Myolie tried to ask: "Master's luggage is still outside, why don't I help you bring it to your room?"

Xiao Xixi replied casually, "Then I'll trouble you."

Xing’er asked again, “I don’t know which bedroom is the young master’s bedroom?”

"That's it."

Xing'er was very puzzled: "But isn't this the bedroom of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

This is the largest bedroom in the entire inn. Although it is a bit shabby, it has been completely refreshed after being groomed by the palace maids and eunuchs.

Xiao Xixi said while eating: "The prince lives here, and I live here too. I live with the prince."

Maybe it was because her answer was too natural, Xing'er didn't think there was anything wrong with it for a while, and answered honestly, "That's right."

Myolie turned around and walked out.

When she walked into the yard and picked up the burden, she realized later on, why did a little eunuch live in the same room with His Royal Highness the Prince? Is it for the convenience of taking care of His Royal Highness?

But there is only one bed in that bedroom, and that bed must belong to His Royal Highness, so here comes the problem—

Where does Xiao Xi sleep at night?

Are you going to lay the floor?

While thinking about it in her heart, Xing’er returned to the bedroom with her baggage.

Xiao Xixi has very few things, there are only two bags in total, one is a small blue-bottomed bag that she brought from her teacher's door, and the other is a black bag that the prince gave her.

Xing’er didn’t dare to tamper with the things inside. After getting Xiao Xi’s consent, she put both burdens into the cabinet.

Myolie asked tentatively, "Little Master, do you need me to help you prepare your bedding and pillows?"

Xiao Xixi said puzzledly: "What are you going to do with this?"

"You need these things for the floor at night."

"Laying the floor?" Xiao Xixi looked inexplicable, "Why should I lay the floor?"

Myolie was also full of question marks: "If you don't lay the floor, where will you sleep at night?"

Xiao Xixi pointed to the bed next to her: "Isn't there a bed there? I'll just sleep there."

Xing'er was startled: "It's the couch of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, how can you sleep there?"

"I've always slept there."

Xiao Xixi's reaction was so natural that Xing'er began to doubt herself. Could it be that she was making too much of a fuss? Has it become a routine operation for the little eunuch and His Royal Highness to fall asleep together?

Myolie felt that there seemed to be a problem with her cognition.

No, she has to take care of it.

Before she could figure it out, she found that Xiao Xi had eaten all the pears on the table.

Xing'er panicked: "Little Master, these are the fruits prepared for His Royal Highness, how did you eat them all?!"

Xiao Xixi blinked innocently.

"It's not my fault, it's all because these pears are too sweet. They seduced me first."

Xing'er: "..."

Young master, you look very much like a scumbag who eats and wipes clean and needs to be beaten.

Luo Qinghan walked in.

Xing'er hurriedly knelt down and bowed her head.

Seeing the pile of fruit pits on the table, Luo Qinghan paused for a moment, then as if he saw nothing, he went straight to Xiao Xixi and sat down.

Eunuch Chang followed and asked respectfully, "Does Your Highness want to bathe and change?"

Luo Qinghan hasn't taken a bath for a long time. He really wants to take a bath now, but when he thinks that there are still many people outside who can't even drink water, he can only force this thought. go down.

Beg for rain first, and when rain comes, he will take a bath!

"No need."

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