Another aide echoed: "I also think this idea is feasible."

Luo Yechen opened his eyes angrily and couldn't believe it: "I'm his eldest brother, why should I bow my head to that kid?!"

The aide said cautiously, "Just because they may have your handle in their hands."

These words hit Luo Yechen's sore spot exactly, and he was so angry that he grabbed the teacup and threw it at him!

"You all get out of here!"

The aides were frightened and fled.

Luo Yechen was full of resentment and had nowhere to vent, and smashed everything in the study in one breath.

He swears!

Even if he died, even if he jumped from here, it was absolutely impossible for him to bow his head and admit his mistake!


Zhao Xian led the carriage and horses towards the East Palace.

Xiao Xixi took out the water-green ruffle skirt prepared in advance, hid in the carriage and put it on, and then took out a mercury mirror from the dark compartment.

The surface of this mercury mirror is smooth and flat, and it can illuminate people in every detail, which is comparable to a glass mirror in modern society.

Xiao Xixi casually combed her hair into a simple bun in front of the mirror and put on hairpin jewelry.

Don't worry about putting on makeup, anyway, I'm going back to the Palace of Songs of Qing Dynasty. Who should I wear makeup for? I have to remove my makeup when I go back, which is very troublesome.

Xiao Xixi hid in the carriage and changed into women's clothes.

As soon as the carriage stopped at Qingge Hall, she jumped out of the carriage and ran to the carriage at the back impatiently, urging excitedly.

"Quick, quick, move my babies in."

With an indescribable feeling, Zhao Xian instructed the Yulin Army to move the cages out of the car one by one.

There are three cages in total, containing two large white pigs and two large white geese.

After a long bumpy ride, they were all unhappy at this time, and they looked very lackluster.

Myolie jumped out of another carriage with two burdens in her arms.

Before entering the palace, she already knew Xiao Liangdi's true identity from Eunuch Chang.

When she first heard the news, Xing'er was stunned.

She thought she was going to serve a little eunuch, but she didn't expect it to be Prince Liang Di.

No wonder Xiao Xi was born so good-looking, it turned out to be a woman disguised as a man.

It's no wonder that the prince spoiled Xiao Xi so much, it turned out that they were a couple.

All the confusions of the past have been explained.

After being surprised, Myolie quickly accepted the reality that her master changed from male to female.

No matter if it is Prince Liangdi, or something else, she is her master on the left and right, she just needs to obey her orders honestly.

When she saw Xiao Liangdi wearing women's clothes back, she paused in her footsteps. Forgive her limited knowledge. Even if Xiao Liangdi didn't wear Fendai now, she still looked very good in her eyes.

She didn't know how to describe it, but she was prettier than all the women she had ever seen before!

At this time, the little eunuch Qing Song came out to greet him.

When he saw Xiao Liangdi, his eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward to kowtow.

"The slaves meet Xiao Liangdi!"

Xiao Xixi asked him to get up and talk.

Qingsong happily said: "I heard a movement outside just now, and the servant felt as if he heard your voice, so he came out to have a look. Sure enough, you are back. You are not in the palace these days. We miss you!"

Xiao Xixi has no air, and is very tolerant towards the people under her hands, so the palace maids and eunuchs in Qingge Hall are more relaxed in front of her.

Knowing that Xiao Liangdi was back, Baoqin led a group of palace maids and eunuchs to greet her quickly.

Baoqin's eyes were red with joy.

"Little Master, you are back. The slaves have been worrying about you these days, for fear that you will not be able to eat or sleep well outside."

The first prince, who is about to be really fragrant, is on his knees and begging for votes!

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