Not only Gangu County, but the entire Jingshou County had a heavy rain today.

The people rushed into the heavy rain, cheering and weeping with joy.

This heavy rain was like a key, which opened the floodgates and caused heavy rain to fall in the four southern counties one after another.

The drought in the south ended completely in this heavy rain.

Seeking rain, the prince's mission on his trip was successfully completed, and the palace maids and eunuchs began to pack their bags and prepare to leave for Beijing.

Today Luo Qinghan and Xiao Xixi had just finished their breakfast when they heard a noise outside.

Zhao Xian walked in quickly and bowed respectfully.

"His Royal Highness, there are many people outside. They heard that you are leaving, and they sent some earthen ceremonies to express their gratitude."

Luo Qinghan wanted to say no, but saw Xiao Xixi looking at him expectantly.

He frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

Xiao Xixi: "The slaves want to go out and see what soil rituals they gave?"

"It's just some ordinary stuff, what's so good about it?"

Xiao Xixi pulled his sleeve and begged, "But people are really curious~"

Luo Qinghan used to sternly tell her not to be coquettish, but now he simply doesn't say such things, anyway, he knows that even if he says it, she won't listen.

He said blankly, "Go and have a look and go back, don't go far."


Xiao Xixi got up quickly and ran out with Xing'er.

Luo Qinghan found a seat by the window and read quietly by the sunlight.

It rained all day yesterday, today the sky is blue as a wash, the air still has a moist breath, and occasionally a few wisps of breeze blow, which is very pleasant.

Xiao Xixi jumped out of the station.

There were many people gathered at the entrance of the inn, all of them local villagers in Gangu County.

They were either carrying baskets or carrying poles, all of them in large and small bags, obviously bringing a lot of things.

Xiao Xixi ran to them and said.

"I'm the one serving the prince. It's inconvenient for His Royal Highness to show up. Let me meet you on your behalf."

These people have never seen anything in the world. They looked at the little man in front of him, who was very handsome with red lips and white teeth, and they bowed their hands to her.

"Xiao Langjun, we are grateful for the kindness of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and we can't repay it. We specially sent these earthen ceremonies. I hope you can accept it with a smile."

"This is the egg laid by our hen. We keep it all the time. We originally planned to sell it for money, but now we give it to His Royal Highness."

"This is a pickle made by my family. It tastes good. You can take it with you on the road."

"It rained yesterday, and a lot of mushrooms grew in the mountains. I went into the mountains before dawn to pick a lot of mushrooms, as well as these chestnuts and bamboo shoots. They are not valuable things, but they are fresh and clean."

"And the goose I raised myself, it's so fat that I've never been willing to eat it. You can stew it and give it to His Royal Highness to replenish his body."

"And the pigs I raised were originally intended to be slaughtered and then sent to the prince, but I was afraid that the meat would not be preserved after slaughtering, so I sent the whole pig to you."


Xiao Xixi's eyes swept over these delicious food, feeling that her two eyes were not enough.

Her eyes were finally locked on the big fat pig, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Uncle, this pig in your family is really beautiful."

The uncle laughed: "Xiao Langjun really knows how to joke."

Xiao Xixi asked, "Are you female or male?"

"It's a boar, of course, and the female pork is not as tasty as the boar's."

Xiao Xixi was a little disappointed: "I still want to get a sow to give birth."

The uncle is very heroic: "It's okay, I'm a butcher, specializing in the business of slaughtering pigs. I have several sows at home. If you want, I will send it to you immediately."

Xiao Xixi nodded excitedly: "Mmmm, thank you uncle!"

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