The four family members of the scholar were burned to death. Many people in the city knew about the fact that several families who lived near the scholar all came out to testify at this time.

They all said that on the night of the fire, they saw some yamen sneakily approaching the scholar's house.

The yamen is still working in the county government office.

Luo Qinghan ordered someone to bring the yamen to court.

Seeing the magistrate, the yamen had already been sacked, how could he be able to stand it for this little guy? You don't need to be punished, just recruit everything you know.

He admitted that he set fire to the scholar's family of four.

"His Royal Highness, it was the magistrate Yang who forced me to do this. I'm just a little yamen, and he forced me to set fire to kill people. He said that only by letting that book live and die can there be no future troubles. I really do Those who are persecuted, I actually don’t want to kill people, I beg His Royal Highness to spare my life!”

Luo Qinghan ignored his plea and said indifferently, "Take him down and kill him with a stick."

Immediately, a guard stepped forward, covered the mouth of the yamen, and roughly dragged him down.

The people who had been watching the excitement at the gate of the county government office saw a government servant being dragged out, and then the servant was pinned to the ground, and the stick fell on him.

It was the Yulin Army guard who started the attack. He was merciless, but after a dozen hits, the yamen was completely dead.

The people were all dumbfounded.

This is the first case, and a yamen was beaten to death. The Crown Prince is too aggressive, right? !

Thinking about the usual appearance of these yamen servants in front of the common people, and looking at the miserable appearance of the ya servants who are now dead in a pool of blood, the people finally completely believed what the prince said.

His Royal Highness is really going to avenge the people!

Those who were still on the sidelines no longer hesitated. When the scholar's case was concluded, a man rushed in impatiently.

"Caomin also wants to sue the county magistrate Yang. He colluded with the squires and forcibly occupied 100 mu of my family's land, forcing my family to become a tenant slave from a good citizen!"


More and more people came to complain, and the Prince Shaofu and Prince Shaobao, who were in charge of recording, were sore their wrists.

They never imagined that a small county magistrate could commit so many crimes.

As big as murder and arson, as small as strong buying and strong selling.

This magistrate Yang really dares to do anything bad!

It took them three full days to hear all the cases.

For several crimes, Yang Kaiguang was directly sentenced to death.

The county magistrate, the master bookkeeper, and the history of the golden scriptures did not run away either. Their crimes were no less than that of Yang Kaiguang, and naturally they were all executed.

As for those catching and yamen who work for the tiger, they have also received their due punishment.

Layman Qianshan was tattooed for the crime of cheating, and he became a slave.

And the local squires and tyrants were also caught.

In the past, relying on the wealth and power of their families, they colluded with officials and ran rampant in the countryside. Now that the incident happened, His Royal Highness the Prince wanted to liquidate these people.

Those who should be killed, those who should be beaten, those who should be exiled, those who should be raided, none of these people can escape.

Before the execution, Yang Kaiguang, the county magistrate, the master bookkeeper, and the history of the golden text were put on shackles, locked in a prison car, and paraded in the city to show the public.

This day is probably the happiest day for the people of Gangu County in recent years.

They all rushed out of the house beaming like a Chinese New Year, and gathered on both sides of the street.

When the prison car passed in front of them, some of them spit at the prison car, and some threw stones directly, and all kinds of abuses hit the sky.

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