The uncle the butcher did what he said, and immediately ran home and drove another big fat pig over.

This time he brought a sow.

Xiao Xixi looked at these two big fat pigs, and couldn't help thinking of braised pork, double-cooked pork noodles, steamed pork, and plum vegetables...

Oops, I can't think about it, I'm drooling just thinking about it.

She looked away from the two big fat pigs with difficulty and looked at the two big white geese next to her.

The stewed goose in the iron pot is also delicious!

Xiao Xixi did not refuse anyone who came, and accepted all the soil rituals that were sent.

These people were still a little uneasy at first, afraid that His Royal Highness would not look down on these rural goods, but now they are all overjoyed when they see that the other party has accepted them all.

When they go back, they will show it off to their relatives and friends.

His Royal Highness actually accepted their gift.

This cowhide is enough for them to blow for a lifetime!

Xiao Xixi took out her purse and prepared to give money.

As soon as the silver was taken out, these people hurriedly retreated and ran away in a hurry, for fear that Xiao Xixi would force the silver to them.

Xiao Xixi didn't force it.

She collected the money and waved to Xinger.

"Come here, bring these things back."

She pointed to the two big fat pigs and the two big white geese again, and said, "You have to take care of these little guys for me, and I will take them back to Shengjing."

Myolie nodded and said yes.

She was used to farm work, and was very familiar with these rural goods, and she moved all these things into the house with ease.

She drove the two big fat pigs and two big white geese to the barn to lock them up, and then went to the kitchen to get some food and water to feed these animals.

Luo Qinghan was sitting by the window just now. Although he couldn't see the scene from the front door, he could hear the sound coming from the front door.

He knew that the people brought a lot of country goods, including two pigs and two geese.

He thought that Xiao Xixi would immediately have the pigs and geese slaughtered and eaten.

But Xiao Xixi said to take them back to Shengjing!

Bring those animals back to Shengjing! !

Luo Qinghan can no longer read books.

He looked at Xiao Xixi who came in, and said word by word, "You are not allowed to bring those animals back to Shengjing."

Xiao Xixi asked inexplicably, "Why?"

"Gutangtang, a prince, brought two pigs and two geese with him when he returned to Beijing, what did he say?!"

"We can find a cage to put them in and cover them with cloth, so no one will know that you have brought pigs and geese."

Luo Qing smiled coldly: "You are really a clever little ghost."

Xiao Xixi was shy: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your praise."

"...I'm not complimenting you."

"It's alright, I'll take it as you are complimenting me."

Luo Qinghan took a deep breath and tried to tell himself to be calm, restrained, and never get angry.

Xiao Xixi moved to his side and laughed.

"The villagers were complimenting me just now. They said that His Royal Highness was wise and martial. You not only avenged them, but also begged rain for them and saved thousands of people. You are really the best prince in the world. ."

Luo Qing stared at her coldly: "Don't think that flattery can make Gu change his mind."

"The villagers are really very grateful to you. They specially sent those earthen ceremonies, not to picture you, but to tell you that they are very grateful to you, and what you have done for them will always be remembered in their hearts."

Luo Qinghan turned his face away and ignored her.

Xiao Xixi sat down next to him and said happily.

"I'm really lucky."

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