Baoqin asked with concern: "When you returned to the General's Mansion this time, how was the situation in the mansion? The servants didn't neglect you, did they?"

"No, everything is fine with me, but the cooking skills in the General's Mansion are not as good as yours. I'm not used to eating."

Baoqin was heartbroken when she heard this.

"It's no wonder that the servants looked at how thin you are, and your face is not as round as before. It turned out that it was because you didn't eat well outside. What do you want to eat? The servants will make it for you."

Xiao Xixi's eyes lit up, she immediately sat up, and started counting with the little fat fingers.

"I want to eat chicken braised with spring onion, duck braised with ginger, boiled fish, shrimp braised in oil, braised pork... I'll leave it with braised pork. We don't have pork here. Those two pigs can't be killed yet, so I have to keep them. Little piglet, after we have little piglet, we can eat roast suckling pig."

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but snorted.

I can't wait to eat pork!

Baoqin hesitated again and again, but still persuaded: "You can raise chickens, ducks, and geese. It's really hard to raise those two pigs, and the pig manure smells great. If the Crown Prince smells it when he comes here, I'm afraid it will I blame you, maybe I won't come back to our Qingge Hall in the future."

Xiao Xixi disagreed, and Da Lala said: "It's okay, you just need to have the pigsty cleaned twice a day. The pigsty is a certain distance away from this house, even if it smells a little bit, it won't spread to this house. There is no need to worry about the prince, I have told him about it, and he agreed with me to raise pigs."

Baoqin was really surprised this time: "His Royal Highness actually agreed?"


Baoqin couldn't believe it: "Isn't His Highness the most clean? How could he allow you to raise pigs in the palace?"

"Probably he also likes pork. After all, pork is so fragrant, who doesn't like it?"

Baoqin's mood is extremely complicated.

She is not stupid. Since the prince can agree to Xiao Liangdi raising pigs in the palace, it is enough to show how indulgent the prince is to Xiao Liangdi.

But when she thinks that His Royal Highness, who is so beautiful and beautiful, agrees with his concubines to raise pigs in her backyard, she always feels strange in her heart.

Forget it, forget about it.

Now that the prince has agreed, what else does she have to say about this little palace maid? Just do it.

However, she had never cooked the roast suckling pig, so she had to do research.

Baoqin turned around and went to the small kitchen to prepare today's lunch.

Qingsong walked in quickly, respectfully.

"Little Master, the person from the other side of Mingguang Palace sent a message just now, saying that His Royal Highness the Prince was busy today, so he won't be here at night."

Xiao Xixi responded lazily, saying that she knew.

Qingsong was afraid that she would think too much, so he comforted in a low voice: "His Royal Highness has been away from the palace for more than three months, and now he has finally come back, there are a lot of things waiting for your highness to deal with, and it is normal to come to your place after a while. , When Your Highness is done, I will naturally be able to think of you."

Xiao Xixi really didn't think much about it.

It's just right that the prince doesn't come, she will eat all the dishes tonight, she can sleep in a big bed by herself, and she doesn't need to wait for someone to change and wash, so she just ends up at ease.

Of course this cannot be said.

She responded casually: "Well, you're right."

Qingsong said something about what happened recently in the East Palace.

"During your absence, Chen Liangyuan, Zhao Meiren, Yao Zhaoxun, and several other Fengyi sent people over to ask you when you would return to the palace, but Sister Baoqin blocked them all."

"Concubine Li has returned from Ziyun Nunnery. She often runs to Jiaofang Palace recently. It seems that she wants to use the empress to stabilize her position in the East Palace."

"Concubine Bai is still the same. She has been staying in the Jade Lotus Palace to recuperate and rarely goes out."

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