At this time, the expressions of the people present were different.

Among the six departments, the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Household are the two most abundant places.

In particular, the Ministry of Personnel, which is in charge of the appointment and removal, examinations, promotions, honors, and transfers of officials in the world, is not only rich and powerful, but also extremely powerful.

But the emperor skipped the most powerful official department and handed an irrelevant punishment department to the crown prince.

Does this mean that the emperor does not want to delegate power to the prince?

There were a lot of speculations in the hearts of the officials, but they didn't show the slightest, and Qi Qi bowed to the prince to congratulate him.

"Congratulations, His Royal Highness!"

No matter what the officials thought, in short, the princes were really envious.

Although the Ministry of Punishment is not as rich as the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Household, it is also a department with real power. Now that the prince has an errand, it means that he has the power to intervene in political affairs. Base.

And the other princes are still in a state of doing nothing, even the oldest Luo Yechen has not yet obtained the qualifications to enter the dynasty.

How could the princes not be jealous?

The eldest prince, Luo Yechen, kept staring at the crown prince. In addition to jealousy, there was a little fear in his eyes that was difficult for others to detect.

The second prince, Luo Yunxuan, always maintained a gentle smile on his face, and seemed to be very pleased that the prince was able to successfully complete the task of begging for rain.

As for what he was really thinking, no one could know.

The fourth prince, Luo Xinran, had a gloomy face, secretly scolding God for not opening his eyes, but he really made the prince beg for rain.

The other princes were also sour.

How could such a good thing not fall on them? !

After the meeting, everyone left the council hall in groups of three or five.

When Luo Qinghan passed by Luo Yechen, he gave him a special glance.

Those sharp eyes seemed to pierce through his soul in an instant and see through all his thoughts.

As if silently telling him—

You know all the things you did.

Luo Yechen only felt cold all over, his hands and feet were shaking uncontrollably, and he almost fell.

Luo Qinghan withdrew his gaze, and led the three princes, Taifu, Taibao, and the young master of the prince, out of the council hall.

Not long after they walked out, a voice came from behind them.

"His Royal Highness, stay!"

Luo Qinghan stopped and looked back, and found that the person who came was Dong Mingchun, the minister of punishment.

Dong Mingchun stepped forward to greet him with a kind smile.

The emperor has handed over the punishment department to the prince, which means that the entire punishment department has been divided into the prince's faction.

Dong Mingchun has always been a discerning man, so he came to surrender to the prince.

This is not the place to talk, Luo Qinghan took him and several other confidants back to Mingguang Palace.

The fifth prince, Luo Yanzhi, looked at the backs of the prince and Dong Mingchun, and his heart was sour.

Luo Yanzhi is only seventeen years old this year, and he is not very young. Because of his twin peach eyes, he looks extraordinarily handsome.

He was born of Concubine Xian.

Although Concubine Xian was not of high background, she was one of the emperor's favorite concubines. In addition, Luo Yanzhi's mouth was sweet, so she could make things happen, and even the emperor liked him very much.

Luo Yanzhi was playing with a piece of warm jade in his hand and asked half-jokingly.

"What kind of luck is this third brother? Not only can he be canonized as a prince, but he can also beg for rain. Did he quietly find a master to cast a spell on himself?"

The second prince, Luo Yunxuan, smiled gently: "Fifth brother, you really know how to joke, how can there be any masters in this world? They are all just liars."

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