The scene was silent.

His Royal Highness the Prince walked slowly into the Dragon Temple, lit incense sticks, and after three worships, inserted it into the incense burner.

In addition to the incense burner on the incense case, there are also offerings such as chicken, duck, fish, melon and fruit snacks, incense candles, paper money and other offerings.

On the wall behind the incense table, there is a lifelike portrait of the Dragon God.

He began to recite the sacrificial text to the Dragon God, and his clear voice came out of the Dragon Temple and floated into the ears of the people.

"The ancient teachings refer to the above, respect the gods and ghosts, act righteously and righteously, and the gods pray."

"The people are prosperous, righteousness does not do harm, and the sins of heaven fall upon them, and my heart is terrified."


The sky slowly gathers dark clouds.

The clouds are getting thicker and the air is getting sultry.

When the prince finished reciting the last sacrifice, the first drop of rain fell.

Immediately after that, countless drops of rainwater crashed down.

The dry dust was covered by the rain, the withered branches swayed in the wind and rain, and the lake was smashed by the rain.

The heavy rain came so suddenly, all the people were stunned.

Prince Shaofu reacted the fastest, knelt down with a plop, and shouted.

"His Royal Highness begging for rain succeeded!"

Prince Shaobao, Zhao Xian and other Yulin army also knelt down.

They shouted in unison with the people.

"His Royal Highness, Chitose!!"

Luo Qinghan walked out of the Dragon Temple, and the moist breath brought by the rain rushed to his face.

He stood on the steps and looked at the people in front of him who were over a thousand years old. There was an emotion surging in his chest.

These are his subjects.

This is his country.


The rain-seeking ceremony ended successfully.

Luo Qinghan returned to the inn under the escort of the Yulin Army.

The maids and eunuchs waiting in the inn all looked at him with admiration.

Everyone knelt down and nodded in unison.

"Congratulations, His Royal Highness!"

Luo Qinghan walked into the bedroom without looking sideways.

At this time, it was pouring rain outside, and everyone was revelling for this long-lost rain.

But Xiao Xixi seemed to have never heard of all this.

She is now huddled under the covers and sleeping soundly.

Sleeping position is still as bad as ever.

When Xing’er saw that the Crown Prince had come down, she wanted to go up to wake Xiao Xi, but was rejected by the Prince’s wave.

All the people serving in the house quietly retreated.

Luo Qinghan walked to the bed.

He bent down, stretched out his arms, and hugged a woman who was still sleeping with the quilt in his arms.

This time it was very tight.

Xiao Xixi was awakened.

She raised her head from the bed and said blankly, "You're back."

Luo Qinghan lowered his head against her ear and whispered.

"Thank you."

Xiao Xixi rolled her eyes.

After a while, she was completely awake from her half-awake state.

She is now wrapped in a quilt and can't move her hands and feet, so she can only be held by the prince.

Hearing the sound of rain outside the window, Xiao Xixi laughed, with a proud tone: "Your Highness really succeeded."

Luo Qinghan didn't speak.

Just now, when he accepted Wanmin's kneeling worship, he felt a surge of emotions for the first time.

It was as if the blood all over his body had been ignited, scorching hot.

Being born in the royal family was not what he wanted.

Becoming a prince was not what he wanted.

He has always lived under the control of others and never had an idea of ​​his own.

This time begging for rain was the first time he insisted on his own opinion.

Before departure, everyone thought he was making a fool of himself, and many people hid in the dark and waited to see his jokes, but no one believed him.

Sometimes he even wondered if he could do it.


He didn't give up.

And all of this is because of her support.

he said again.



I'm actually six!

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