Luo Yanzhi rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something, and jokingly said, "Didn't second brother always want to take over the personnel department? When the prince asked his father for the personnel department just now, second brother, were you nervous?"

"The prince has both talent and virtue. Whether he takes over the Ministry of Personnel or the Ministry of Punishment, he will definitely manage it well."

This is a high-sounding statement, and Luo Yanzhi doesn't believe a word.

The second brother was too slick, and it was the most boring to talk to him. Luo Yanzhi changed his mind and decided to tease the elder brother.

Among all the brothers, the eldest brother Luo Yechen couldn't hide his thoughts the most, and all his thoughts were written on his face.

Every time he just provokes him a few words, he can jump with anger, which is really funny.

Luo Yanzhi found Luo Yechen at the back of the crowd, but saw Luo Yechen's soulless look.

Luo Yanzhi called him.

"Big brother?"

Luo Yechen ignored it.

Luo Yanzhi patted him hard on the shoulder, which made him jolted and suddenly came back to his senses.

"What are you doing?!"

He didn't expect his reaction to be so big, and Luo Yanzhi was also taken aback.

"Brother, I called you just now and you didn't respond. I thought you didn't hear it, so I patted you. What's the matter with you? Why do you look like someone has taken your soul away?"

"I'm fine."

Luo Yechen dropped these words and walked away quickly with his head down.

Luo Yanzhi stared at the back of his leaving, thoughtfully: "Why is Big Brother so weird today? Did he do something wrong?"

Luo Yunxuan said meaningfully: "Who knows."


As soon as Luo Yechen left the council hall, he got into his carriage and asked the driver to take him out of the palace quickly.

As the princes grew older, two princes have gone out to establish the mansion now, the first prince and the second prince, and the other princes still live in Tairen Palace.

Luo Yechen hurriedly returned to the First Prince's Mansion, and called the two staff members who were usually most useful.

The three were talking in the study.

Luo Yechen was restless and asked anxiously, "Has the dead soldier we sent out still not returned?"

A staff member shook his head: "Not yet."

Another aide said: "We have sent all the people who can be sent, and we have not been able to find their whereabouts. There are only two possibilities for this to happen, either they are dead or they are caught. ."

Luo Yechen gritted his teeth: "I'd rather they all died, so I don't have to worry about it anymore."

"The eldest prince can see His Royal Highness today? Didn't he say anything to you?"

"He didn't say anything, but he gave me a look."

Luo Yechen remembered the prince's glance at him, and still feels lingering fears.

He couldn't help taking a gulp of tea, suppressed the fear in his heart, and said with difficulty, "I think he should know everything."

As soon as these words came out, the two aides felt terrified.

The three did not speak.

There was a dead silence in the study.

If the four dead men were really caught by the prince, it meant that the prince had taken hold of the eldest prince.

As long as the crown prince stabs this matter out, the eldest prince will definitely be finished.

The attempted assassination of the prince was a serious crime, and even if he did not die, he would have to be imprisoned for decades.

At that time, not only Luo Yechen's emperor's dream will be shattered, but also these aides and disciples he has raised will be implicated.

After a long time, an aide said with a trembling voice: "Now the initiative is completely in the hands of the prince. If the first prince does not want to wait for the liquidation, why not take the initiative to surrender to the prince? After all, you are brothers. In terms of brotherhood, the prince may be able to let you go. Even if the prince refuses to let go, the emperor and the queen mother should treat you leniently for the sake of your good attitude of admitting your mistake."

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