Yang Kaiguang shrunk into a ball in the prison car, and the body that was originally fat has lost a lot of weight.

At this moment, he really regretted it.

He Han Chuang studied hard for more than 40 years and worked hard to be admitted to Juren at the age of 50.

He is already old, and he doesn't know how many years he will live. It is impossible for him to climb up, so his original plan is to be a small county magistrate in peace, even if he can't be famous, at least he can be worthy Heaven and earth conscience.

But he didn't know what was going on, and he came to where he is today step by step.

Now he has lost his reputation, lost his official position, and will soon lose his life.


After Yang Kaiguang was beheaded and displayed to the public, the people cheered, and some people even set off guns on the street to celebrate.

There was a crackling sound, which was really more lively than the New Year.

Since all the officials in the local county government office were all killed, in order to maintain the normal operation of the county government office, Prince Shaofu and Prince Shaobao had to temporarily go up.

Luo Qinghan wrote to the prince and the master, asking him to go to the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Personnel, and send a few reliable officials to Gangu County to take over as soon as possible.

After the palace was built, it had been empty. Luo Qinghan felt that it was a waste to leave the place empty, so he let people open the city gate, put the disaster victims outside the city in, and let them live in the palace.

The palace became a temporary refugee settlement.

There is a porridge shed outside the palace, and rice porridge is distributed regularly every day.

There is a mountain of grain in the county government warehouse. These grains are all deducted from the tax by Yang Kaiguang. He guards so much grain, so he doesn't have to worry about starvation at all. what a feeling.

So much food is enough for the people in the city to eat for more than a month.

After the victims were settled, the prince began to prepare for the rain.

Xiao Xixi gently knocked the boiled egg, and said while peeling off the egg shell.

"You asked me what I need to prepare for the rain-seeking ceremony? In fact, it's just a few things, chicken, duck, fish, melon and fruit snacks, incense candles and paper money."

Luo Qinghan frowned: "Is it enough to only need this little thing?"

Xiao Xixi took a bite of the egg and said vaguely: "The rain-seeking ceremony mainly depends on the mind. As long as the mind is there, everything else can be said."

Luo Qinghan was dubious: "If it's as simple as you said, wouldn't everyone be able to ask for rain?"

"Of course it won't do. You are different from ordinary people. You are the future emperor. What is the emperor? It is the son of God, and his own son has come to the door with gifts. Can the father not agree?"

"...Why do you always have so many fallacies?"

"You don't care if it's crooked or not, as long as things can be done."

Luo Qinghan stared at her for a moment, then said solemnly.

"Gu is desperate to believe you this time. If you don't ask for rain, both you and Gu will have bad luck."

Xiao Xixi swallowed the egg in his mouth and comforted: "Don't worry, if you really can't get along, I can go back to Xuanmen to eat the old man. Then I will bring you back and let's eat the old man together."

Luo Qinghan: "..."

Not only do you have to eat old age yourself, you also have to take your man to eat old age together.

You are so promising, does your master know?

Xiao Xixi: "By the way, you have to recite a paragraph of sacrifice at that time."

She found a pen and paper and wrote an offering full of paper.

Luo Qinghan took a look at the sacrificial text and found that what she wrote was all in vernacular, and the content was very simple, that is, to express the serious consequences of the drought, and finally beg God to save the poor child from the rain!

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