue the county magistrate Yang, so as to make a contribution, and maybe he could be promoted to an official or something in the future.

Unexpectedly, the kidnapper in his heart was His Royal Highness!

It's all over now!

His future and life are all over!

Luo Qinghan walked out of the abandoned courtyard under the guard of everyone.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at the history of Jin Dian.

For him, Jin Dian Shi is just an ant, and he can be trampled to death by raising his foot, so why bother?

When His Royal Highness the Prince left, Zhao Xian immediately ordered to arrest Yang Kaiguang, Qianshan Jushi, and Jin Dianshi, and put them in jail, waiting for His Royal Highness to be released.

Until Xiao Xixi got into the carriage, he could still hear Yang Kaiguang's begging for mercy.

She turned her head to look at the prince sitting next to her, and asked curiously, "What is your Highness going to do with those people?"

Luo Qinghan said lightly: "It's not a matter of being alone."

"Then who has the final say?"

"Naturally, the people have the final say."


Under the escort of Zhao Xian, the carriage arrived at the station smoothly.

Eunuch Chang, Prince Shaofu and Prince Shaobao hurried out to greet the prince after they got the news.

When they saw His Royal Highness appear in front of them safe and sound, they all breathed a long sigh of relief.

Along the way, they have been worrying about the safety of His Royal Highness almost day and night, for fear that he will encounter accidents on the road.

Prince Shaofu and Prince Shaobao came forward to greet him.

This is not the place to talk, Luo Qinghan just nodded slightly and walked into the station.

Others followed.

Xiao Xixi, the little eunuch, was pushed to the end.

When she saw that the prince was surrounded by people, it seemed that everyone had a lot to say to him. He should have no time to pay attention to her for the time being, so she consciously slipped into the bedroom.

There is a pot of pears on the table.

Xiao Xixi sat down at the table, grabbed a pear, and ate it.

At this time, Xing Er also walked in.

Her little face turned pale, apparently frightened by the battle just now.

She never thought that the person who rescued her turned out to be the little prince, the man who seemed to be cold and difficult to get along with turned out to be His Royal Highness, and the kind-hearted young man who paid for her turned out to be a little eunuch.

Xing'er's knowledge is limited. She has only heard of eunuchs from the stories of Mr. Storyteller, but she has never seen them with her own eyes.

She didn't know how to get along with the eunuch, so she called out hesitantly.

"Little Master."

Xiao Xixi turned to look at her, swallowed the pulp in her mouth and asked, "Are you hungry? Would you like to come over to eat something?"

Xing'er quickly shook her head: "No, I'm not hungry."

She paused for a while, and then reminded cautiously: "These things should be prepared for His Royal Highness, young master, if you just eat it like this, will His Highness blame you?"

"No, so many pears, he won't find one or two less."

While talking, Xiao Xixi ate pears with relish, and soon a pear was eaten by her until only the core was left.

She reached out and picked up another pear and continued to nibble.

The only sound in the bedroom could be heard when she was nibbling on pears.

Myolie was quite nervous at first, but seeing that Xiao Xi was so casual, she also relaxed a bit.

Crazy shouting for recommendation tickets ah ah ah! ! (Groundhog screams)

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