When Eunuch Chang saw that the pears on the table were finished, he thoughtfully cleaned up the pits, and even had someone bring some food over.

Myolie thought that Xiao Xi would definitely be punished if he ate all the food of His Royal Highness without authorization, but it turned out that it was not a punishment, and His Highness did not even ask a question.

It was as if these meals were originally prepared for Xiao Xi.

Myolie followed Eunuch Chang out of the room.

Eunuch Chang asked with a smile, "Your name is Xing'er, right?"

Xing'er hurriedly replied, "Yes."

"I already learned about you from Xiao Nan. Since Xiao Xi bought you, you will be Xiao Xi's slave in the future. Xiao Xi has a special status. If you serve by her side, you must not understand the rules."

"Father-in-law please give pointers."

Eunuch Chang called a palace maid, and he asked the palace maid to take Xing’er to familiarize himself with the environment and learn some rules by the way.

Myolie followed the palace maid away.

Nie Changping personally took people to the county dungeon, released all the children in the prison, and asked the parents to notify the parents to pick them up.

Parents gathered at the gate of the county government office, and when they saw their children, they were all moved to tears.

When they learned that it was His Royal Highness who had rescued their children, they all ran to the vicinity of the inn and bowed to the inn to thank him.

In the past, in their hearts, His Royal Highness was just a distant existence.

But now, His Royal Highness is their great benefactor, and they are grateful to him from the bottom of their hearts!

Luo Qinghan took the opportunity to announce another thing—

He is going to interrogate Yang Kaiguang and Jin Dianshi and other county officials tomorrow!

If the people in the city have any grievances, they can go to the county government to appeal. No matter whether there is a petition or not, as long as they can show evidence, the prince will avenge them!

The people in the city ran to tell each other and spread the matter to relatives and friends.

Originally, some people scoffed at this, thinking that officials protect each other, and it is impossible for His Royal Highness to send down the officials of the county government for these lowly commoners.

But after they learned that His Royal Highness had rescued the missing children, their rejection of the prince in their hearts softened a lot.

As soon as the prince arrived in Gangu County, he handled a major case for the people. Perhaps, he was true when he said that he wanted to avenge the people.

Many people lost sleep that night.

They are all thinking about what to say when they go to court tomorrow? How should I bow when facing His Royal Highness?

Early in the morning the next day, many people gathered at the gate of the county government office.

Some of them came to watch the fun, and some were really prepared to complain.

The gate of the county office slowly opened.

None of the people dared to step forward.

Everyone is still a little hesitant, and dare not be the first person to test the water.

Finally an old woman with gray hair came out.

With the help of her son, she walked slowly into the county office.

Luo Qinghan sat on the court, with the Prince Shaofu on the left and the Prince Shaobao on the right.

The old woman knelt down tremblingly.

"The civil woman Ye Liu, sued the county magistrate Yang for killing four members of my grandson's family!"

Luo Qinghan asked her to tell the whole story in detail.

Two years ago, a scholar wanted to go to Beijing to sue the imperial court because he refused to accept the judgment of the Yang county magistrate. As a result, his family of four was burned to death at home before he left.

The gray-haired old woman in the hall was the grandmother of the scholar.

She fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face.

"For the past two years, the women have dreamed almost every night that their daughters and grandsons were crying for help in the sea of ​​​​fire. They died unjustly. I begged His Royal Highness to give them justice!"

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